package CGI;
require 5.008001;
use if $] >= 5.019, 'deprecate';
use Carp 'croak';
my $appease_cpants_kwalitee = q/
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::Util qw(rearrange rearrange_header make_attributes unescape escape expires ebcdic2ascii ascii2ebcdic);
$_XHTML_DTD = ['-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN',
local $^W = 0;
$TAINTED = substr("$0$^X",0,0);
$MOD_PERL = 0; # no mod_perl by default
#global settings
$POST_MAX = -1; # no limit to uploaded files
$ENCODE_ENTITIES = q{&<>"'};
# >>>>> Here are some globals that you might want to adjust <<<<<<
sub initialize_globals {
# Set this to 1 to generate XTML-compatible output
$XHTML = 1;
# Change this to the preferred DTD to print in start_html()
# or use default_dtd('text of DTD to use');
$DEFAULT_DTD = [ '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN',
'' ] ;
# Set this to 1 to enable NOSTICKY scripts
# or:
# 1) use CGI '-nosticky';
# 2) $CGI::NOSTICKY = 1;
# Set this to 1 to enable NPH scripts
# or:
# 1) use CGI qw(-nph)
# 2) CGI::nph(1)
# 3) print header(-nph=>1)
$NPH = 0;
# Set this to 1 to enable debugging from @ARGV
# Set to 2 to enable debugging from STDIN
$DEBUG = 1;
# Set this to 1 to generate automatic tab indexes
# Set this to 1 to cause files uploaded in multipart documents
# to be closed, instead of caching the file handle
# or:
# 1) use CGI qw(:close_upload_files)
# 2) $CGI::close_upload_files(1);
# Uploads with many files run out of file handles.
# Also, for performance, since the file is already on disk,
# it can just be renamed, instead of read and written.
# Automatically determined -- don't change
$EBCDIC = 0;
# Change this to 1 to suppress redundant HTTP headers
# separate the name=value pairs by semicolons rather than ampersands
# Do not include undefined params parsed from query string
# use CGI qw(-no_undef_params);
# return everything as utf-8
$PARAM_UTF8 = 0;
# make param('PUTDATA') act like file upload
# Other globals that you shouldn't worry about.
undef $Q;
undef %EXPORT;
# prevent complaints by mod_perl
# ------------------ START OF THE LIBRARY ------------
# make mod_perlhappy
# Some systems support the $^O variable. If not
# available then require() the Config library
unless ($OS) {
unless ($OS = $^O) {
require Config;
$OS = $Config::Config{'osname'};
if ($OS =~ /^MSWin/i) {
} elsif ($OS =~ /^VMS/i) {
$OS = 'VMS';
} elsif ($OS =~ /^dos/i) {
$OS = 'DOS';
} elsif ($OS =~ /^MacOS/i) {
} elsif ($OS =~ /^os2/i) {
$OS = 'OS2';
} elsif ($OS =~ /^epoc/i) {
$OS = 'EPOC';
} elsif ($OS =~ /^cygwin/i) {
} elsif ($OS =~ /^NetWare/i) {
} else {
$OS = 'UNIX';
# Some OS logic. Binary mode enabled on DOS, NT and VMS
$needs_binmode = $OS=~/^(WINDOWS|DOS|OS2|MSWin|CYGWIN|NETWARE)/;
# This is the default class for the CGI object to use when all else fails.
$DefaultClass = 'CGI' unless defined $CGI::DefaultClass;
# The path separator is a slash, backslash or semicolon, depending
# on the platform.
$SL = {
UNIX => '/', OS2 => '\\', EPOC => '/', CYGWIN => '/', NETWARE => '/',
WINDOWS => '\\', DOS => '\\', MACINTOSH => ':', VMS => '/'
# This no longer seems to be necessary
# Turn on NPH scripts by default when running under IIS server!
# Turn on special checking for ActiveState's PerlEx
# Turn on special checking for Doug MacEachern's modperl
# PerlEx::DBI tries to fool DBI by setting MOD_PERL
if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} && ! $PERLEX) {
# mod_perl handlers may run system() on scripts using;
# Make sure so we don't get fooled by inherited $ENV{MOD_PERL}
$MOD_PERL = 2;
require Apache2::Response;
require Apache2::RequestRec;
require Apache2::RequestUtil;
require Apache2::RequestIO;
require APR::Pool;
} else {
$MOD_PERL = 1;
require Apache;
# Define the CRLF sequence. I can't use a simple "\r\n" because the meaning
# of "\n" is different on different OS's (sometimes it generates CRLF, sometimes LF
# and sometimes CR). The most popular VMS web server
# doesn't accept CRLF -- instead it wants a LR. EBCDIC machines don't
# use ASCII, so \015\012 means something different. I find this all
# really annoying.
$EBCDIC = "\t" ne "\011";
if ($OS eq 'VMS') {
$CRLF = "\n";
} elsif ($EBCDIC) {
$CRLF= "\r\n";
} else {
$CRLF = "\015\012";
_set_binmode() if ($needs_binmode);
sub _set_binmode {
# rt #57524 - don't set binmode on filehandles if there are
# already none default layers set on them
my %default_layers = (
unix => 1,
perlio => 1,
stdio => 1,
crlf => 1,
foreach my $fh (
) {
my @modes = grep { ! $default_layers{$_} }
PerlIO::get_layers( $fh );
if ( ! @modes ) {
$CGI::DefaultClass->binmode( $fh );
':html2' => [ 'h1' .. 'h6', qw/
p br hr ol ul li dl dt dd menu code var strong em
tt u i b blockquote pre img a address cite samp dfn html head
base body Link nextid title meta kbd start_html end_html
input Select option comment charset escapeHTML
/ ],
':html3' => [ qw/
div table caption th td TR Tr sup Sub strike applet Param nobr
embed basefont style span layer ilayer font frameset frame script small big Area Map
/ ],
':html4' => [ qw/
abbr acronym bdo col colgroup del fieldset iframe
ins label legend noframes noscript object optgroup Q
thead tbody tfoot
/ ],
':form' => [ qw/
textfield textarea filefield password_field hidden checkbox checkbox_group
submit reset defaults radio_group popup_menu button autoEscape
scrolling_list image_button start_form end_form
start_multipart_form end_multipart_form isindex tmpFileName uploadInfo URL_ENCODED MULTIPART
/ ],
':cgi' => [ qw/
param multi_param upload path_info path_translated request_uri url self_url script_name
cookie Dump raw_cookie request_method query_string Accept user_agent remote_host content_type
remote_addr referer server_name server_software server_port server_protocol virtual_port
virtual_host remote_ident auth_type http append save_parameters restore_parameters param_fetch
remote_user user_name header redirect import_names put Delete Delete_all url_param cgi_error env_query_string
/ ],
':netscape' => [qw/blink fontsize center/],
':ssl' => [qw/https/],
':cgi-lib' => [qw/ReadParse PrintHeader HtmlTop HtmlBot SplitParam Vars/],
':push' => [qw/multipart_init multipart_start multipart_end multipart_final/],
# bulk export/import
':html' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :html4 :netscape/],
':standard' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :html4 :form :cgi :ssl/],
':all' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :html4 :netscape :form :cgi :ssl :push/]
# to import symbols into caller
sub import {
my $self = shift;
# This causes modules to clash.
undef %EXPORT_OK;
undef %EXPORT;
my ($callpack, $callfile, $callline) = caller;
if ( $callpack eq 'CGI::Fast' ) {
# fixes GH #11 (and GH #12 in CGI::Fast since
# sub import was added to CGI::Fast in 9537f90
# so we need to move up a level to export the
# routines to the namespace of whatever is using
# CGI::Fast
($callpack, $callfile, $callline) = caller(1);
# To allow overriding, search through the packages
# Till we find one in which the correct subroutine is defined.
my @packages = ($self,@{"$self\:\:ISA"});
for $sym (keys %EXPORT) {
my $pck;
my $def = $DefaultClass;
for $pck (@packages) {
if (defined(&{"$pck\:\:$sym"})) {
$def = $pck;
*{"${callpack}::$sym"} = \&{"$def\:\:$sym"};
sub expand_tags {
my($tag) = @_;
return ("start_$1","end_$1") if $tag=~/^(?:\*|start_|end_)(.+)/;
return ($tag) unless $EXPORT_TAGS{$tag};
for (@{$EXPORT_TAGS{$tag}}) {
return @r;
#### Method: new
# The new routine. This will check the current environment
# for an existing query string, and initialize itself, if so.
sub new {
my($class,@initializer) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self,ref $class || $class || $DefaultClass;
# always use a tempfile
$self->{'use_tempfile'} = 1;
if (ref($initializer[0])
&& (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0],'Apache')
)) {
$self->r(shift @initializer);
if (ref($initializer[0])
&& (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0],'CODE'))) {
$self->upload_hook(shift @initializer, shift @initializer);
$self->{'use_tempfile'} = shift @initializer if (@initializer > 0);
if ($MOD_PERL) {
if ($MOD_PERL == 1) {
$self->r(Apache->request) unless $self->r;
my $r = $self->r;
$self->_setup_symbols(@SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @SAVED_SYMBOLS;
else {
# XXX: once we have the new API
# will do a real PerlOptions -SetupEnv check
$self->r(Apache2::RequestUtil->request) unless $self->r;
my $r = $self->r;
$r->subprocess_env unless exists $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD};
$self->_setup_symbols(@SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @SAVED_SYMBOLS;
undef $NPH;
$self->_reset_globals if $PERLEX;
return $self;
sub r {
my $self = shift;
my $r = $self->{'.r'};
$self->{'.r'} = shift if @_;
sub upload_hook {
my $self;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'CODE') {
$CGI::Q = $self = $CGI::DefaultClass->new(@_);
} else {
$self = shift;
my ($hook,$data,$use_tempfile) = @_;
$self->{'.upload_hook'} = $hook;
$self->{'.upload_data'} = $data;
$self->{'use_tempfile'} = $use_tempfile if defined $use_tempfile;
#### Method: param / multi_param
# Returns the value(s)of a named parameter.
# If invoked in a list context, returns the
# entire list. Otherwise returns the first
# member of the list.
# If name is not provided, return a list of all
# the known parameters names available.
# If more than one argument is provided, the
# second and subsequent arguments are used to
# set the value of the parameter.
# note that calling param() in list context
# will raise a warning about potential bad
# things, hence the multi_param method
sub multi_param {
# we don't need to set $LIST_CONTEXT_WARN to 0 here
# because param() will check the caller before warning
my @list_of_params = param( @_ );
return @list_of_params;
sub param {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
return $self->all_parameters unless @p;
# list context can be dangerous so warn:
if ( wantarray && $LIST_CONTEXT_WARN == 1 ) {
my ( $package, $filename, $line ) = caller;
if ( $package ne 'CGI' ) {
$LIST_CONTEXT_WARN++; # only warn once
warn "CGI::param called in list context from $filename line $line, this can lead to vulnerabilities. "
. 'See the warning in "Fetching the value or values of a single named parameter"';
# For compatibility between old calling style and use_named_parameters() style,
# we have to special case for a single parameter present.
if (@p > 1) {
($name,$value,@other) = rearrange([NAME,[DEFAULT,VALUE,VALUES]],@p);
if (substr($p[0],0,1) eq '-') {
@values = defined($value) ? (ref($value) && ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$value} : $value) : ();
} else {
for ($value,@other) {
push(@values,$_) if defined($_);
# If values is provided, then we set it.
if (@values or defined $value) {
} else {
$name = $p[0];
return unless defined($name) && $self->{param}{$name};
my @result = @{$self->{param}{$name}};
if ($PARAM_UTF8 && $name ne 'PUTDATA' && $name ne 'POSTDATA' && $name ne 'PATCHDATA') {
eval "require Encode; 1;" unless Encode->can('decode'); # bring in these functions
@result = map {ref $_ ? $_ : $self->_decode_utf8($_) } @result;
return wantarray ? @result : $result[0];
sub _decode_utf8 {
my ($self, $val) = @_;
if (Encode::is_utf8($val)) {
return $val;
else {
return Encode::decode(utf8 => $val);
sub self_or_default {
return @_ if defined($_[0]) && (!ref($_[0])) &&($_[0] eq 'CGI');
unless (defined($_[0]) &&
(ref($_[0]) eq 'CGI' || UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'CGI')) # slightly optimized for common case
) {
$Q = $CGI::DefaultClass->new unless defined($Q);
return wantarray ? @_ : $Q;
sub self_or_CGI {
local $^W=0; # prevent a warning
if (defined($_[0]) &&
(substr(ref($_[0]),0,3) eq 'CGI'
|| UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'CGI'))) {
return @_;
} else {
return ($DefaultClass,@_);
# Initialize the query object from the environment.
# If a parameter list is found, this object will be set
# to a hash in which parameter names are keys
# and the values are stored as lists
# If a keyword list is found, this method creates a bogus
# parameter list with the single parameter 'keywords'.
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my($query_string,$meth,$content_length,$fh,@lines) = ('','','','');
my $is_xforms;
my $initializer = shift; # for backward compatibility
local($/) = "\n";
# set autoescaping on by default
$self->{'escape'} = 1;
# if we get called more than once, we want to initialize
# ourselves from the original query (which may be gone
# if it was read from STDIN originally.)
if (@QUERY_PARAM && !defined($initializer)) {
for my $name (@QUERY_PARAM) {
my $val = $QUERY_PARAM{$name}; # always an arrayref;
$self->param('-name'=>$name,'-value'=> $val);
if (defined $val and ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $fh (grep {defined($_) && ref($_) && defined(fileno($_))} @$val) {
seek($fh,0,0); # reset the filehandle.
$self->{'.fieldnames'} = {%QUERY_FIELDNAMES};
$self->{'.tmpfiles'} = {%QUERY_TMPFILES};
$meth=$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} if defined($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'});
$content_length = defined($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) ? $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} : 0;
$fh = to_filehandle($initializer) if $initializer;
# set charset to the safe ISO-8859-1
# avoid unreasonably large postings
if (($POST_MAX > 0) && ($content_length > $POST_MAX)) {
#discard the post, unread
$self->cgi_error("413 Request entity too large");
last METHOD;
# Process multipart postings, but only if the initializer is
# not defined.
if ($meth eq 'POST'
&& defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
&& $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}=~m|^multipart/form-data|
&& !defined($initializer)
) {
my($boundary) = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?/;
last METHOD;
# Process XForms postings. We know that we have XForms in the
# following cases:
# method eq 'POST' && content-type eq 'application/xml'
# method eq 'POST' && content-type =~ /multipart\/related.+start=/
# There are more cases, actually, but for now, we don't support other
# methods for XForm posts.
# In a XForm POST, the QUERY_STRING is parsed normally.
# If the content-type is 'application/xml', we just set the param
# XForms:Model (referring to the xml syntax) param containing the
# unparsed XML data.
# In the case of multipart/related we set XForms:Model as above, but
# the other parts are available as uploads with the Content-ID as the
# the key.
# See the URL below for XForms specs on this issue.
if ($meth eq 'POST' && defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})) {
if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} eq 'application/xml') {
my($param) = 'XForms:Model';
my($value) = '';
if $content_length > 0;
push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
$is_xforms = 1;
} elsif ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/related.+boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?.+start=\"?\([^\"\>]+)\>?\"?/) {
my($boundary,$start) = ($1,$2);
my($param) = 'XForms:Model';
my($value) = $self->read_multipart_related($start,$boundary,$content_length,0);
push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
$query_string = $self->_get_query_string_from_env;
$is_xforms = 1;
# If initializer is defined, then read parameters
# from it.
if (!$is_xforms && defined($initializer)) {
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer,'CGI')) {
$query_string = $initializer->query_string;
last METHOD;
if (ref($initializer) && ref($initializer) eq 'HASH') {
for (keys %$initializer) {
last METHOD;
if (defined($fh) && ($fh ne '')) {
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
last if $line =~ /^=$/;
# massage back into standard format
if ("@lines" =~ /=/) {
} else {
last METHOD;
# last chance -- treat it as a string
$initializer = $$initializer if ref($initializer) eq 'SCALAR';
$query_string = $initializer;
last METHOD;
# If method is GET, HEAD or DELETE, fetch the query from
# the environment.
if ($is_xforms || $meth=~/^(GET|HEAD|DELETE)$/) {
$query_string = $self->_get_query_string_from_env;
$self->param($meth . 'DATA', $self->param('XForms:Model'))
if $is_xforms;
last METHOD;
if ($meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT' || $meth eq 'PATCH') {
if ( $content_length > 0 ) {
if ( ( $PUTDATA_UPLOAD || $self->{'.upload_hook'} ) && !$is_xforms && ($meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT' || $meth eq 'PATCH')
&& defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
&& $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ m|^application/x-www-form-urlencoded|
&& $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ m|^multipart/form-data| ){
my $postOrPut = $meth . 'DATA' ; # POSTDATA/PUTDATA
$self->read_postdata_putdata( $postOrPut, $content_length, $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} );
$meth = ''; # to skip xform testing
undef $query_string ;
} else {
# Some people want to have their cake and eat it too!
# Uncomment this line to have the contents of the query string
# APPENDED to the POST data.
# $query_string .= (length($query_string) ? '&' : '') . $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} if defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
last METHOD;
# If $meth is not of GET, POST, PUT or HEAD, assume we're
# being debugged offline.
# Check the command line and then the standard input for data.
# We use the shellwords package in order to behave the way that
# UN*X programmers expect.
if ($DEBUG)
my $cmdline_ret = read_from_cmdline();
$query_string = $cmdline_ret->{'query_string'};
if (defined($cmdline_ret->{'subpath'}))
# YL: Begin Change for XML handler 10/19/2001
if (!$is_xforms && ($meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT' || $meth eq 'PATCH')
&& defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
&& $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ m|^application/x-www-form-urlencoded|
&& $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ m|^multipart/form-data| ) {
my($param) = $meth . 'DATA' ;
$self->add_parameter($param) ;
push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$query_string);
undef $query_string ;
# YL: End Change for XML handler 10/19/2001
# We now have the query string in hand. We do slightly
# different things for keyword lists and parameter lists.
if (defined $query_string && length $query_string) {
if ($query_string =~ /[&=;]/) {
} else {
$self->{param}{'keywords'} = [$self->parse_keywordlist($query_string)];
# Special case. Erase everything if there is a field named
# .defaults.
if ($self->param('.defaults')) {
# hash containing our defined fieldnames
$self->{'.fieldnames'} = {};
for ($self->param('.cgifields')) {
# Clear out our default submission button flag if present
$self->save_request unless defined $initializer;
sub _get_query_string_from_env {
my $self = shift;
my $query_string = '';
if ( $MOD_PERL ) {
$query_string = $self->r->args;
if ( ! $query_string && $MOD_PERL == 2 ) {
# possibly a redirect, inspect prev request
# (->prev only supported under mod_perl2)
if ( my $prev = $self->r->prev ) {
$query_string = $prev->args;
$query_string ||= $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}
if defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
if ( ! $query_string ) {
# try to get from REDIRECT_ env variables, support
# 5 levels of redirect and no more (RT #36312)
REDIRECT: foreach my $r ( 1 .. 5 ) {
my $key = join( '',( 'REDIRECT_' x $r ) );
$query_string ||= $ENV{"${key}QUERY_STRING"}
if defined $ENV{"${key}QUERY_STRING"};
last REDIRECT if $query_string;
return $query_string;
# Turn a string into a filehandle
sub to_filehandle {
my $thingy = shift;
return undef unless $thingy;
return $thingy if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy,'GLOB');
return $thingy if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy,'FileHandle');
if (!ref($thingy)) {
my $caller = 1;
while (my $package = caller($caller++)) {
my($tmp) = $thingy=~/[\':]/ ? $thingy : "$package\:\:$thingy";
return $tmp if defined(fileno($tmp));
return undef;
# send output to the browser
sub put {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
# print to standard output (for overriding in mod_perl)
sub print {
# get/set last cgi_error
sub cgi_error {
my ($self,$err) = self_or_default(@_);
$self->{'.cgi_error'} = $err if defined $err;
return $self->{'.cgi_error'};
sub save_request {
my($self) = @_;
# We're going to play with the package globals now so that if we get called
# again, we initialize ourselves in exactly the same way. This allows
# us to have several of these objects.
@QUERY_PARAM = $self->param; # save list of parameters
for (@QUERY_PARAM) {
next unless defined $_;
$QUERY_CHARSET = $self->charset;
%QUERY_FIELDNAMES = %{$self->{'.fieldnames'}};
%QUERY_TMPFILES = %{ $self->{'.tmpfiles'} || {} };
sub parse_params {
my($self,$tosplit) = @_;
my(@pairs) = split(/[&;]/,$tosplit);
for (@pairs) {
($param,$value) = split('=',$_,2);
next unless defined $param;
next if $NO_UNDEF_PARAMS and not defined $value;
$value = '' unless defined $value;
$param = unescape($param);
$value = unescape($value);
push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
sub add_parameter {
return unless defined $param;
push (@{$self->{'.parameters'}},$param)
unless defined($self->{param}{$param});
sub all_parameters {
my $self = shift;
return () unless defined($self) && $self->{'.parameters'};
return () unless @{$self->{'.parameters'}};
return @{$self->{'.parameters'}};
# put a filehandle into binary mode (DOS)
sub binmode {
return unless defined($_[1]) && ref ($_[1]) && defined fileno($_[1]);
# back compatibility html tag generation functions - noop
# since this is now the default having removed AUTOLOAD
sub compile { 1; }
sub _all_html_tags {
return qw/
a abbr acronym address applet Area
b base basefont bdo big blink blockquote body br
caption center cite code col colgroup
dd del dfn div dl dt
em embed
fieldset font fontsize frame frameset
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr html
i iframe ilayer img input ins
label layer legend li Link
Map menu meta
nextid nobr noframes noscript
object ol option
p Param pre
samp script Select small span
strike strong style Sub sup
table tbody td tfoot th thead title Tr TR tt
u ul
foreach my $tag ( _all_html_tags() ) {
*$tag = sub { return _tag_func($tag,@_); };
# start_html and end_html already exist as custom functions
next if ($tag eq 'html');
foreach my $start_end ( qw/ start end / ) {
my $start_end_function = "${start_end}_${tag}";
*$start_end_function = sub { return _tag_func($start_end_function,@_); };
sub _tag_func {
my $tagname = shift;
my ($q,$a,@rest) = self_or_default(@_);
my($attr) = '';
if (ref($a) && ref($a) eq 'HASH') {
my(@attr) = make_attributes($a,$q->{'escape'});
$attr = " @attr" if @attr;
} else {
unshift @rest,$a if defined $a;
$tagname = lc( $tagname );
if ($tagname=~/start_(\w+)/i) {
return "<$1$attr>";
} elsif ($tagname=~/end_(\w+)/i) {
return "$1>";
} else {
return $XHTML ? "<$tagname$attr />" : "<$tagname$attr>" unless @rest;
my($tag,$untag) = ("<$tagname$attr>","$tagname>");
my @result = map { "$tag$_$untag" }
(ref($rest[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? @{$rest[0]} : "@rest";
return "@result";
sub _selected {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
return '' unless $value;
return $XHTML ? qq(selected="selected" ) : qq(selected );
sub _checked {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
return '' unless $value;
return $XHTML ? qq(checked="checked" ) : qq(checked );
sub _reset_globals { initialize_globals(); }
sub _setup_symbols {
my $self = shift;
# to avoid reexporting unwanted variables
undef %EXPORT;
for (@_) {
if ( /^[:-]any$/ ) {
warn "CGI -any pragma has been REMOVED. You should audit your code for any use "
. "of none supported / incorrectly spelled tags and remove them"
$HEADERS_ONCE++, next if /^[:-]unique_headers$/;
$NPH++, next if /^[:-]nph$/;
$NOSTICKY++, next if /^[:-]nosticky$/;
$DEBUG=0, next if /^[:-]no_?[Dd]ebug$/;
$DEBUG=2, next if /^[:-][Dd]ebug$/;
$USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS++, next if /^[:-]newstyle_urls$/;
$PUTDATA_UPLOAD++, next if /^[:-](?:putdata_upload|postdata_upload|patchdata_upload)$/;
$PARAM_UTF8++, next if /^[:-]utf8$/;
$XHTML++, next if /^[:-]xhtml$/;
$XHTML=0, next if /^[:-]no_?xhtml$/;
$USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS=0, next if /^[:-]oldstyle_urls$/;
$TABINDEX++, next if /^[:-]tabindex$/;
$CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES++, next if /^[:-]close_upload_files$/;
$NO_UNDEF_PARAMS++, next if /^[:-]no_undef_params$/;
for (&expand_tags($_)) {
tr/a-zA-Z0-9_//cd; # don't allow weird function names
sub charset {
my ($self,$charset) = self_or_default(@_);
$self->{'.charset'} = $charset if defined $charset;
sub element_id {
my ($self,$new_value) = self_or_default(@_);
$self->{'.elid'} = $new_value if defined $new_value;
sub element_tab {
my ($self,$new_value) = self_or_default(@_);
$self->{'.etab'} ||= 1;
$self->{'.etab'} = $new_value if defined $new_value;
my $tab = $self->{'.etab'}++;
return '' unless $TABINDEX or defined $new_value;
return qq(tabindex="$tab" );
# subroutine: read_postdata_putdata
# Unless file uploads are disabled
# Reads BODY of POST/PUT request and stuffs it into tempfile
# accessible as param POSTDATA/PUTDATA
# Also respects upload_hook
# based on subroutine read_multipart_related
sub read_postdata_putdata {
my ( $self, $postOrPut, $content_length, $content_type ) = @_;
my %header = (
"Content-Type" => $content_type,
my $param = $postOrPut;
# add this parameter to our list
# If we get here, then we are dealing with a potentially large
# uploaded form. Save the data to a temporary file, then open
# the file for reading.
# skip the file if uploads disabled
# while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) { }
my $buff;
my $unit = $CGI::MultipartBuffer::INITIAL_FILLUNIT;
my $len = $content_length;
while ( $len > 0 ) {
my $read = $self->read_from_client( \$buf, $unit, 0 );
$len -= $read;
# SHOULD PROBABLY SKIP THIS IF NOT $self->{'use_tempfile'}
my $tmp_dir = $CGI::OS eq 'WINDOWS'
? ( $ENV{TEMP} || $ENV{TMP} || ( $ENV{WINDIR} ? ( $ENV{WINDIR} . $SL . 'TEMP' ) : undef ) )
: undef; # File::Temp defaults to TMPDIR
require CGI::File::Temp;
my $filehandle = CGI::File::Temp->new(
DIR => $tmp_dir,
$filehandle->_mp_filename( $postOrPut );
if $CGI::needs_binmode
&& defined fileno($filehandle);
my ($data);
local ($\) = '';
my $totalbytes;
my $unit = $CGI::MultipartBuffer::INITIAL_FILLUNIT;
my $len = $content_length;
$unit = $len;
while( $len > 0 )
my $bytesRead = $self->read_from_client( \$data, $unit, 0 );
$len -= $bytesRead ;
# An apparent bug in the Apache server causes the read()
# to return zero bytes repeatedly without blocking if the
# remote user aborts during a file transfer. I don't know how
# they manage this, but the workaround is to abort if we get
# more than SPIN_LOOP_MAX consecutive zero reads.
if ($bytesRead <= 0) {
die " Server closed socket during read_postdata_putdata (client aborted?).\n" if $ZERO_LOOP_COUNTER++ >= $SPIN_LOOP_MAX;
} else {
if ( defined $self->{'.upload_hook'} ) {
$totalbytes += length($data);
&{ $self->{'.upload_hook'} }( $param, $data, $totalbytes,
$self->{'.upload_data'} );
print $filehandle $data if ( $self->{'use_tempfile'} );
undef $data;
# back up to beginning of file
seek( $filehandle, 0, 0 );
## Close the filehandle if requested this allows a multipart MIME
## upload to contain many files, and we won't die due to too many
## open file handles. The user can access the files using the hash
## below.
close $filehandle if $CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES;
$CGI::DefaultClass->binmode($filehandle) if $CGI::needs_binmode;
# Save some information about the uploaded file where we can get
# at it later.
# Use the typeglob + filename as the key, as this is guaranteed to be
# unique for each filehandle. Don't use the file descriptor as
# this will be re-used for each filehandle if the
# close_upload_files feature is used.
$self->{'.tmpfiles'}->{$$filehandle . $filehandle} = {
hndl => $filehandle,
name => $filehandle->filename,
info => {%header},
push( @{ $self->{param}{$param} }, $filehandle );
sub URL_ENCODED { 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; }
sub MULTIPART { 'multipart/form-data'; }
sub SERVER_PUSH { 'multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="' . shift() . '"'; }
# Create a new multipart buffer
sub new_MultipartBuffer {
my($self,$boundary,$length) = @_;
return CGI::MultipartBuffer->new($self,$boundary,$length);
# Read data from a file handle
sub read_from_client {
my($self, $buff, $len, $offset) = @_;
local $^W=0; # prevent a warning
return $MOD_PERL
? $self->r->read($$buff, $len, $offset)
: read(\*STDIN, $$buff, $len, $offset);
#### Method: delete
# Deletes the named parameter entirely.
sub delete {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my(@names) = rearrange([NAME],@p);
my @to_delete = ref($names[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$names[0] : @names;
my %to_delete;
for my $name (@to_delete)
CORE::delete $self->{param}{$name};
CORE::delete $self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$name};
@{$self->{'.parameters'}}=grep { !exists($to_delete{$_}) } $self->param();
#### Method: import_names
# Import all parameters into the given namespace.
# Assumes namespace 'Q' if not specified
sub import_names {
my($self,$namespace,$delete) = self_or_default(@_);
$namespace = 'Q' unless defined($namespace);
die "Can't import names into \"main\"\n" if \%{"${namespace}::"} == \%::;
if ($delete || $MOD_PERL || exists $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}) {
# can anyone find an easier way to do this?
for (keys %{"${namespace}::"}) {
local *symbol = "${namespace}::${_}";
undef $symbol;
undef @symbol;
undef %symbol;
for $param ($self->param) {
# protect against silly names
($var = $param)=~tr/a-zA-Z0-9_/_/c;
$var =~ s/^(?=\d)/_/;
local *symbol = "${namespace}::$var";
@value = $self->param($param);
@symbol = @value;
$symbol = $value[0];
#### Method: keywords
# Keywords acts a bit differently. Calling it in a list context
# returns the list of keywords.
# Calling it in a scalar context gives you the size of the list.
sub keywords {
my($self,@values) = self_or_default(@_);
# If values is provided, then we set it.
$self->{param}{'keywords'}=[@values] if @values;
my(@result) = defined($self->{param}{'keywords'}) ? @{$self->{param}{'keywords'}} : ();
# These are some tie() interfaces for compatibility
# with Steve Brenner's routines
sub Vars {
my $q = shift;
my %in;
return %in if wantarray;
return \%in;
# These are some tie() interfaces for compatibility
# with Steve Brenner's routines
sub ReadParse {
if (@_) {
*in = $_[0];
} else {
my $pkg = caller();
return scalar(keys %in);
sub PrintHeader {
my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
return $self->header();
sub HtmlTop {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
return $self->start_html(@p);
sub HtmlBot {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
return $self->end_html(@p);
sub SplitParam {
my ($param) = @_;
my (@params) = split ("\0", $param);
return (wantarray ? @params : $params[0]);
sub MethGet {
return request_method() eq 'GET';
sub MethPatch {
return request_method() eq 'PATCH';
sub MethPost {
return request_method() eq 'POST';
sub MethPut {
return request_method() eq 'PUT';
my $class = shift;
my $arg = $_[0];
if (ref($arg) && UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,'CGI')) {
return $arg;
return $Q ||= $class->new(@_);
sub STORE {
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $vals = shift;
my @vals = defined($vals) && index($vals,"\0")!=-1 ? split("\0",$vals) : $vals;
sub FETCH {
return $_[0] if $_[1] eq 'CGI';
return undef unless defined $_[0]->param($_[1]);
return join("\0",$_[0]->param($_[1]));
sub EXISTS {
exists $_[0]->{param}{$_[1]};
sub DELETE {
my ($self, $param) = @_;
my $value = $self->FETCH($param);
return $value;
sub CLEAR {
# Append a new value to an existing query
sub append {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($name,$value) = rearrange([NAME,[VALUE,VALUES]],@p);
my(@values) = defined($value) ? (ref($value) ? @{$value} : $value) : ();
if (@values) {
return $self->param($name);
#### Method: delete_all
# Delete all parameters
sub delete_all {
my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
my @param = $self->param();
sub Delete {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
sub Delete_all {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
#### Method: autoescape
# If you want to turn off the autoescaping features,
# call this method with undef as the argument
sub autoEscape {
my($self,$escape) = self_or_default(@_);
my $d = $self->{'escape'};
$self->{'escape'} = $escape;
#### Method: version
# Return the current version
sub version {
return $VERSION;
#### Method: url_param
# Return a parameter in the QUERY_STRING, regardless of
# whether this was a POST or a GET
sub url_param {
my ($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my $name = shift(@p);
return undef unless exists($ENV{QUERY_STRING});
unless (exists($self->{'.url_param'})) {
$self->{'.url_param'}={}; # empty hash
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /=/) {
my(@pairs) = split(/[&;]/,$ENV{QUERY_STRING});
for (@pairs) {
($param,$value) = split('=',$_,2);
next if ! defined($param);
$param = unescape($param);
$value = unescape($value);
} else {
my @keywords = $self->parse_keywordlist($ENV{QUERY_STRING});
$self->{'.url_param'}{'keywords'} = \@keywords if @keywords;
return keys %{$self->{'.url_param'}} unless defined($name);
return () unless $self->{'.url_param'}->{$name};
return wantarray ? @{$self->{'.url_param'}->{$name}}
: $self->{'.url_param'}->{$name}->[0];
#### Method: Dump
# Returns a string in which all the known parameter/value
# pairs are represented as nested lists, mainly for the purposes
# of debugging.
sub Dump {
my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
return '
' unless $self->param;
for $param ($self->param) {
return join("\n",@result);
#### Method as_string
# synonym for "dump"
sub as_string {
#### Method: save
# Write values out to a filehandle in such a way that they can
# be reinitialized by the filehandle form of the new() method
sub save {
my($self,$filehandle) = self_or_default(@_);
$filehandle = to_filehandle($filehandle);
local($,) = ''; # set print field separator back to a sane value
local($\) = ''; # set output line separator to a sane value
for $param ($self->param) {
my($escaped_param) = escape($param);
for $value ($self->param($param)) {
print $filehandle "$escaped_param=",escape("$value"),"\n"
if length($escaped_param) or length($value);
for (keys %{$self->{'.fieldnames'}}) {
print $filehandle ".cgifields=",escape("$_"),"\n";
print $filehandle "=\n"; # end of record
#### Method: save_parameters
# An alias for save() that is a better name for exportation.
# Only intended to be used with the function (non-OO) interface.
sub save_parameters {
my $fh = shift;
return save(to_filehandle($fh));
#### Method: restore_parameters
# A way to restore CGI parameters from an initializer.
# Only intended to be used with the function (non-OO) interface.
sub restore_parameters {
$Q = $CGI::DefaultClass->new(@_);
#### Method: multipart_init
# Return a Content-Type: style header for server-push
# This has to be NPH on most web servers, and it is advisable to set $| = 1
# Many thanks to Ed Jordan for this
# contribution, updated by Andrew Benham (
sub multipart_init {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($boundary,$charset,@other) = rearrange_header([BOUNDARY,CHARSET],@p);
if (!$boundary) {
$boundary = '------- =_';
my @chrs = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z');
for (1..17) {
$boundary .= $chrs[rand(scalar @chrs)];
$self->{'separator'} = "$CRLF--$boundary$CRLF";
$self->{'final_separator'} = "$CRLF--$boundary--$CRLF";
$type = SERVER_PUSH($boundary);
return $self->header(
-nph => 0,
-type => $type,
-charset => $charset,
(map { split "=", $_, 2 } @other),
#### Method: multipart_start
# Return a Content-Type: style header for server-push, start of section
# Many thanks to Ed Jordan for this
# contribution, updated by Andrew Benham (
sub multipart_start {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($type,$charset,@other) = rearrange([TYPE,CHARSET],@p);
$type = $type || 'text/html';
if ($charset) {
push(@header,"Content-Type: $type; charset=$charset");
} else {
push(@header,"Content-Type: $type");
# rearrange() was designed for the HTML portion, so we
# need to fix it up a little.
for (@other) {
# Don't use \s because of perl bug 21951
next unless my($header,$value) = /([^ \r\n\t=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/;
($_ = $header) =~ s/^(\w)(.*)/$1 . lc ($2) . ': '.$self->unescapeHTML($value)/e;
my $header = join($CRLF,@header)."${CRLF}${CRLF}";
return $header;
#### Method: multipart_end
# Return a MIME boundary separator for server-push, end of section
# Many thanks to Ed Jordan for this
# contribution
sub multipart_end {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
return $self->{'separator'};
#### Method: multipart_final
# Return a MIME boundary separator for server-push, end of all sections
# Contributed by Andrew Benham (
sub multipart_final {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
#### Method: header
# Return a Content-Type: style header
sub header {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
return "" if $self->{'.header_printed'}++ and $HEADERS_ONCE;
my($type,$status,$cookie,$target,$expires,$nph,$charset,$attachment,$p3p,@other) =
# Since $cookie and $p3p may be array references,
# we must stringify them before CR escaping is done.
my @cookie;
for (ref($cookie) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$cookie} : $cookie) {
my $cs = UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'CGI::Cookie') ? $_->as_string : $_;
push(@cookie,$cs) if defined $cs and $cs ne '';
$p3p = join ' ',@$p3p if ref($p3p) eq 'ARRAY';
# CR escaping for values, per RFC 822
for my $header ($type,$status,@cookie,$target,$expires,$nph,$charset,$attachment,$p3p,@other) {
if (defined $header) {
# From RFC 822:
# Unfolding is accomplished by regarding CRLF immediately
# followed by a LWSP-char as equivalent to the LWSP-char.
$header =~ s/$CRLF(\s)/$1/g;
# All other uses of newlines are invalid input.
if ($header =~ m/$CRLF|\015|\012/) {
# shorten very long values in the diagnostic
$header = substr($header,0,72).'...' if (length $header > 72);
die "Invalid header value contains a newline not followed by whitespace: $header";
$nph ||= $NPH;
$type ||= 'text/html' unless defined($type);
# sets if $charset is given, gets if not
$charset = $self->charset( $charset );
# rearrange() was designed for the HTML portion, so we
# need to fix it up a little.
for (@other) {
# Don't use \s because of perl bug 21951
next unless my($header,$value) = /([^ \r\n\t=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/s;
($_ = $header) =~ s/^(\w)(.*)/"\u$1\L$2" . ': '.$self->unescapeHTML($value)/e;
$type .= "; charset=$charset"
if $type ne ''
and $type !~ /\bcharset\b/
and defined $charset
and $charset ne '';
# Maybe future compatibility. Maybe not.
my $protocol = $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} || 'HTTP/1.0';
push(@header,$protocol . ' ' . ($status || '200 OK')) if $nph;
push(@header,"Server: " . &server_software()) if $nph;
push(@header,"Status: $status") if $status;
push(@header,"Window-Target: $target") if $target;
push(@header,"P3P: policyref=\"/w3c/p3p.xml\", CP=\"$p3p\"") if $p3p;
# push all the cookies -- there may be several
push(@header,map {"Set-Cookie: $_"} @cookie);
# if the user indicates an expiration time, then we need
# both an Expires and a Date header (so that the browser is
# uses OUR clock)
push(@header,"Expires: " . expires($expires,'http'))
if $expires;
push(@header,"Date: " . expires(0,'http')) if $expires || $cookie || $nph;
push(@header,"Pragma: no-cache") if $self->cache();
push(@header,"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$attachment\"") if $attachment;
push(@header,map {ucfirst $_} @other);
push(@header,"Content-Type: $type") if $type ne '';
my $header = join($CRLF,@header)."${CRLF}${CRLF}";
if (($MOD_PERL >= 1) && !$nph) {
return '';
return $header;
#### Method: cache
# Control whether header() will produce the no-cache
# Pragma directive.
sub cache {
my($self,$new_value) = self_or_default(@_);
$new_value = '' unless $new_value;
if ($new_value ne '') {
$self->{'cache'} = $new_value;
return $self->{'cache'};
#### Method: redirect
# Return a Location: style header
sub redirect {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($url,$target,$status,$cookie,$nph,@other) =
$status = '302 Found' unless defined $status;
$url ||= $self->self_url;
for (@other) { tr/\"//d; push(@o,split("=",$_,2)); }
'-Status' => $status,
'-Location'=> $url,
'-nph' => $nph);
unshift(@o,'-Target'=>$target) if $target;
my @unescaped;
unshift(@unescaped,'-Cookie'=>$cookie) if $cookie;
return $self->header((map {$self->unescapeHTML($_)} @o),@unescaped);
#### Method: start_html
# Canned HTML header
# Parameters:
# $title -> (optional) The title for this HTML document (-title)
# $author -> (optional) e-mail address of the author (-author)
# $base -> (optional) if set to true, will enter the BASE address of this document
# for resolving relative references (-base)
# $xbase -> (optional) alternative base at some remote location (-xbase)
# $target -> (optional) target window to load all links into (-target)
# $script -> (option) Javascript code (-script)
# $no_script -> (option) Javascript
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
return join("\n",@result);
### Method: _style
# internal method for generating a CSS style section
sub _style {
my ($self,$style) = @_;
my (@result);
my $type = 'text/css';
my $rel = 'stylesheet';
my $cdata_start = $XHTML ? "\n\n" : " -->\n";
my @s = ref($style) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$style : $style;
my $other = '';
for my $s (@s) {
if (ref($s)) {
my($src,$code,$verbatim,$stype,$alternate,$foo,@other) =
ref($s) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$s : %$s));
my $type = defined $stype ? $stype : 'text/css';
my $rel = $alternate ? 'alternate stylesheet' : 'stylesheet';
$other = "@other" if @other;
if (ref($src) eq "ARRAY") # Check to see if the $src variable is an array reference
{ # If it is, push a LINK tag for each one
for $src (@$src)
push(@result,$XHTML ? qq()
: qq()) if $src;
{ # Otherwise, push the single -src, if it exists.
push(@result,$XHTML ? qq()
: qq()
) if $src;
if ($verbatim) {
my @v = ref($verbatim) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$verbatim : $verbatim;
push(@result, "") for @v;
if ($code) {
my @c = ref($code) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$code : $code;
push(@result,style({'type'=>$type},"$cdata_start\n$_\n$cdata_end")) for @c;
} else {
my $src = $s;
push(@result,$XHTML ? qq()
: qq());
sub _script {
my ($self,$script) = @_;
my (@result);
my (@scripts) = ref($script) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$script : ($script);
for $script (@scripts) {
if (ref($script)) { # script is a hash
($src,$code,$type,$charset) =
'-foo'=>'bar', # a trick to allow the '-' to be omitted
ref($script) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$script : %$script);
$type ||= 'text/javascript';
unless ($type =~ m!\w+/\w+!) {
$type =~ s/[\d.]+$//;
$type = "text/$type";
} else {
($src,$code,$type,$charset) = ('',$script, 'text/javascript', '');
my $comment = '//'; # javascript by default
$comment = '#' if $type=~/perl|tcl/i;
$comment = "'" if $type=~/vbscript/i;
my ($cdata_start,$cdata_end);
if ($XHTML) {
$cdata_start = "$comment";
} else {
$cdata_start = "\n\n";
push(@satts,'src'=>$src) if $src;
push(@satts,'charset'=>$charset) if ($src && $charset);
$code = $cdata_start . $code . $cdata_end if defined $code;
push(@result,$self->script({@satts},$code || ''));
#### Method: end_html
# End an HTML document.
# Trivial method for completeness. Just returns ""
sub end_html {
return "\n\n";
#### Method: isindex
# Just prints out the isindex tag.
# Parameters:
# $action -> optional URL of script to run
# Returns:
# A string containing a tag
sub isindex {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($action,@other) = rearrange([ACTION],@p);
$action = qq/ action="$action"/ if $action;
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
return $XHTML ? "" : "";
#### Method: start_form
# Start a form
# Parameters:
# $method -> optional submission method to use (GET or POST)
# $action -> optional URL of script to run
# $enctype ->encoding to use (URL_ENCODED or MULTIPART)
sub start_form {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($method,$action,$enctype,@other) =
$method = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML(lc($method || 'post'));
if( $XHTML ){
$enctype = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($enctype || &MULTIPART);
$enctype = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($enctype || &URL_ENCODED);
if (defined $action) {
$action = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($action);
else {
$action = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($self->request_uri || $self->self_url);
$action = qq(action="$action");
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
return qq/") : "\n";
} else {
if (my @fields = $self->get_fields) {
return wantarray ? ("
: "
".(join '',@fields)."
} else {
return "";
#### Method: end_multipart_form
# end a multipart form
sub end_multipart_form {
sub _textfield {
my($self,$tag,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($name,$default,$size,$maxlength,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
my $current = $override ? $default :
(defined($self->param($name)) ? $self->param($name) : $default);
$current = defined($current) ? $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($current,1) : '';
$name = defined($name) ? $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($name) : '';
my($s) = defined($size) ? qq/ size="$size"/ : '';
my($m) = defined($maxlength) ? qq/ maxlength="$maxlength"/ : '';
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
# this entered at cristy's request to fix problems with file upload fields
# and WebTV -- not sure it won't break stuff
my($value) = $current ne '' ? qq(value="$current") : '';
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
return $XHTML ? qq()
: qq();
#### Method: textfield
# Parameters:
# $name -> Name of the text field
# $default -> Optional default value of the field if not
# already defined.
# $size -> Optional width of field in characaters.
# $maxlength -> Optional maximum number of characters.
# Returns:
# A string containing a field
sub textfield {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
#### Method: filefield
# Parameters:
# $name -> Name of the file upload field
# $size -> Optional width of field in characaters.
# $maxlength -> Optional maximum number of characters.
# Returns:
# A string containing a field
sub filefield {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
#### Method: password
# Create a "secret password" entry field
# Parameters:
# $name -> Name of the field
# $default -> Optional default value of the field if not
# already defined.
# $size -> Optional width of field in characters.
# $maxlength -> Optional maximum characters that can be entered.
# Returns:
# A string containing a field
sub password_field {
my ($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
#### Method: textarea
# Parameters:
# $name -> Name of the text field
# $default -> Optional default value of the field if not
# already defined.
# $rows -> Optional number of rows in text area
# $columns -> Optional number of columns in text area
# Returns:
# A string containing a tag
sub textarea {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($name,$default,$rows,$cols,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
my($current)= $override ? $default :
(defined($self->param($name)) ? $self->param($name) : $default);
$name = defined($name) ? $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($name) : '';
$current = defined($current) ? $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($current) : '';
my($r) = $rows ? qq/ rows="$rows"/ : '';
my($c) = $cols ? qq/ cols="$cols"/ : '';
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
return qq{};
#### Method: button
# Create a javascript button.
# Parameters:
# $name -> (optional) Name for the button. (-name)
# $value -> (optional) Value of the button when selected (and visible name) (-value)
# $onclick -> (optional) Text of the JavaScript to run when the button is
# clicked.
# Returns:
# A string containing a tag
sub button {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($label,$value,$script,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange([NAME,[VALUE,LABEL],
$script ||= '';
my($name) = '';
$name = qq/ name="$label"/ if $label;
$value = $value || $label;
my($val) = '';
$val = qq/ value="$value"/ if $value;
$script = qq/ onclick="$script"/ if $script;
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
return $XHTML ? qq()
: qq();
#### Method: submit
# Create a "submit query" button.
# Parameters:
# $name -> (optional) Name for the button.
# $value -> (optional) Value of the button when selected (also doubles as label).
# $label -> (optional) Label printed on the button(also doubles as the value).
# Returns:
# A string containing a tag
sub submit {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($label,$value,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange([NAME,[VALUE,LABEL],TABINDEX],@p);
my $name = $NOSTICKY ? '' : 'name=".submit" ';
$name = qq/name="$label" / if defined($label);
$value = defined($value) ? $value : $label;
my $val = '';
$val = qq/value="$value" / if defined($value);
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
my($other) = @other ? "@other " : '';
return $XHTML ? qq()
: qq();
#### Method: reset
# Create a "reset" button.
# Parameters:
# $name -> (optional) Name for the button.
# Returns:
# A string containing a tag
sub reset {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($label,$value,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange(['NAME',['VALUE','LABEL'],TABINDEX],@p);
my ($name) = ' name=".reset"';
$name = qq/ name="$label"/ if defined($label);
$value = defined($value) ? $value : $label;
my($val) = '';
$val = qq/ value="$value"/ if defined($value);
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
return $XHTML ? qq()
: qq();
#### Method: defaults
# Create a "defaults" button.
# Parameters:
# $name -> (optional) Name for the button.
# Returns:
# A string containing a tag
# Note: this button has a special meaning to the initialization script,
# and tells it to ERASE the current query string so that your defaults
# are used again!
sub defaults {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($label,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange([[NAME,VALUE],TABINDEX],@p);
$label = $label || "Defaults";
my($value) = qq/ value="$label"/;
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
return $XHTML ? qq()
: qq//;
#### Method: comment
# Create an HTML
# Parameters: a string
sub comment {
my($self,@p) = self_or_CGI(@_);
return "";
#### Method: checkbox
# Create a checkbox that is not logically linked to any others.
# The field value is "on" when the button is checked.
# Parameters:
# $name -> Name of the checkbox
# $checked -> (optional) turned on by default if true
# $value -> (optional) value of the checkbox, 'on' by default
# $label -> (optional) a user-readable label printed next to the box.
# Otherwise the checkbox name is used.
# Returns:
# A string containing a field
sub checkbox {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($name,$checked,$value,$label,$labelattributes,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
$value = defined $value ? $value : 'on';
if (!$override && ($self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$name} ||
defined $self->param($name))) {
$checked = grep($_ eq $value,$self->param($name)) ? $self->_checked(1) : '';
} else {
$checked = $self->_checked($checked);
my($the_label) = defined $label ? $label : $name;
$name = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($name);
$value = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($value,1);
$the_label = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($the_label);
my($other) = @other ? "@other " : '';
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
return $XHTML ? CGI::label($labelattributes,
: qq{$the_label};
# Escape HTML
sub escapeHTML {
require HTML::Entities;
# hack to work around earlier hacks
push @_,$_[0] if @_==1 && $_[0] eq 'CGI';
my ($self,$toencode,$newlinestoo) = CGI::self_or_default(@_);
return undef unless defined($toencode);
my $encode_entities = $ENCODE_ENTITIES;
$encode_entities .= "\012\015" if ( $encode_entities && $newlinestoo );
return HTML::Entities::encode_entities($toencode,$encode_entities);
# unescape HTML -- used internally
sub unescapeHTML {
require HTML::Entities;
# hack to work around earlier hacks
push @_,$_[0] if @_==1 && $_[0] eq 'CGI';
my ($self,$string) = CGI::self_or_default(@_);
return undef unless defined($string);
return HTML::Entities::decode_entities($string);
# Internal procedure - don't use
sub _tableize {
my($rows,$columns,$rowheaders,$colheaders,@elements) = @_;
my @rowheaders = $rowheaders ? @$rowheaders : ();
my @colheaders = $colheaders ? @$colheaders : ();
if (defined($columns)) {
$rows = int(0.99 + @elements/$columns) unless defined($rows);
if (defined($rows)) {
$columns = int(0.99 + @elements/$rows) unless defined($columns);
# rearrange into a pretty table
$result = "
unshift(@colheaders,'') if @colheaders && @rowheaders;
$result .= "
" if @colheaders;
for (@colheaders) {
$result .= "
for ($row=0;$row<$rows;$row++) {
$result .= "
$result .= "
" if @rowheaders;
for ($column=0;$column<$columns;$column++) {
$result .= "
" . $elements[$column*$rows + $row] . "
if defined($elements[$column*$rows + $row]);
$result .= "
$result .= "
return $result;
#### Method: radio_group
# Create a list of logically-linked radio buttons.
# Parameters:
# $name -> Common name for all the buttons.
# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
# values for each button in the group.
# $default -> (optional) Value of the button to turn on by default. Pass '-'
# to turn _nothing_ on.
# $linebreak -> (optional) Set to true to place linebreaks
# between the buttons.
# $labels -> (optional)
# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
# Returns:
# An ARRAY containing a series of fields
sub radio_group {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
#### Method: checkbox_group
# Create a list of logically-linked checkboxes.
# Parameters:
# $name -> Common name for all the check boxes
# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
# values for each checkbox in the group.
# $defaults -> (optional)
# 1. If a pointer to a regular array of checkbox values,
# then this will be used to decide which
# checkboxes to turn on by default.
# 2. If a scalar, will be assumed to hold the
# value of a single checkbox in the group to turn on.
# $linebreak -> (optional) Set to true to place linebreaks
# between the buttons.
# $labels -> (optional)
# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
# Returns:
# An ARRAY containing a series of fields
sub checkbox_group {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
sub _box_group {
my $self = shift;
my $box_type = shift;
$override,$nolabels,$tabindex,$disabled,@other) =
@values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name);
my %checked = $self->previous_or_default($name,$defaults,$override);
# If no check array is specified, check the first by default
$checked{$values[0]}++ if $box_type eq 'radio' && !%checked;
my %tabs = ();
if ($TABINDEX && $tabindex) {
if (!ref $tabindex) {
} elsif (ref $tabindex eq 'ARRAY') {
%tabs = map {$_=>$self->element_tab} @$tabindex;
} elsif (ref $tabindex eq 'HASH') {
%tabs = %$tabindex;
%tabs = map {$_=>$self->element_tab} @values unless %tabs;
my $other = @other ? "@other " : '';
my $radio_checked;
# for disabling groups of radio/checkbox buttons
my %disabled;
for (@{$disabled}) {
for (@values) {
my $disable="";
if ($disabled{$_}) {
my $checkit = $self->_checked($box_type eq 'radio' ? ($checked{$_} && !$radio_checked++)
: $checked{$_});
if ($linebreak) {
$break = $XHTML ? " " : " ";
else {
$break = '';
unless (defined($nolabels) && $nolabels) {
$label = $_;
$label = $labels->{$_} if defined($labels) && defined($labels->{$_});
$label = $self->_maybe_escapeHTML($label,1);
$label = "$label" if $disabled{$_};
my $attribs = $self->_set_attributes($_, $attributes);
my $tab = $tabs{$_};
if ($XHTML) {
push @elements,
} else {
return wantarray ? @elements : "@elements"
unless defined($columns) || defined($rows);
return _tableize($rows,$columns,$rowheaders,$colheaders,@elements);
#### Method: popup_menu
# Create a popup menu.
# Parameters:
# $name -> Name for all the menu
# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
# text of each menu item.
# $default -> (optional) Default item to display
# $labels -> (optional)
# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
# Returns:
# A string containing the definition of a popup menu.
sub popup_menu {
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
my($name,$values,$default,$labels,$attributes,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
if (!$override && defined($self->param($name))) {
} elsif (defined $default) {
%selected = map {$_=>1} ref($default) eq 'ARRAY'
? @$default
: $default;
# RT #30057 - ignore -multiple, if you need this
# then use scrolling_list
@other = grep { $_ !~ /^multiple=/i } @other;
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
@values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name);
$tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
$name = q{} if ! defined $name;
$result = qq/";
return $result;
#### Method: optgroup
# Create a optgroup.
# Parameters:
# $name -> Label for the group
# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
# values for each option line in the group.
# $labels -> (optional)
# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each item
# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
# $labeled -> (optional)
# A true value indicates the value should be used as the label attribute
# in the option elements.
# The label attribute specifies the option label presented to the user.
# This defaults to the content of the