; 6 -32 8 -32 pumped too much noise, picked up student answer too ; 3 -30 4 -30 pumped too much noise too (setf m (compress-map 2 -12 2 -24 :limit t :transition 2)) (s-save (scale 0.005 m) ny:all "map.wav") (defun t1 () (print (s-save (clip (let (y) (setf y (compress (s-read "c:\\rbd\\garlan.aif") m 0.1 0.1)) (setf y (agc y 6.0 2.0 2.0)) y) 1.0) ny:all "compress.wav" :bits 8))) (defun t2 () (print (s-save (clip (let (y) (setf y (compress (s-read "denoise.wav") m 0.1 0.1)) (setf y (agc y 6.0 2.0 2.0)) y) 1.0) ny:all "compden8.wav" :bits 8))) ;(print (play (clip (scale 1.0 (compress (s-read "c:\\rbd\\garlan.aif") m 0.1 0.1)) 1.0))) ;(print (play (clip (agc (s-read "c:\\rbd\\garlan.aif") 6.0 2.0 2.0) 1.0))) ;(setf sil (s-read "..\\..\\garlan.aif" :time-offset 7.655 :dur 1.165)) ;(setf soft (s-read "..\\..\\garlan.aif" :time-offset 15.64 :dur .11)) ; (play (compress sil m 0.1 0.1)) ; (s-save (snd-oneshot (s-read ".\\orig.wav") 0.990 0.1) ny:all "oneshot.wav") (defun square (x) (* x x)) ;; region for low-pass will be *soften-width* wide, with ;; *soften-crossfade* seconds of cross-fade (setf *soften-width* 0.02) (setf *soften-crossfade* 0.002) (defun soften-clipping (snd) (let (clip-region) (setf clip-region (snd-oneshot (prod snd snd) (square (/ 126.0 127.0)) *soften-width*)) (setf clip-region (snd-chase clip-region *soften-crossfade* *soften-crossfade*)) (setf snd (seq (s-rest 0.01) (cue (scale 0.99 snd)))) ; (vector (prod snd clip-region) snd) (prod snd clip-region) )) (sound-off) (defun tes () (let (snd) (setf snd (s-read "..\\..\\intro.aif")) (play (soften-clipping snd)))) (tes)