# # Copyright (c) 1994,1995,1996,1998 Tim Bunce # portions Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Jeff Urlwin # portions Copyright (c) 1997 Thomas K. Wenrich # portions Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Martin J. Evans # # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. ## no critic (ProhibitManyArgs ProhibitMultiplePackages) require 5.008; # NOTE: Don't forget to update the version reference in the POD below too. # NOTE: If you create a developer release x.y_z ensure y is greater than # the preceding y in the non developer release e.g., 1.24 should be followed # by 1.25_1 and then released as 1.26. # see discussion on dbi-users at # http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.dbi.dev/2010/07/msg6096.html and # http://www.dagolden.com/index.php/369/version-numbers-should-be-boring/ $DBD::ODBC::VERSION = '1.58'; { ## no critic (ProhibitMagicNumbers ProhibitExplicitISA) ## no critic (ProhibitPackageVars) package DBD::ODBC; use DBI (); use DynaLoader (); use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); # my $Revision = substr(q$Id$, 13,2); require_version DBI 1.609; bootstrap DBD::ODBC $VERSION; $err = 0; # holds error code for DBI::err $errstr = q{}; # holds error string for DBI::errstr $sqlstate = "00000"; # starting state $drh = undef; # holds driver handle once initialised use constant { # header fields in SQLGetDiagField: SQL_DIAG_CURSOR_ROW_COUNT => -1249, SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION => 7, SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE => 12, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER => 2, SQL_DIAG_RETURNCODE => 1, SQL_DIAG_ROW_COUNT => 3, # record fields in SQLGetDiagField: SQL_DIAG_CLASS_ORIGIN => 8, SQL_DIAG_COLUMN_NUMBER => -1247, SQL_DIAG_CONNECTION_NAME => 10, SQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_TEXT => 6, SQL_DIAG_NATIVE => 5, SQL_DIAG_ROW_NUMBER => -1248, SQL_DIAG_SERVER_NAME => 11, SQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE => 4, SQL_DIAG_SUBCLASS_ORIGIN => 9, # TAF constants - these are just copies of Oracle constants # events: OCI_FO_END => 0x00000001, OCI_FO_ABORT => 0x00000002, OCI_FO_REAUTH => 0x00000004, OCI_FO_BEGIN => 0x00000008, OCI_FO_ERROR => 0x00000010, # callback return codes: OCI_FO_RETRY => 25410, # types: OCI_FO_NONE => 0x00000001, OCI_FO_SESSION => 0x00000002, OCI_FO_SELECT => 0x00000004, OCI_FO_TXNAL => 0x00000008 }; our @EXPORT_DIAGS = qw(SQL_DIAG_CURSOR_ROW_COUNT SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE SQL_DIAG_NUMBER SQL_DIAG_RETURNCODE SQL_DIAG_ROW_COUNT SQL_DIAG_CLASS_ORIGIN SQL_DIAG_COLUMN_NUMBER SQL_DIAG_CONNECTION_NAME SQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_TEXT SQL_DIAG_NATIVE SQL_DIAG_ROW_NUMBER SQL_DIAG_SERVER_NAME SQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE SQL_DIAG_SUBCLASS_ORIGIN); our @EXPORT_TAF = qw(OCI_FO_END OCI_FO_ABORT OCI_FO_REAUTH OCI_FO_BEGIN OCI_FO_ERROR OCI_FO_RETRY OCI_FO_NONE OCI_FO_SESSION OCI_FO_SELECT OCI_FO_TXNAL); our @EXPORT_OK = (@EXPORT_DIAGS, @EXPORT_TAF); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( diags => \@EXPORT_DIAGS, taf => \@EXPORT_TAF); sub parse_trace_flag { my ($class, $name) = @_; return 0x02_00_00_00 if $name eq 'odbcunicode'; return 0x04_00_00_00 if $name eq 'odbcconnection'; return DBI::parse_trace_flag($class, $name); } sub parse_trace_flags { my ($class, $flags) = @_; return DBI::parse_trace_flags($class, $flags); } my $methods_are_installed = 0; sub driver{ return $drh if $drh; my($class, $attr) = @_; $class .= "::dr"; # not a 'my' since we use it above to prevent multiple drivers $drh = DBI::_new_drh($class, { 'Name' => 'ODBC', 'Version' => $VERSION, 'Err' => \$DBD::ODBC::err, 'Errstr' => \$DBD::ODBC::errstr, 'State' => \$DBD::ODBC::sqlstate, 'Attribution' => 'DBD::ODBC by Jeff Urlwin, Tim Bunce and Martin J. Evans', }); if (!$methods_are_installed) { DBD::ODBC::st->install_method("odbc_lob_read"); DBD::ODBC::st->install_method("odbc_rows", { O=>0x00000000 }); DBD::ODBC::st->install_method("odbc_describe_param", { O=>0x00000000 }); # don't clear errors - IMA_KEEP_ERR = 0x00000004 DBD::ODBC::st->install_method("odbc_getdiagrec", { O=>0x00000004 }); DBD::ODBC::db->install_method("odbc_getdiagrec", { O=>0x00000004 }); DBD::ODBC::db->install_method("odbc_getdiagfield", { O=>0x00000004 }); DBD::ODBC::st->install_method("odbc_getdiagfield", { O=>0x00000004 }); $methods_are_installed++; } return $drh; } sub CLONE { undef $drh } 1; } { package DBD::ODBC::dr; # ====== DRIVER ====== use strict; use warnings; ## no critic (ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms) sub connect { my($drh, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attr)= @_; #$user = q{} unless defined $user; #$auth = q{} unless defined $auth; # create a 'blank' dbh my $this = DBI::_new_dbh($drh, { 'Name' => $dbname, 'USER' => $user, 'CURRENT_USER' => $user, }); # Call ODBC _login func in Driver.xst file => dbd_db_login6 # and populate internal handle data. # There are 3 versions (currently) if you have a recent DBI: # dbd_db_login (oldest) # dbd_db_login6 (with attribs hash & char * args) and # dbd_db_login6_sv (as dbd_db_login6 with perl scalar args DBD::ODBC::db::_login($this, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attr) or return; return $this; } ## use critic sub data_sources { my ($drh, $attr) = @_; my $dsref = DBD::ODBC::dr::_data_sources( $drh, $attr ); if( defined( $dsref ) && ref( $dsref ) eq "ARRAY" ) { return @$dsref; } return (); # Return empty array } } { package DBD::ODBC::db; # ====== DATABASE ====== use strict; use warnings; use constant SQL_DRIVER_HSTMT => 5; use constant SQL_DRIVER_HLIB => 76; use constant SQL_DRIVER_HDESC => 135; sub parse_trace_flag { my ($h, $name) = @_; return DBD::ODBC->parse_trace_flag($name); } sub private_attribute_info { return { odbc_ignore_named_placeholders => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_default_bind_type => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_force_bind_type => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_force_rebind => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_async_exec => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_exec_direct => undef, odbc_describe_parameters => undef, odbc_SQL_ROWSET_SIZE => undef, odbc_SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER => undef, odbc_cursortype => undef, odbc_query_timeout => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_has_unicode => undef, odbc_out_connect_string => undef, odbc_version => undef, odbc_err_handler => undef, odbc_putdata_start => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_column_display_size => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_utf8_on => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_driver_complete => undef, odbc_batch_size => undef, odbc_array_operations => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_taf_callback => undef, odbc_trace => undef, # dbh odbc_trace_file => undef, # dbh }; } sub prepare { my($dbh, $statement, @attribs)= @_; # create a 'blank' sth my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => $statement, }); # Call ODBC func in ODBC.xs file. # (This will actually also call SQLPrepare for you.) # and populate internal handle data. DBD::ODBC::st::_prepare($sth, $statement, @attribs) or return; return $sth; } sub column_info { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $column) = @_; $catalog = q{} if (!$catalog); $schema = q{} if (!$schema); $table = q{} if (!$table); $column = q{} if (!$column); # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLColumns" }); _columns($dbh,$sth, $catalog, $schema, $table, $column) or return; return $sth; } sub columns { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $column) = @_; $catalog = q{} if (!$catalog); $schema = q{} if (!$schema); $table = q{} if (!$table); $column = q{} if (!$column); # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLColumns" }); _columns($dbh,$sth, $catalog, $schema, $table, $column) or return; return $sth; } sub table_info { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $type) = @_; if ($#_ == 1) { my $attrs = $_[1]; $catalog = $attrs->{TABLE_CAT}; $schema = $attrs->{TABLE_SCHEM}; $table = $attrs->{TABLE_NAME}; $type = $attrs->{TABLE_TYPE}; } # the following was causing a problem # changing undef to '' makes a big difference to SQLTables # as SQLTables has special cases for empty string calls #$catalog = q{} if (!$catalog); #$schema = q{} if (!$schema); #$table = q{} if (!$table); #$type = q{} if (!$type); # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLTables" }); DBD::ODBC::st::_tables($dbh,$sth, $catalog, $schema, $table, $type) or return; return $sth; } sub primary_key_info { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table ) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLPrimaryKeys" }); $catalog = q{} if (!$catalog); $schema = q{} if (!$schema); $table = q{} if (!$table); DBD::ODBC::st::_primary_keys($dbh,$sth, $catalog, $schema, $table ) or return; return $sth; } sub statistics_info { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $unique, $quick ) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLStatistics" }); $catalog = q{} if (!$catalog); $schema = q{} if (!$schema); $table = q{} if (!$table); $unique = 1 if (!$unique); $quick = 1 if (!$quick); DBD::ODBC::st::_statistics($dbh, $sth, $catalog, $schema, $table, $unique, $quick) or return; return $sth; } sub foreign_key_info { my ($dbh, $pkcatalog, $pkschema, $pktable, $fkcatalog, $fkschema, $fktable ) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLForeignKeys" }); $pkcatalog = q{} if (!$pkcatalog); $pkschema = q{} if (!$pkschema); $pktable = q{} if (!$pktable); $fkcatalog = q{} if (!$fkcatalog); $fkschema = q{} if (!$fkschema); $fktable = q{} if (!$fktable); _GetForeignKeys($dbh, $sth, $pkcatalog, $pkschema, $pktable, $fkcatalog, $fkschema, $fktable) or return; return $sth; } sub ping { my $dbh = shift; # DBD::Gofer does the following (with a 0 instead of "0") but it I # cannot make it set a warning. #return $dbh->SUPER::set_err("0", "can't ping while not connected") # warning # unless $dbh->SUPER::FETCH('Active'); #my $pe = $dbh->FETCH('PrintError'); #$dbh->STORE('PrintError', 0); my $evalret = eval { # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLTables_PING" }) or return 1; my ($catalog, $schema, $table, $type); $catalog = q{}; $schema = q{}; $table = 'NOXXTABLE'; $type = q{}; DBD::ODBC::st::_tables($dbh,$sth, $catalog, $schema, $table, $type) or return 1; $sth->finish; return 0; }; #$dbh->STORE('PrintError', $pe); $dbh->set_err(undef,'',''); # clear any stored error from eval above if ($evalret == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } ##### # saved, just for posterity. ##### sub oldping { ##### my $dbh = shift; ##### my $state = undef; ##### ##### # should never 'work' but if it does, that's okay! ##### # JLU incorporated patches from Jon Smirl 5/4/99 ##### { ##### local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0 if $dbh->{RaiseError}; ##### # JLU added local PrintError handling for completeness. ##### # it shouldn't print, I think. ##### local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0 if $dbh->{PrintError}; ##### my $sql = "select sysdate from dual1__NOT_FOUND__CANNOT"; ##### my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); ##### # fixed "my" $state = below. Was causing problem with ##### # ping! Also, fetching fields as some drivers (Oracle 8) ##### # may not actually check the database for activity until ##### # the query is "described". ##### # Right now, Oracle8 is the only known version which ##### # does not actually check the server during prepare. ##### my $ok = $sth && $sth->execute(); ##### ##### $state = $dbh->state; ##### $DBD::ODBC::err = 0; ##### $DBD::ODBC::errstr = ""; ##### $DBD::ODBC::sqlstate = "00000"; ##### return 1 if $ok; ##### } ##### return 1 if $state eq 'S0002'; # Base table not found ##### return 1 if $state eq '42S02'; # Base table not found.Solid EE v3.51 ##### return 1 if $state eq 'S0022'; # Column not found ##### return 1 if $state eq '37000'; # statement could not be prepared (19991011, JLU) ##### # return 1 if $state eq 'S1000'; # General Error? ? 5/30/02, JLU. This is what Openlink is returning ##### # We assume that any other error means the database ##### # is no longer connected. ##### # Some special cases may need to be added to the code above. ##### return 0; ##### } # New support for DBI which has the get_info command. # leaving support for ->func(xxx, GetInfo) (below) for a period of time # to support older applications which used this. sub get_info { my ($dbh, $item) = @_; # Ignore some we cannot do if ($item == SQL_DRIVER_HSTMT || $item == SQL_DRIVER_HLIB || $item == SQL_DRIVER_HDESC) { return; } return _GetInfo($dbh, $item); } # new override of do method provided by Merijn Broeren # this optimizes "do" to use SQLExecDirect for simple # do statements without parameters. ## no critic (ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms) sub do { my($dbh, $statement, $attr, @params) = @_; my $rows = 0; ## no critic (ProhibitMagicNumbers) if( -1 == $#params ) { $dbh->STORE(Statement => $statement); # No parameters, use execute immediate $rows = ExecDirect( $dbh, $statement ); if( 0 == $rows ) { $rows = "0E0"; # 0 but true } elsif( $rows < -1 ) { undef $rows; } } else { $rows = $dbh->SUPER::do( $statement, $attr, @params ); } return $rows } ## use critic # # can also be called as $dbh->func($sql, ExecDirect); # if, for some reason, there are compatibility issues # later with DBI's do. # sub ExecDirect { my ($dbh, $sql) = @_; return _ExecDirect($dbh, $sql); } # Call the ODBC function SQLGetInfo # Args are: # $dbh - the database handle # $item: the requested item. For example, pass 6 for SQL_DRIVER_NAME # See the ODBC documentation for more information about this call. # sub GetInfo { my ($dbh, $item) = @_; return get_info($dbh, $item); } # Call the ODBC function SQLStatistics # Args are: # See the ODBC documentation for more information about this call. # sub GetStatistics { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $unique) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLStatistics" }); _GetStatistics($dbh, $sth, $catalog, $schema, $table, $unique) or return; return $sth; } # Call the ODBC function SQLForeignKeys # Args are: # See the ODBC documentation for more information about this call. # sub GetForeignKeys { my ($dbh, $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table, $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLForeignKeys" }); _GetForeignKeys($dbh, $sth, $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table, $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table) or return; return $sth; } # Call the ODBC function SQLPrimaryKeys # Args are: # See the ODBC documentation for more information about this call. # sub GetPrimaryKeys { my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLPrimaryKeys" }); _GetPrimaryKeys($dbh, $sth, $catalog, $schema, $table) or return; return $sth; } # Call the ODBC function SQLSpecialColumns # Args are: # See the ODBC documentation for more information about this call. # sub GetSpecialColumns { my ($dbh, $identifier, $catalog, $schema, $table, $scope, $nullable) = @_; # create a "blank" statement handle my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLSpecialColumns" }); _GetSpecialColumns($dbh, $sth, $identifier, $catalog, $schema, $table, $scope, $nullable) or return; return $sth; } # sub GetTypeInfo { # my ($dbh, $sqltype) = @_; # # create a "blank" statement handle # my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLGetTypeInfo" }); # # print "SQL Type is $sqltype\n"; # _GetTypeInfo($dbh, $sth, $sqltype) or return; # return $sth; # } sub type_info_all { my ($dbh, $sqltype) = @_; $sqltype = DBI::SQL_ALL_TYPES unless defined $sqltype; my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => "SQLGetTypeInfo" }); _GetTypeInfo($dbh, $sth, $sqltype) or return; my $info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; unshift @{$info}, { map { ($sth->{NAME}->[$_] => $_) } 0..$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}-1 }; return $info; } } { package DBD::ODBC::st; # ====== STATEMENT ====== use strict; use warnings; *parse_trace_flag = \&DBD::ODBC::db::parse_trace_flag; sub private_attribute_info { return { odbc_ignore_named_placeholders => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_default_bind_type => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_force_bind_type => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_force_rebind => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_async_exec => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_query_timeout => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_putdata_start => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_column_display_size => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_utf8_on => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_exec_direct => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_describe_parameters => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_batch_size => undef, # sth and dbh odbc_array_operations => undef, # sth and dbh }; } sub ColAttributes { # maps to SQLColAttributes my ($sth, $colno, $desctype) = @_; my $tmp = _ColAttributes($sth, $colno, $desctype); return $tmp; } sub cancel { my $sth = shift; my $tmp = _Cancel($sth); return $tmp; } sub execute_for_fetch { my ($sth, $fetch_tuple_sub, $tuple_status) = @_; #print "execute_for_fetch\n"; my $row_count = 0; my $tuple_count="0E0"; my $tuple_batch_status; my $batch_size = $sth->FETCH('odbc_batch_size'); $sth->trace_msg("execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub, " . ($tuple_status ? $tuple_status : 'undef') . ") batch_size = $batch_size\n", 4); # Use DBI's execute_for_fetch if ours is disabled my $override = (defined($ENV{ODBC_DISABLE_ARRAY_OPERATIONS}) ? $ENV{ODBC_DISABLE_ARRAY_OPERATIONS} : -1); if ((($sth->FETCH('odbc_array_operations') == 0) && ($override != 0)) || $override == 1) { $sth->trace_msg("array operations disabled\n", 4); my $sth = shift; return $sth->SUPER::execute_for_fetch(@_); } $tuple_batch_status = [ ]; # we always want this here if (defined($tuple_status)) { @$tuple_status = (); } my $finished; while (1) { my @tuple_batch; for (my $i = 0; $i < $batch_size; $i++) { $finished = $fetch_tuple_sub->(); push @tuple_batch, [ @{$finished || last} ]; } $sth->trace_msg("Found " . scalar(@tuple_batch) . " rows\n", 4); last unless @tuple_batch; my $res = odbc_execute_for_fetch($sth, \@tuple_batch, scalar(@tuple_batch), $tuple_batch_status); $sth->trace_msg("odbc_execute_array returns " . ($res ? $res : 'undef') . "\n", 4); #print "odbc_execute_array XS returned $res\n"; # count how many tuples were used # basically they are all used unless marked UNUSED if ($tuple_batch_status) { foreach (@$tuple_batch_status) { $tuple_count++ unless $_ == 7; # SQL_PARAM_UNUSED next if ref($_); $_ = -1; # we don't know individual row counts } if ($tuple_status) { push @$tuple_status, @$tuple_batch_status if defined($tuple_status); } } if (!defined($res)) { # error $row_count = undef; last; } else { $row_count += $res; } last if !$finished; } if (!wantarray) { return undef if !defined $row_count; return $tuple_count; } return (defined $row_count ? $tuple_count : undef, $row_count); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DBD::ODBC - ODBC Driver for DBI =for html CPAN version =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to DBD::ODBC version 1.58. =head1 WARNING This version of DBD::ODBC contains a significant fix to unicode when inserting into CHAR/VARCHAR columns and it is a change in behaviour from 1.45. The change B applies to unicode builds of DBD::ODBC (the default on Windows but you can build it for unicode on unix too) and char/varchar columns and not nchar/nvarchar columns. Prior to this release of DBD::ODBC when you are using the unicode build of DBD::ODBC and inserted data into a CHAR/VARCHAR columns using parameters DBD::ODBC did this: 1 if you set odbc_describe_parameters to 0, (thus preventing DBD::ODBC from calling SQLDescribeParam) parameters for CHAR/VARCHAR columns were bound as SQL_WVARCHAR or SQL_WLONGVARCHAR (depending on the length of the parameter). 2 if you set odbc_force_bind_type then all parameters are bound as you specified. 3 if you override the parameter type in the bind_param method, the type you specified would be used. 4 if the driver does not support SQLDescribeParam or SQLDescribeParam was called and failed then the bind type defaulted as in 1. 5 if none of the above (and I'd guess that is the normal case for most people) then DBD::ODBC calls SQLDescribeParam to find the parameter type. This usually returns SQL_CHAR or SQL_VARCHAR for CHAR/VARCHAR columns unsurprisingly. The parameter was then bound as SQL_VARCHAR. Items 1 to 4 still apply. 5 now has a different behaviour. In this release, DBD::ODBC now looks at your bound data first before using the type returned by SQLDescribeParam. If you data looks like unicode (i.e., SvUTF8() is true) it now binds the parameter as SQL_WVARCHAR. What might this might mean to you? If you had Perl scalars that were bound to CHAR/VARCHAR columns in an insert/update/delete and those scalars contained unicode, DBD::ODBC would actually pass the individual octets in your scalar not characters. For instance, if you had the Perl scalar "\x{20ac}" (the Euro unicode character) and you bound it to a CHAR/VARCHAR, DBD::ODBC would pass 0xe2, 0x82, 0xc2 as separate characters because those bytes were Perl's UTF-8 encoding of a euro. These would probably be interpreted by your database engine as 3 characters in its current codepage. If you queried your database to find the length of the data inserted you'd probably get back 3, not 1. However, when DBD::ODBC read that column back in a select statement, it would bind the column as SQL_WCHAR and you'd get back 3 characters with the utf8 flag on (what those characters were depends on how your database or driver translates code page characters to wide characters). What should happen now is that if your bound parameters are unicode, DBD::ODBC will bind them as wide characters (unicode) and your driver or database will attempt to convert them into the code page it is using. This means so long as your database can store the data you are inserting, when you read it back you should get what you inserted. =head1 SYNOPSIS use DBI; $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:DSN=mydsn', 'user', 'password'); See L for more information. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Change log and FAQs Please note that the change log has been moved to DBD::ODBC::Changes. To access this documentation, use C. The FAQs have also moved to DBD::ODBC::FAQ.pm. To access the FAQs use C. =head2 Important note about the tests DBD::ODBC is unlike most other DBDs in that it connects to literally dozens of possible ODBC Drivers. It is practically impossible for me to test every one and so some tests may fail with some ODBC Drivers. This does not mean DBD::ODBC will not work with your ODBC Driver but it is worth reporting any test failures on rt.cpan.org or to the dbi-users mailing list. =head2 DBI attribute handling If a DBI defined attribute is not mentioned here it behaves as per the DBI specification. =head3 ReadOnly (boolean) DBI documents the C attribute as being settable and retrievable on connection and statement handles. In ODBC setting ReadOnly to true causes the connection attribute C to be set to C and setting it to false will set the access mode to C (which is the default in ODBC). B There is no equivalent of setting ReadOnly on a statement handle in ODBC. B See ODBC documentation on C as setting it to C does B prevent your script from running updates or deletes; it is simply a hint to the driver/database that you won't being doing updates. B Since DBD::ODCB 1.44_3, if the driver does not support setting C and returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO and "option value changed" a warning is issued (which you'll only see if you have DBI > 1.628). In addition, any subsequent attempts to fetch the ReadOnly attribute will return the value last set. This attribute requires DBI version 1.55 or better. =head2 Private attributes common to connection and statement handles =head3 odbc_ignore_named_placeholders Use this if you have special needs (such as Oracle triggers, etc) where :new or :name mean something special and are not just place holder names. You B then use ? for binding parameters. Example: $dbh->{odbc_ignore_named_placeholders} = 1; $dbh->do("create trigger foo as if :new.x <> :old.x then ... etc"); Without this, DBD::ODBC will think :new and :old are placeholders for binding and get confused. =head3 odbc_default_bind_type This value defaults to 0. Older versions of DBD::ODBC assumed that the parameter binding type was 12 (C). Newer versions always attempt to call C to find the parameter types but if C is unavailable DBD::ODBC falls back to a default bind type. The internal default bind type is C (for non-unicode build) and C or C (for a unicode build depending on whether the parameter is unicode or not). If you set C to a value other than 0 you override the internal default. B If you call the C method with a SQL type this overrides everything else above. =head3 odbc_force_bind_type This value defaults to 0. If set to anything other than 0 this will force bound parameters to be bound as this type and C will not be used; in other words it implies L is set to false too. Older versions of DBD::ODBC assumed the parameter binding type was 12 (C) and newer versions always attempt to call C to find the parameter types. If your driver supports C and it succeeds it may still fail to describe the parameters accurately (MS SQL Server sometimes does this with some SQL like I to retrieve the last insert ID. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/815629. Information provided by Robert Freimuth. =head3 Comments in SQL DBI does not say anything in particular about comments in SQL. DBD::ODBC looks for placeholders in the SQL string and until 1.24_2 it did not recognise comments in SQL strings so could find what it believes to be a placeholder in a comment e.g., select '1' /* placeholder ? in comment */ select -- named placeholder :named in comment '1' I cannot be exact about support for ignoring placeholders in literals but it has existed for a long time in DBD::ODBC. Support for ignoring placeholders in comments was added in 1.24_2. If you find a case where a named placeholder is not ignored and should be, see L for a workaround and mail me an example along with your ODBC driver name. =head3 do This is not really a deviation from the DBI specification since DBI allows a driver to avoid the overhead of creating an DBI statement handle for do(). DBD::ODBC implements C by calling SQLExecDirect in ODBC and not SQLPrepare followed by SQLExecute so C is not the same as: $dbh->prepare($sql)->execute() It does this to avoid a round-trip to the server so it is faster. Normally this is good but some people fall foul of this with MS SQL Server if they call a procedure which outputs print statements (e.g., backup) as the procedure may not complete. See the DBD::ODBC FAQ and in general you are better to use prepare/execute when calling procedures. In addition, you should realise that since DBD::ODBC does not create a DBI statement for do calls, if you set up an error handler the handle passed in when a do fails will be the database handle and not a statement handle. =head3 Mixed placeholder types There are 3 conventions for place holders in DBI. These are '?', ':N' and ':name' (where 'N' is a number and 'name' is an alpha numeric string not beginning with a number). DBD::ODBC supports all these methods for naming placeholders but you must only use one method throughout a particular SQL string. If you mix placeholder methods you will get an error like: Can't mix placeholder styles (1/2) =head3 Using the same placeholder more than once DBD::ODBC does not support (currently) the use of one named placeholder more than once in a single SQL string. i.e., insert into foo values (:bar, :p1, :p2, :bar); is not supported because 'bar' is used more than once but: insert into foo values(:bar, :p1, :p2) is ok. If you do the former you will get an error like: DBD::ODBC does not yet support binding a named parameter more than once =head3 Binding named placeholders Although the DBI documentation (as of 1.604) does not say how named parameters are bound Tim Bunce has said that in Oracle they are bound with the leading ':' as part of the name and that has always been the case. i.e., prepare("insert into mytable values (:fred)"); bind_param(":foo", 1); DBD::ODBC does not support binding named parameters with the ':' introducer. In the above example you must use: bind_param("foo", 1); In discussion on the dbi-dev list is was suggested that the ':' could be made optional and there were no basic objections but it has not made it's way into the pod yet. =head3 Sticky Parameter Types The DBI specification post 1.608 says in bind_param: The data type is 'sticky' in that bind values passed to execute() are bound with the data type specified by earlier bind_param() calls, if any. Portable applications should not rely on being able to change the data type after the first bind_param call. DBD::ODBC does allow a parameter to be rebound with another data type as ODBC inherently allows this. Therefore you can do: # parameter 1 set as a SQL_LONGVARCHAR $sth->bind_param(1, $data, DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR); # without the bind above the $data parameter would be either a DBD::ODBC # internal default or whatever the ODBC driver said it was but because # parameter types are sticky, the type is still SQL_LONGVARCHAR. $sth->execute($data); # change the bound type to SQL_VARCHAR # some DBDs will ignore the type in the following, DBD::ODBC does not $sth->bind_param(1, $data, DBI::SQL_VARCHAR); =head3 disconnect and transactions DBI does not define whether a driver commits or rolls back any outstanding transaction when disconnect is called. As such DBD::ODBC cannot deviate from the specification but you should know it rolls back an uncommitted transaction when disconnect is called if SQLDisconnect returns state 25000 (transaction in progress). =head3 execute_for_fetch and execute_array From version 1.34_1 DBD::ODBC implements its own execute_for_fetch which binds arrays of parameters and can send multiple rows (L) of parameters through the ODBC driver in one go (this overrides DBI's default execute_for_fetch). This is much faster when inserting, updating or deleting many rows in one go. Note, execute_array uses execute_for_fetch when the parameters are passed for column-wise binding. NOTE: DBD::ODBC 1.34_1 to DBD::ODBC 1.36_1 set the default to use DBD::ODBC's own execute_for_fetch but quite a few ODBC drivers just cannot handle it. As such, from DBD::ODBC 1.36_2 the default was changed to not use DBD::ODBC's execute_for_fetch (i.e., you need to enable it with L). NOTE: Some ODBC drivers don't support setting SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE > 1, and hence cannot support binding arrays of parameters. The only way to detect this is to attempt to set SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE to a value greater than 1 and it is too late once someone has called execute_for_fetch. I don't want to add test code on each connect to test for this as it will affect everyone, even those not using the native execute_for_fetch so for now it is a suck it and see. For your information MS Access which does not support arrays of parameters errors with HY092, "Invalid attribute/option identifier". However, there are a small number of differences between using DBD::ODBC's execute_for_fetch compared with using DBI's default implementation (which simply calls execute repeatedly once per row). The differences you may see are: o as DBI's execute_for_fetch does one row at a time the result from execute is for one row and just about all ODBC drivers can report the number of affected rows when SQLRowCount is called per execute. When batches of parameters are sent the driver can still return the number of affected rows but it is usually per batch rather than per row. As a result, the tuple_status array you may pass to execute_for_fetch (or execute_array) usually shows -1 (unknown) for each row although the total affected returned in array context is a correct total affected. o not all ODBC drivers have sufficient ODBC support (arguably a bug) for correct diagnostics support when using arrays. DBI dictates that if a row in the batch is in error the tuple_status will contain the state, native and error message text. However the batch may generate multiple errors per row (which DBI says nothing about) and more than one row may error. In ODBC we get a list of errors but to associate each one with a particular row we need to call SQLGetDiagField for SQL_DIAG_ROW_NUMBER and it should say which row in the batch the diagnostic is associated with. Some ODBC drivers do not support SQL_DIAG_ROW_NUMBER properly and then DBD::ODBC cannot know which row in the batch an error refers to. In this case DBD::ODBC will report an error saying "failed to retrieve diags", state of HY000 and a native of 1 so you'll still see an error but not necessarily the exact one. Also, when more than one diagnostic is found for a row DBD::ODBC picks the first one (which is usually most relevant) as there is no way to report more than one diagnostic per row in the tuple_status. If the first problem of SQL_DIAG_ROW_NUMBER proves to be a problem for you the DBD::ODBC tracing will show all errors and you can also use L yourself. o Binding parameters with execute_array and execute_for_fetch does not allow the parameter types to be set. However, as parameter types are sticky you can call bind_param(param_num, undef, {TYPE => sql_type}) before calling execute_for_fetch/execute_array and the TYPE should be sticky when the batch of parameters is bound. o Although you can insert very large columns execute_for_fetch will need L * max length of parameter per parameter so you may hit memory limits. If you use DBI's execute_for_fetch DBD::ODBC uses the ODBC API SQLPutData (see L) which does not require large amounts of memory as large columns are sent in pieces. o A lot of drivers have bugs with arrays of parameters (see the ODBC FAQ). e.g., as of 18-MAR-2012 I've seen the latest SQLite ODBC driver seg fault and freeTDS 8/0.91 returns the wrong row count for batches. o B attempt to do an insert/update/delete and a select in the same SQL with execute_array e.g., SET IDENTITY_INSERT mytable ON insert into mytable (id, name) values (?,?) SET IDENTITY_INSERT mytable OFF SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() It just won't/can't work although you may not have noticed when using DBI's inbuilt execute_* methods. See rt 75687. =head3 type_info_all Many ODBC drivers now return 20 columns in type_info_all rather than the 19 DBI documents. The 20th column is usually called "USERTYPE". Recent MS SQL Server ODBC drivers do this. Fortunately this should not adversely affect you so long as you are using the keys provided at the start of type_info_all. =head3 Binding Columns The DBI specification allows a column type to be overridden in the call to the bind_col method. Mostly, DBD::ODBC ignores this type as it binds integers (SQL_INTEGER) as a SQL_C_LONG (since DBD::ODBC 1.38_1) and all other columns as SQL_C_CHAR or SQL_C_WCHAR and it is too late to change the bind type after the result-set has been described anyway. The only time when the TYPE passed to bind_col is used in DBD::ODBC is when it is SQL_NUMERIC or SQL_DOUBLE in which case DBD::ODBC will call DBI's sql_type_cast method. Since DBD::ODBC 1.38_1 if you attempt to change the bind type after the column has already bound DBD::ODBC will issue a warning and ignore your column type change e.g., my $s = $h->prepare(q/select a from mytable); $s->execute; # The column type was determined here my $r; $s->bind_col(1, \$r); # and bound as the right type here $s->execute; $s->bind_col(1, \$r, {TYPE => SQL_XXX}); # warning, type changed Basically, if you are passing a TYPE to bind_col with DBD::ODBC (other than SQL_NUMERIC or SQL_DOUBLE) your code is probably wrong. Significant changes occurred in DBD::ODBC at 1.38_1 for binding columns. Please see the Changes file. =head3 bind_param DBD::ODBC follows the DBI specification for bind_param however the third argument (a type or a hashref containing a type) is loosely defined by DBI. From the DBI pod: I As a general rule, don't specify a type when calling bind_param. If you stick to inserting appropriate data into the appropriate column DBD::ODBC will mostly do the right thing especially if the ODBC driver supports SQLDescribeParam. In particular don't just add a type of SQL_DATE because you are inserting a date (it will not work). The correct syntax in ODBC for inserting dates, times and timestamps is: insert into mytable (mydate, mttime, mytimestamp) values(?,?,?); bind_param(1, "{d 'YYYY-MM-DD'}"); bind_param(2, "{t 'HH:MM:SS.MM'}"); # :MM can be omitted and some dbs support :MMM bind_param(3, "{ts 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'}"); See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ms190234%28v=SQL.90%29.aspx The only times when you might want to add a type are: 1. If your ODBC driver does not support SQLDescribeParam (or if you told DBD::ODBC not to use it) then DBD::ODBC will default to inserting each parameter as a string (which is usually the right thing anyway). This is ok, most of the time, but is probably not what you want when inserting a binary (use TYPE => SQL_BINARY). 2. If for some reason your driver describes the parameter incorrectly. It is difficult to describe an example of this. 3. If SQLDescribeParam is supported but fails e.g., MS SQL Server has problems with SQL like "select myfunc(?) where 1 = 1". Also, DBI exports some types which are not available in ODBC e.g., SQL_BLOB. If you are unsure about ODBC types look at your ODBC header files or look up valid types in the ODBC specification. =head3 tables and table_info These are not really deviations from the DBI specification but a clarification of a DBI optional feature. DBD::ODBC supports wildcards (% and _) in the catalog, schema and type arguments. However, you should be aware that if the statement attribute SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID is SQL_TRUE the values are interpreted as identifiers and the case is ignored. SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID defaults to SQL_FALSE so normally the values are treated as patterns and the case is significant. SQLGetInfo for SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES can affect what tables you can list. All the special cases listed by DBI (empty strings for all arguments but one which is '%') for catalog, schema and table type are supported by DBD::ODBC. However, using '%' for table type in a call to the tables method does not currently work with DBI up to 1.631 due to an issue in DBI. Although DBD::ODBC supports all the usage cases listed by DBI, your ODBC driver may not. =head2 Unicode The ODBC specification supports wide character versions (a postfix of 'W') of some of the normal ODBC APIs e.g., SQLDriverConnectW is a wide character version of SQLDriverConnect. In ODBC on Windows the wide characters are defined as SQLWCHARs (2 bytes) and are UCS-2 (but UTF-16 is accepted by some drivers now e.g., MS SQL Server 2012 and the new collation suffix _SC which stands for Supplementary Character Support). On non-Windows, the main driver managers I know of have implemented the wide character APIs differently: =over =item unixODBC unixODBC mimics the Windows ODBC API precisely meaning the wide character versions expect and return 2-byte characters in UCS-2 or UTF-16. unixODBC will happily recognise ODBC drivers which only have the ANSI versions of the ODBC API and those that have the wide versions too. unixODBC will allow an ANSI application to work with a unicode ODBC driver and vice versa (although in the latter case you obviously cannot actually use unicode). unixODBC does not prevent you sending UTF-8 in the ANSI versions of the ODBC APIs but whether that is understood by your ODBC driver is another matter. unixODBC differs in only one way from the Microsoft ODBC driver in terms of unicode support in that it avoids unnecessary translations between single byte and double byte characters when an ANSI application is using a unicode-aware ODBC driver by requiring unicode applications to signal their intent by calling SQLDriverConnectW first. On Windows, the ODBC driver manager always uses the wide versions of the ODBC API in ODBC drivers which provide the wide versions regardless of what the application really needs and this results in a lot of unnecessary character translations when you have an ANSI application and a unicode ODBC driver. =item iODBC The wide character versions expect and return wchar_t types. =back DBD::ODBC has gone with unixODBC so you cannot use iODBC with a unicode build of DBD::ODBC. However, some ODBC drivers support UTF-8 (although how they do this with SQLGetData reliably I don't know) and so you should be able to use those with DBD::ODBC not built for unicode. =head3 Enabling and Disabling Unicode support On Windows Unicode support is enabled by default and to disable it you will need to specify C<-nou> to F to get back to the original behavior of DBD::ODBC before any Unicode support was added. e.g., perl Makfile.PL -nou On non-Windows platforms Unicode support is disabled by default. To enable it specify C<-u> to F when you configure DBD::ODBC. e.g., perl Makefile.PL -u =head3 Unicode - What is supported? As of version 1.17 DBD::ODBC has the following unicode support: =over =item SQL (introduced in 1.16_2) Unicode strings in calls to the C and C methods are supported so long as the C attribute is not used. =item unicode connection strings (introduced in 1.16_2) Unicode connection strings are supported but you will need a DBI post 1.607 for that. =item column names Unicode column names are returned. =item bound columns (introduced in 1.15) If the DBMS reports the column as being a wide character (SQL_Wxxx) it will be bound as a wide character and any returned data will be converted from UTF-16 to UTF-8 and the UTF-8 flag will then be set on the data. =item bound parameters If the perl scalars you bind to parameters are marked UTF-8 and the DBMS reports the type as being a wide type or you bind the parameter as a wide type they will be converted to wide characters and bound as such. =item metadata calls like table_info, column_info As of DBD::ODBC 1.32_3 meta data calls accept Unicode strings. =back Since version 1.16_4, the default parameter bind type is SQL_WVARCHAR for unicode builds of DBD::ODBC. This only affects ODBC drivers which do not support SQLDescribeParam and only then if you do not specifically set a SQL type on the bind_param method call. The above Unicode support has been tested with the SQL Server, Oracle 9.2+ and Postgres drivers on Windows and various Easysoft ODBC drivers on UNIX. =head3 Unicode - What is not supported? You cannot use unicode parameter names e.g., select * from table where column = :unicode_param_name You cannot use unicode strings in calls to prepare if you set the odbc_execdirect attribute. You cannot use the iODBC driver manager with DBD::ODBC built for unicode. =head3 Unicode - Caveats For Unicode support on any platform in Perl you will need at least Perl 5.8.1 - sorry but this is the way it is with Perl. The Unicode support in DBD::ODBC expects a WCHAR to be 2 bytes (as it is on Windows and as the ODBC specification suggests it is). Until ODBC specifies any other Unicode support it is not envisioned this will change. On UNIX there are a few different ODBC driver managers. I have only tested the unixODBC driver manager (http://www.unixodbc.org) with Unicode support and it was built with defaults which set WCHAR as 2 bytes. I believe that the iODBC driver manager expects wide characters to be wchar_t types (which are usually 4 bytes) and hence DBD::ODBC will not work iODBC when built for unicode. The ODBC Driver must expect Unicode data specified in SQLBindParameter and SQLBindCol to be UTF-16 in local endianness. Similarly, in calls to SQLPrepareW, SQLDescribeColW and SQLDriverConnectW. You should be aware that once Unicode support is enabled it affects a number of DBI methods (some of which you might not expect). For instance, when listing tables, columns etc some drivers (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server) will report the column types as wide types even if the strings actually fit in 7-bit ASCII. As a result, there is an overhead for retrieving this column data as 2 bytes per character will be transmitted (compared with 1 when Unicode support is not enabled) and these strings will be converted into UTF-8 but will end up fitting (in most cases) into 7bit ASCII so a lot of conversion work has been performed for nothing. If you don't have Unicode table and column names or Unicode column data in your tables you are best disabling Unicode support. I am at present unsure if ChopBlanks processing on Unicode strings is working correctly on UNIX. If nothing else the construct L' ' in dbdimp.c might not work with all UNIX compilers. Reports of issues and patches welcome. =head3 Unicode implementation in DBD::ODBC DBD::ODBC uses the wide character versions of the ODBC API and the SQL_WCHAR ODBC type to support unicode in Perl. Wide characters returned from the ODBC driver will be converted to UTF-8 and the perl scalars will have the utf8 flag set (by using sv_utf8_decode). B Perl scalars which are UTF-8 and are sent through the ODBC API will be converted to UTF-16 and passed to the ODBC wide APIs or signalled as SQL_WCHARs (e.g., in the case of bound columns). Retrieved data which are wide characters are converted from UTF-16 to UTF-8. However, you should realise most ODBC drivers do not support UTF-16, ODBC only talks about wide characters being 2 bytes and UCS-2 and UCS-2 and UTF-16 are not the same. UCS-2 only supports Unicode characters in the first plane (the Basic Multilangual Plane or BMP) (code points U+0000 to U+FFFF), the most frequently used characters. So why does DBD::ODBC currently encode in UTF-16? For around 97% of Unicode characters in the range 0-0xFFFF UCS-2 and UTF-16 are exactly the same (and where they differ there is no valid Unicode character as the range U+D800 to U+DFFF is reserved from use only as surrogate pairs). As the ODBC API currently uses UCS-2 it does not support Unicode characters with code points above 0xFFFF (if you know better I'd like to hear from you). However, because DBD::ODBC uses UTF-16 encoding you can still insert Unicode characters above 0xFFFF into your database and retrieve them back correctly but they may not being treated as a single Unicode character in your database e.g., a "select length(a_column) from table" with a single Unicode character above 0xFFFF may return 2 and not 1 so you cannot use database functions on that data like upper/lower/length etc but you can at least save the data in your database and get it back. When built for unicode, DBD::ODBC will always call SQLDriverConnectW (and not SQLDriverConnect) even if a) your connection string is not unicode b) you have not got a DBI later than 1.607, because unixODBC requires SQLDriverConnectW to be called if you want to call other unicode ODBC APIs later. As a result, if you build for unicode and pass ASCII strings to the connect method they will be converted to UTF-16 and passed to SQLDriverConnectW. This should make no real difference to perl not using unicode connection strings. You will need a DBI later than 1.607 to support unicode connection strings because until post 1.607 there was no way for DBI to pass unicode strings to the DBD. =head3 Unicode and Oracle You have to set the environment variables C and C (or any other language setting ending with C<.AL32UTF8>) before loading DBD::ODBC to make Oracle return Unicode data. (See also "Oracle and Unicode" in the POD of DBD::Oracle.) On Windows, using the Oracle ODBC Driver you have to enable the B Workaround in the data source configuration to make Oracle return Unicode to a non-Unicode application. Alternatively, you can include C in your connect string. Unless you need to use ODBC, if you want Unicode support with Oracle you are better off using L. =head3 Unicode and PostgreSQL See the odbc_utf8_on parameter to treat all strings as utf8. Some tests from the original DBD::ODBC 1.13 fail with PostgreSQL 8.0.3, so you may not want to use DBD::ODBC to connect to PostgreSQL 8.0.3. Unicode tests fail because PostgreSQL seems not to give any hints about Unicode, so all data is treated as non-Unicode. Unless you need to use ODBC, if you want Unicode support with Postgres you are better off with L as it has a specific attribute named C to enable Unicode support. =head3 Unicode and Easysoft ODBC Drivers We have tested the Easysoft SQL Server, Oracle and ODBC Bridge drivers with DBD::ODBC built for Unicode. All work as described without modification except for the Oracle driver you will need to set you NLS_LANG as mentioned above. =head3 Unicode and other ODBC drivers If you have a unicode-enabled ODBC driver and it works with DBD::ODBC let me know and I will include it here. =head2 ODBC Support in ODBC Drivers =head3 Drivers without SQLDescribeParam Some drivers do not support the C ODBC API (e.g., Microsoft Access, FreeTDS). DBD::ODBC uses the C API when parameters are bound to your SQL to find the types of the parameters. If the ODBC driver does not support C, DBD::ODBC assumes the parameters are C or C types (depending on whether DBD::ODBC is built for unicode or not and whether your parameter is unicode data). In any case, if you bind a parameter and specify a SQL type this overrides any type DBD::ODBC would choose. For ODBC drivers which do not support C the default behavior in DBD::ODBC may not be what you want. To change the default parameter bind type set L. If, after that you have some SQL where you need to vary the parameter types used add the SQL type to the end of the C method. use DBI qw(:sql_types); $h = DBI->connect; # set the default bound parameter type $h->{odbc_default_bind_type} = SQL_VARCHAR; # bind a parameter with a specific type $s = $h->prepare(q/insert into mytable values(?)/); $s->bind_param(1, "\x{263a}", SQL_WVARCHAR); =head2 MS SQL Server Query Notification Query notifications were introduced in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Native Client. Query notifications allow applications to be notified when data has changed. DBD::ODBC supports query notification with MS SQL Server using the additional prepare attributes odbc_qn_msgtxt, odbc_qn_options and odbc_qn_timeout. When you pass suitable values for these attributes to the prepare method, DBD::ODBC will make the appropriate SQLSetStmtAttr calls after the statement has been allocated. It is beyond the scope of this document to provide a tutorial on doing this but here are some notes that might help you get started. On SQL Server create database MyDatabase ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET ENABLE_BROKER use MyDatabase CREATE TABLE QNtest (a int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b nchar(5) NOT NULL, c datetime NOT NULL) INSERT QNtest (a, b, c) SELECT 1, 'ALFKI', '19991212' CREATE QUEUE myQueue CREATE SERVICE myService ON QUEUE myQueue See L You need to set these SQL Server permissions unless the subscriber is a sysadmin: GRANT RECEIVE ON QueryNotificationErrorsQueue TO "" GRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO "" To subscribe to query notification for this example: # Prepare the statement. # This is the SQL you want to know if the result changes later my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q/SELECT a, b, c FROM dbo.QNtest WHERE a = 1/, {odbc_qn_msgtxt => 'Message text', odbc_qn_options => 'service=myService', odbc_qn_timeout=> 430000}); # Fetch and display the result set value. while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { print "@row\n"; } # select * from sys.dm_qn_subscriptions will return a record now you are subscribed To wait for notification: # Avoid "String data, right truncation" error when retrieving # the message. $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 800; # This query generates a result telling you which query has changed # It will block until the timeout or the query changes my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q/WAITFOR (RECEIVE * FROM MyQueue)/); $sth->execute(); # in the mean time someone does UPDATE dbo.QNtest SET c = '19981212' WHERE a = 1 # Fetch and display the result set value. while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { print "@row\n"; } # You now need to understand the result and look to decide which query has changed =head2 Version Control DBD::ODBC source code was under version control at svn.perl.org until April 2013 when svn.perl.org was closed down and it is now on github at https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-ODBC.git. =head2 Contributing There are a number of ways you may help with the development and maintenance of this module: =over =item Submitting patches Please send me a git pull request or email a unified diff. Please try and include a test which demonstrates the fix/change working. =item Reporting installs Install CPAN::Reporter and report you installations. This is easy to do - see L. =item Report bugs If you find what you believe is a bug then enter it into the L system. Where possible include code which reproduces the problem including any schema required and the versions of software you are using. If you are unsure whether you have found a bug report it anyway or post it to the dbi-users mailing list. =item pod comments and corrections If you find inaccuracies in the DBD::ODBC pod or have a comment which you think should be added then go to L and submit them there. I get an email for every comment added and will review each one and apply any changes to the documentation. =item Review DBD::ODBC Add your review of DBD::ODBC on L. If you are a member on ohloh then add your review or register your use of DBD::ODBC at L. =item submit test cases Most DBDs are built against a single client library for the database. Unlike other DBDs, DBD::ODBC works with many different ODBC drivers. Although they all should be written with regard to the ODBC specification drivers have bugs and in some places the specification is open to interpretation. As a result, when changes are applied to DBD::ODBC it is very easy to break something in one ODBC driver. What helps enormously to identify problems in the many combinations of DBD::ODBC and ODBC drivers is a large test suite. I would greatly appreciate any test cases and in particular any new test cases for databases other than MS SQL Server. =item Test DBD::ODBC I have a lot of problems deciding when to move a development release to an official release since I get few test reports for development releases. What often happens is I call for testers on various lists, get a few and then get inundated with requests to do an official release. Then I do an official release and loads of rts appear out of nowhere and the cycle starts again. DBD::ODBC by its very nature works with many ODBC Drivers and it is impossible for me to have and test them all (this differs from other DBDs). If you depend on DBD::ODBC you should be interested in new releases and if you send me your email address suggesting you are prepared to be part of the DBD::ODBC testing network I will credit you in the Changes file and perhaps the main DBD::ODBC file. =back =head2 CPAN Testers Reporting Please, please, please (is that enough), consider installing CPAN::Reporter so that when you install perl modules a report of the installation success or failure can be sent to cpan testers. In this way module authors 1) get feedback on the fact that a module is being installed 2) get to know if there are any installation problems. Also other people like you may look at the test reports to see how successful they are before choosing the version of a module to install. See this guide on how to get started with sending test reports: L. =head2 Others/todo? Level 2 SQLColumnPrivileges SQLProcedureColumns SQLProcedures SQLTablePrivileges SQLDrivers SQLNativeSql =head2 Random Links These are in need of sorting and annotating. Some are relevant only to ODBC developers. You can find DBD::ODBC on ohloh now at: L If you use ohloh and DBD::ODBC please say you use it and rate it. There is a good search engine for the various Perl DBI lists at the following URLS: L L L L L For Linux/Unix folks, compatible ODBC driver managers can be found at: L (unixODBC source and rpms) L (iODBC driver manager source) For Linux/Unix folks, you can checkout the following for ODBC Drivers and Bridges: L L L L =head2 Some useful tutorials: Debugging Perl DBI: L Enabling ODBC support in Perl with Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC: L Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 1 - Drivers, Data Sources and Connection: L Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 2 - Introduction to retrieving data from your database: L Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 3 - Connecting Perl on UNIX or Linux to Microsoft SQL Server: L Perl DBI - Put Your Data On The Web: L Multiple Active Statements (MAS) and DBD::ODBC L 64-bit ODBC L How do I insert Unicode supplementary characters into SQL Server from Perl? L Some Common Unicode Problems and Solutions using Perl DBD::ODBC and MS SQL Server L and a version possibly kept more up to date: L How do I use SQL Server Query Notifications from Linux and UNIX? L =head2 Frequently Asked Questions Frequently asked questions are now in L. Run C to view them. =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT You should consult the documentation for the ODBC Driver Manager you are using. =head1 DEPENDENCIES L L =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES None known. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS None known other than the deviations from the DBI specification mentioned above in L. Please report any to me via the CPAN RT system. See L for more details. =head1 AUTHOR Tim Bunce Jeff Urlwin Thomas K. Wenrich Martin J. Evans =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Portions of this software are Copyright Tim Bunce, Thomas K. Wenrich, Jeff Urlwin and Martin J. Evans - see the source. =head1 SEE ALSO L DBD::ODBC can be used with many ODBC drivers to many different databases. If you want a generic DBD for multiple databases DBD::ODBC is probably for you. If you are only accessing a single database then you might want to look for DBD::my_database (e.g. DBD::Oracle) as database specific DBDs often have more functionality. L or L for logging DBI method calls, SQL, parameters and results. =cut