;nyquist plug-in ;version 3 ;type generate ;categories "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#GeneratorPlugin" ;name "Pluck..." ;action "Generating pluck sound..." ;info "modified by David R. Sky\nReleased under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 \nMIDI values for C notes: 36, 48, 60 [middle C], 72, 84, 96." ;control p "Pluck MIDI pitch" int "" 60 1 127 ;control fade "Fade-out type" choice "abrupt,gradual" 0 ;control dur "Duration [seconds]" real "" 1 0.1 30 ; original pluck.ny modified by David R.Sky October 2007 ; [vastly simplified later] ; to give user option to use [default] abrupt or gradual fade-out, ; and ability to make pluck sound up to 30 seconds in duration. ; Modified January 2007 to use 'snd-pluck' by edgar-rft@web.de ; instead of the Nyquist 'pluck' function, and normalise to 0.8 ; maximum amplitude. As defined in Audacity, 'pluck' has ; incorrect length duration and clipping at the start which gives ; rise to DC offset. Using 'snd-pluck' avoids the clipping and ; offset so we don't need the highpass8 filter that we used before. ; set final-amp for abrupt or gradual fade (setf final-amp (if (= fade 1) 0.001 0.000001)) (let* ((pluck-sound (snd-pluck *sound-srate* (step-to-hz p) 0 dur final-amp)) (max-peak (peak pluck-sound ny:all))) (scale (/ 0.8 max-peak) pluck-sound)) ;arch-tag: bebc6cb8-3bb0-42d5-a467-df6bd1a7f1e4