MadEdit-Mod is a clone of MadEdit with lots of bug fix and enhancement ==== ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Features ==== * Original features from MadEdit(Hex Edit, Column Edit, many encodings support, etc) with lots of bug fixes * Drag&Drop Edit(Cross platform) * Bookmark(From Gogo) * Bookmark edit functions(Copy/Cut/Delete/Replace bookmarked lines) * Bookmark if found * Highlight word(shift+F8) * Triple click to select whole line * Search all in current file * Delete all by using ReplaceAll with NULL * Open files and go to #line by command line * Embedded Python as Macro language for automation(Run/Rec/Playback, local script list) * Insert incremental numbers * Fully functional Hex edit * Replace in all mode(Normal/Column/Hex) by paste according to insert mode * Column Align * Right click on file tab(Close all to the right/left/but this file) * Spell Check/Suggestions, ignore list and personal dictionary * Clear history while exiting * Line function enhancement(Cut/Delete/Join/Delete empty) * Revert Hex String to hex(Eg, from '4D6F64', '4D 6F 64', '%4D%6F%64', or '4D,6F,64' to 'Mod') * Double click at a brace to select all between the brace pair(Delimiter selection) * Up/Down to the line above/under the selection if selecting * Auto fill column data according to rows selected while pasting in column mode, don't need to prepare lines any more * Click on line number area to select one line or all(click with Control pressed) * Click on bookmark area to toggle bookmark * Print bookmark sign with content * Context menu for Main Frame/Tool bars(Show/Hide one or all tool bars) * Quick Search, F8 to show, Esc to hide search bar, Enter to search next/previous according to your last operation. Immediately matching while inputting * Purge history manually or automatically while exiting * 64 Bit build (Win64 and x86_x64), GTK+3 support * Crash dump function * Mardown/Html Preview(Lightweight Markdown/Html editor) * Convert Mardown to Html * Convert Html to plain text * Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C#, and Java Source Code(Astyle) * XML Formatter(DTD is not supported) * RTL support * Silent mode which can be used in scripting Run MadEdit-Mod without show GUI and use a MadPython to handle the files to be opened. So, you can use the Astyle/XML formatter/HTML tools the same as the original ones, eg, call it in a script to handle a lot of files. Furthermore, you can use MadPython to do more!!! [-h], help, Displays help on the command line parameters [-f], force, Edit and save file ignoring the ReadOnly flag(For the files in command line) [-s], silent, Disables the GUI(would close the file automatically after done if another instance is running) [-x], eXit, Exit MadEdit(mark as done working with previous "Silent" instance! Can also close the UI) [-m], madpython, Specify MadPython file to be run on the file [-r], recursive, Recursively run on files of subdirectories [-w], wildcard, Enable wildcard support in file name(line number would be disabled because it used '*') [files], File(s) to be opened Eg: madedit -s -m madpytho.mpy ./1.txt /tmp/2.txt * RTL(Right-to-left) view mode ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Syntax files, Locale files, Dictionaries and Settings: ==== Syntax files: in the path $(MadEditConfigPath)/syntax/ Locale files: in the path $(MadEditConfigPath)/locale/ Dictionaries: in the path $(MadEditConfigPath)/Dictionaries/ $(MadEditConfigPath) are the one of below paths: 1. MadEdit execution file directory : Windows and Linux 2. $(HOME)/.madedit/ : Linux 3. /usr/share/madedit/ : Linux If MadEdit does not find any files in those paths, MadEdit can also execute standalone by using default settings. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Reference ==== [How to build MadEdit-Mod under Linux](/p/madedit-mod/wiki/How%20to%20compile%20MadEdit-Mod%20under%20Linux/) [MadEdit-Mod Key/Shortcut List](/p/madedit-mod/wiki/Key%20Mapping/) [MadPython Introduction](/p/madedit-mod/wiki/MadPython%20Introduction/) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Author: ==== Minggang Li Alston Chen ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Links: ==== [MadEdit]( [MadEdit-Mod]( [wxWidgets]( [wxDevCpp]( [Boost]( [Python]( [Open Clip Art Library]( [CPP-Markdown]( [Hunspell]( [Astyle]( [OpenOffice]( [Dictionary download]( ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----