# Generates colorbar image and converts it to YUY2 # The image and sound is now "current clip" Colorbars(320,240) ConvertToYUY2() # Take the "current clip", and add greayscale to this. # The result is now in the variable Grey. # Current clip is still the original Colorbars(320,240) Grey = Greyscale() # Now you can use Grey as an alternative clip, instead if the current clip # This creates a new variable called Grey_Half_Size, that contains the grey colorbar at half the height. # Current clip is still the original Colorbars(320,240) Grey_Half_Size = VerticalReduceBy2(Grey) # If we specify more parameters, but don't want it used on the current clip, # we can either specify the clip in front of the filter, using '.' # or specify the clip as the first parameter. Grey_Same_Size = Grey_half_size.AddBorders(0,60,0,60) # which is the same as: Grey_Same_Size = AddBorders(Grey_half_size,0,60,0,60) # More examples: Combined = MergeLuma(grey_same_size) #Combined = MergeChroma(Combined, grey_same_size) #Grey_same_size=mergeluma(combined) # Add titles to clips: Thisclip = Subtitle("Current Clip") Grey_Half_size = Subtitle(Grey_Half_size,"Grey_Half_size") Grey_Same_size = Subtitle(Grey_Same_size,"Grey_Same_size") Combined = Subtitle(Combined,"Combined") # Put them on top of eachother Stackvertical(thisclip, Grey_Half_size, Grey_Same_size, Combined)