;nyquist plug-in ;version 3 ;type analyze ;name "Sample Data Export..." ;action "Analyzing..." ;categories "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#AnalyserPlugin" ;info "by Steve Daulton. Released under GPL v2." ;; sample-data-export.ny by Steve Daulton June 2012. ;; Updated July 16 2012. ;; Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2: ;; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ;; ;; For information about writing and modifying Nyquist plug-ins: ;; http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Nyquist_Plug-ins_Reference ;control number "Limit output to first" string "samples" "100" ;control units "Measurement scale" choice "dB,Linear" 0 ;control fileformat "File data format" choice "Sample List (txt),Indexed List (txt),Time Indexed (txt),Data (csv),Web Page (html)" 0 ;control header "Include header information" choice "None,Minimal,Standard,All" 2 ;control optext "Optional header text" string "" ;control chan "Channel layout for stereo" choice "L-R on Same Line,Alternate Lines,L Channel First" 0 ;control messages "Show messages" choice "Yes,Errors Only,None" 0 ;control filename "File name" string "" "sample-data" ;control path "Output folder" string "" "Home directory" ;control owrite "Allow files to be overwritten" choice "No,Yes" 0 ;; To enable L/R prefix before alternate L/R channels ;; (text output with header only) ;; remove the semicolon from the start of the next line: ;(setq LR-prefix '("L: " "R: ")) (when (not (boundp 'LR-prefix))(setq LR-prefix nil)) (setq default-filename "sample-data") ; default filename (setq err "") ; initialise error mesaage (setq *float-format* "%1.5f") ; 5 decimal places (when (equal (string-trim " .,\/" number) "") (setq number "100")) ; default=100 (defun add-error (e-string) (setq err (strcat err e-string "\n"))) ;;; stereo peak (defun stereomax (snd) (if (arrayp s) (max (peak (aref s 0) number)(peak (aref s 1) number)) (peak s number))) ;;; stereo rms (defun srms (snd) (if (arrayp snd) (let* ((sql (mult (aref s 0)(aref s 0))) (sqr (mult (aref s 1)(aref s 1))) (avgsq (mult 0.5 (sum sql sqr))) (avgsq (snd-avg avgsq number number op-average))) (lin-to-db (peak (snd-sqrt avgsq) 1))) (let* ((sndsq (mult snd snd)) (avgsq (snd-avg sndsq number number op-average))) (lin-to-db (peak (snd-sqrt avgsq) 1))))) ;;; dc off-set mono (defun dc-off-mon (sig len) (let* ((total 0) (sig (snd-copy sig))) (dotimes (num (truncate len)) (setq total (+ total (snd-fetch sig)))) (/ total (float len)))) ;;; compute dc offsets (mono/stereo) (defun dc-off (sig) (if (arrayp sig) (let ((lin0 (dc-off-mon (aref sig 0) number)) (lin1 (dc-off-mon (aref sig 1) number))) (list lin0 (lin-to-db (abs lin0)) lin1 (lin-to-db (abs lin1)))) (let ((lin (dc-off-mon sig number))) (list lin (lin-to-db (abs lin)))))) (defun checknumber () (setq number (min number len)) (if (< number 1) (add-error "No samples selected.")) (if (> number 1000000) (add-error "Too many samples selected.\nSet limit to less than 1 million")) (setq number (truncate number))) ;;; home directory (defun home () (if (windowsp) (get-env "UserProfile") ; Windows (get-env "HOME"))) ; Mac / Linux ;;; Check if Windows (defun windowsp () (char= #\\ *file-separator*)) ;;; Windows safe linear-to-db (setf ln10over20 (/ (log 10.0) 20)) (defun lin-to-db (val) (if (= val 0) "[-inf]" (/ (log val) ln10over20))) ;;; Check if Mac (defun macp () (string-equal (subseq (get-env "HOME") 0 6) "/Users")) ;;; check if file exists (defun filep (fname ext &optional (fnum "")) (let ((fname (format nil "~a~a~a" fname fnum ext))) (if (open fname) T nil))) (defun makefilename (fname ext) ;; avoid overwriting files (if (and (= owrite 0)(filep fname ext)) (do ((num 1 (1+ num))) ((not (filep fname ext num)) (format nil "~a~a~a" fname num ext))) (strcat fname ext))) ;;; get sample and convert to dB if required (defun snd-get (snd &optional (dB 0)) (if (= dB 0) ; dB scale (lin-to-db (abs (snd-fetch snd))) (snd-fetch snd))) ; linear scale ;; fileformat 0=Text List, 1=Indexed List, 2=Time Indexed, 3=CSV, ;; (4=html but not used here). ;; Optional 'same' [line] argument is either 'true' or 'nil' (defun formatprint (val snd &optional same) (case fileformat (0 (format fp "~a~a" ; text list (snd-get snd units) (if same "\t" "\n"))) (1 (format fp "~a\t~a~a" ; indexed list val (snd-get snd units) (if same "\t" "\n"))) (2 (format fp "~a\t~a~a" ; time index (/ (1- val) *sound-srate*) (snd-get snd units) (if same "\t" "\n"))) (3 (format fp "~a~a" ; csv (snd-get snd units) (if (or (= chan 2) same) "," "\n"))))) ;;; Print sample data to file (defun print-text (s-in) (do ((n 1 (1+ n))) ((> n number)) (if (arrayp s-in) ; Stereo (alternate lines) (progn ;; option to prefix alternate lines with L/R (when LR-prefix (unless (or (= header 0)(= fileformat 3)) (format fp "~a" (first LR-prefix)))) (if (= chan 0) ; IF 'Same Line' then "True" (formatprint n (aref s-in 0) T) (formatprint n (aref s-in 0))) (when LR-prefix (unless (or (= header 0)(= fileformat 3)) (format fp "~a" (second LR-prefix)))) (formatprint n (aref s-in 1))) (formatprint n s-in)))) ;; Print to file (defun printdata () (case header (0 (format t (normhead))(format fp (nohead))) (1 (format t (normhead))(format fp (minhead))) (2 (format t (normhead))(format fp (normhead))) (3 (format t (normhead))(format fp (fullhead)))) ;; Stereo and left channel first (if (and (arrayp s)(= chan 2)) (progn (unless (= header 0) ; Don't print 'channel' if no header (format fp "Left Channel.~%~%")) (print-text (aref s 0)) (if (= header 0) ; Don't print 'channel' if no header (format fp "~%") (format fp "~%~%Right Channel.~%~%")) (print-text (aref s 1)) (close fp) (if (= messages 0) (format nil "~aData written to:~%~a~a~a" (normhead) path fileseparator filename) (s-rest 0))) ;; mono or alternate (progn (print-text s) (close fp) (if (= messages 0) (format nil "~aData written to:~%~a~a~a" (normhead) path fileseparator filename) (s-rest 0))))) ;;; File destination processing (defun filewriter () ;; Set file extension (setq FileExt (case fileformat (3 ".csv") (4 ".html") (T ".txt"))) ; file separator as string (setq fileseparator (format nil "~a" *file-separator*)) ;; strip file separator and spaces (let ((stuff (format nil " ~a" *file-separator*))) (setq filename (string-left-trim stuff filename)) (setq path (string-right-trim stuff path))) ;; strip file extension if present (if (and (>= (length filename)(length FileExt)) (string-equal filename FileExt :start1 (- (length filename)(length FileExt)))) (setq filename (subseq filename 0 (- (length filename)(length FileExt))))) ;; replace ~/ on Linux/Max (if (and (>= (length path) 2) (not (windowsp))) (if (string-equal path "~/" :end1 2) (setq path (strcat (home)(subseq path 1))))) ;; If path not set use home directory (if (or (string-equal path "Home directory") (string-equal path "")) (setq path (home))) ;; if file name not set use default (if (string-equal filename "") (setq filename default-filename)) (setdir (strcat path fileseparator)) ; set target directory ;; set file pointer or error (let ((realdir (string-right-trim fileseparator (setdir ".")))) (if (or (string= path realdir) (and (or (windowsp) ; case insensitive (macp)) ; assume case insensitive (string-equal path realdir))) ;; makefilename or error (setq filename (makefilename filename FileExt)) (add-error (format nil "Output folder \"~a~a\" cannot be accessed." path fileseparator)))) ;; check if file is writeable (when (= (length err) 0) ;Open file for output (setq fp (open filename :direction :output)) ;check file is writeable (if (not fp) (add-error (format nil "\"~a~a~a\" cannot be written." path fileseparator filename))))) ;;; Header text (defun nohead () (if (> (length optext) 0) (format nil "~a~%~a~%" optext (get 'info 'chan-order)) "")) (defun minhead () (format nil "Sample Rate: ~a Hz. Sample values on ~a scale.~%~a~%~a" (get 'info 'srate) ; sample rate (get 'info 'units) ; units (get 'info 'chan-order) ; Channel Order (if (> (length optext) 0) (format nil "~a~%~%~%" optext) ; optional text (format nil "~%")))) ; no optional text (defun normhead () (if (= fileformat 4) ; html (format nil "~a ~a~%~aSample Rate: ~a Hz.~%Length processed: ~a samples ~a seconds.~a" filename ; file name (get 'info 'channels) ; mono/stereo (get 'info 'chan-order) ; Channel Order (get 'info 'srate) ; sample rate number ; number of samples (get 'info 'duration) ; duration (seconds) (if (> (length optext)0) (format nil "~%~a~%~%~%" optext) ; optional text (format nil "~%~%~%"))) ; no optional text (format nil "~a ~a~%~aSample Rate: ~a Hz. Sample values on ~a scale.~%~ Length processed: ~a samples ~a seconds.~a" filename ; file name (get 'info 'channels) ; mono/stereo (get 'info 'chan-order) ; Channel Order (get 'info 'srate) ; sample rate (get 'info 'units) ; units number ; number of samples (get 'info 'duration) ; duration (seconds) (if (> (length optext)0) (format nil "~%~a~%~%~%" optext) ; optional text (format nil "~%~%~%"))))) ; no optional text (defun fullhead () (format nil "~a~%Sample Rate: ~a Hz. Sample values on ~a scale. ~a.~%~aLength processed: ~a ~ samples, ~a seconds.~%Peak amplitude: ~a (lin) ~a dB. Unweighted rms: ~a dB.~%~ DC offset: ~a~a" filename ; file name (get 'info 'srate) ; sample rate (get 'info 'units) ; units (get 'info 'channels) ; mono/stereo (get 'info 'chan-order) ; Channel Order number ; number of samples (get 'info 'duration) ; duration (seconds) (setq smax (stereomax s)) ; peak amplitude linear (lin-to-db smax) ; peak amplitude dB (srms s) ; rms (let ((vals (dc-off s))) ; DC offset (if (= (length vals) 2) ; mono (format nil "~a linear, ~a dB." (first vals)(second vals)) (format nil "Left: ~a lin, ~a dB | Right: ~a lin, ~a dB." (first vals)(second vals)(third vals)(fourth vals)))) (if (> (length optext)0) (format nil "~%~a~%~%~%" optext) ; optional text (format nil "~%~%~%")))) ; no optional text ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; HTML Output ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun html-head () " Sample Data Export ") ;;; document headings (defun doc-head () (format nil "

Sample Data Export - ~a


~a.   ~a samples.    ~a seconds.

Audio data analysis:

" (string-right-trim ".html" filename) (format nil "


" optext) ; Optional heading (get 'info 'channels) ; mono/stereo number ; number of samples (get 'info 'duration) ; duration (seconds) (get 'info 'srate) ; sample rate (setq smax (stereomax s)) ; peak amplitude linear (lin-to-db smax) ; peak amplitude dB (srms s) ; rms (let ((vals (dc-off s))) ; DC offset (if (= (length vals) 2) ; mono (format nil "~a linear,   ~a dB." (first vals)(second vals)) (format nil "Left: ~a lin, ~a dB | Right: ~a linear,   ~a dB." (first vals)(second vals)(third vals)(fourth vals)))))) ;;; table headings (mono) (defun table-head-mono () "") ;;; table headings (stereo) (defun table-head-stereo () "
Sample # Seconds Value (linear) Value (dB)
") (defun html-foot () "
Sample # Seconds Left (linear) Right (linear) Left (dB) Right (dB)

Produced with Sample Data Export for Audacity by Steve Daulton (www.easyspacepro.com)

") ;;; html generator (defun make-htm (id val1 &optional val2) (if val2 ;; stereo (let ((time (/ (1- id) *sound-srate*)) (db1 (lin-to-db (abs val1))) (db2 (lin-to-db (abs val2)))) (format fp "~%~a~%~a~%~a~%~a~%~ ~a~%~a~%~%" id time val1 val2 db1 db2)) ;; mono (let ((time (/ (1- id) *sound-srate*)) (db (lin-to-db (abs val1)))) (format fp "~%~a~%~a~%~a~%~a~%~%" id time val1 db)))) (defun printhtml () (format t (normhead)) (format fp (html-head)) (format fp (doc-head)) (if (arrayp s) (progn (format fp (table-head-stereo)) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i number)) (make-htm i (snd-fetch (aref s 0)) (snd-fetch (aref s 1))))) (progn (format fp (table-head-mono)) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i number)) (make-htm i (snd-fetch s))))) (format fp (html-foot)) (close fp) (if (= messages 0) (format nil "~aData written to:~%~a~a~a" (normhead) path fileseparator filename) (s-rest 0))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; END OF HTML ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; basic info for headers (defun put-head-info () (putprop 'info (truncate *sound-srate*) 'srate) (putprop 'info (if (= units 0) "dB" "linear") 'units) (putprop 'info (/ number *sound-srate*) 'duration) (putprop 'info (if (arrayp s) "2 channels (stereo)""1 channel (mono)") 'channels) ;; stereo sample order (putprop 'info (cond ((and (= fileformat 3)(= chan 0)) ; csv, channel in column "One column per channel.\n") ((and (= fileformat 3)(= chan 2)) ; csv, channel in row "One row per channel.\n") ((or (soundp s)(= fileformat 4)) ; mono soundor HTML "") ((= chan 0) "Left channel then Right channel on same line.\n") ((= chan 1) "Left and right channels on alternate lines.\n") ((= chan 2) "Left channel first then right channel.\n") (T "Unspecified channel order")) 'chan-order)) ;;; get number from string (setq number (read (make-string-input-stream number))) (if (numberp number) (checknumber) (add-error (format nil "~a is not a number." number))) (filewriter) (if (> (length err) 0) ;; output error message if enabled (if (= messages 2) (s-rest 0) ; return nul sound (format nil "Error.~%~a" err)) ; return errors ;; else print to file (progn (put-head-info) ; put basic info for headers (if (= fileformat 4) (printhtml) ; html output (printdata)))) ; text output