package Mojo::Transaction; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter'; use Carp 'croak'; use Mojo::Message::Request; use Mojo::Message::Response; has [ qw(kept_alive local_address local_port original_remote_address remote_port)]; has req => sub { Mojo::Message::Request->new }; has res => sub { Mojo::Message::Response->new }; sub client_read { croak 'Method "client_read" not implemented by subclass' } sub client_write { croak 'Method "client_write" not implemented by subclass' } sub closed { shift->completed->emit('finish') } sub completed { ++$_[0]{completed} and return $_[0] } sub connection { my $self = shift; return $self->emit(connection => $self->{connection} = shift) if @_; return $self->{connection}; } sub error { $_[0]->req->error || $_[0]->res->error } sub is_finished { !!shift->{completed} } sub is_websocket {undef} sub remote_address { my $self = shift; return $self->original_remote_address(@_) if @_; return $self->original_remote_address unless $self->req->reverse_proxy; # Reverse proxy return ($self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For') // '') =~ /([^,\s]+)$/ ? $1 : $self->original_remote_address; } sub result { my $self = shift; my $err = $self->error; return !$err || $err->{code} ? $self->res : croak $err->{message}; } sub server_read { croak 'Method "server_read" not implemented by subclass' } sub server_write { croak 'Method "server_write" not implemented by subclass' } sub success { $_[0]->error ? undef : $_[0]->res } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::Transaction - Transaction base class =head1 SYNOPSIS package Mojo::Transaction::MyTransaction; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Transaction'; sub client_read {...} sub client_write {...} sub server_read {...} sub server_write {...} =head1 DESCRIPTION L is an abstract base class for transactions, like L and L. =head1 EVENTS L inherits all events from L and can emit the following new ones. =head2 connection $tx->on(connection => sub { my ($tx, $connection) = @_; ... }); Emitted when a connection has been assigned to transaction. =head2 finish $tx->on(finish => sub { my $tx = shift; ... }); Emitted when transaction is finished. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 kept_alive my $bool = $tx->kept_alive; $tx = $tx->kept_alive($bool); Connection has been kept alive. =head2 local_address my $address = $tx->local_address; $tx = $tx->local_address(''); Local interface address. =head2 local_port my $port = $tx->local_port; $tx = $tx->local_port(8080); Local interface port. =head2 original_remote_address my $address = $tx->original_remote_address; $tx = $tx->original_remote_address(''); Remote interface address. =head2 remote_port my $port = $tx->remote_port; $tx = $tx->remote_port(8081); Remote interface port. =head2 req my $req = $tx->req; $tx = $tx->req(Mojo::Message::Request->new); HTTP request, defaults to a L object. # Access request information my $method = $tx->req->method; my $url = $tx->req->url->to_abs; my $info = $tx->req->url->to_abs->userinfo; my $host = $tx->req->url->to_abs->host; my $agent = $tx->req->headers->user_agent; my $custom = $tx->req->headers->header('Custom-Header'); my $bytes = $tx->req->body; my $str = $tx->req->text; my $hash = $tx->req->params->to_hash; my $all = $tx->req->uploads; my $value = $tx->req->json; my $foo = $tx->req->json('/23/foo'); my $dom = $tx->req->dom; my $bar = $tx->req->dom('')->first->text; =head2 res my $res = $tx->res; $tx = $tx->res(Mojo::Message::Response->new); HTTP response, defaults to a L object. # Access response information my $code = $tx->res->code; my $message = $tx->res->message; my $server = $tx->res->headers->server; my $custom = $tx->res->headers->header('Custom-Header'); my $bytes = $tx->res->body; my $str = $tx->res->text; my $value = $tx->res->json; my $foo = $tx->res->json('/23/foo'); my $dom = $tx->res->dom; my $bar = $tx->res->dom('')->first->text; =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 client_read $tx->client_read($bytes); Read data client-side, used to implement user agents such as L. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. =head2 client_write my $bytes = $tx->client_write; Write data client-side, used to implement user agents such as L. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. =head2 closed $tx = $tx->closed; Same as L, but also indicates that all transaction data has been sent. =head2 completed $tx = $tx->completed; Low-level method to finalize transaction. =head2 connection my $id = $tx->connection; $tx = $tx->connection($id); Connection identifier. =head2 error my $err = $tx->error; Get request or response error and return C if there is no error, commonly used together with L. # Longer version my $err = $tx->req->error || $tx->res->error; # Check for 4xx/5xx response and connection errors if (my $err = $tx->error) { die "$err->{code} response: $err->{message}" if $err->{code}; die "Connection error: $err->{message}"; } =head2 is_finished my $bool = $tx->is_finished; Check if transaction is finished. =head2 is_websocket my $bool = $tx->is_websocket; False, this is not a L object. =head2 remote_address my $address = $tx->remote_address; $tx = $tx->remote_address(''); Same as L or the last value of the C header if L has been performed through a reverse proxy. =head2 result my $res = $tx->result; Returns the L object from L or dies if a connection error has occurred. # Fine grained response handling (dies on connection errors) my $res = $tx->result; if ($res->is_success) { say $res->body } elsif ($res->is_error) { say $res->message } elsif ($res->code == 301) { say $res->headers->location } else { say 'Whatever...' } =head2 server_read $tx->server_read($bytes); Read data server-side, used to implement web servers such as L. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. =head2 server_write my $bytes = $tx->server_write; Write data server-side, used to implement web servers such as L. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. =head2 success my $res = $tx->success; Returns the L object from L if transaction was successful or C otherwise. Connection and parser errors have only a message in L, C<400> and C<500> responses also a code. # Manual exception handling if (my $res = $tx->success) { say $res->body } else { my $err = $tx->error; die "$err->{code} response: $err->{message}" if $err->{code}; die "Connection error: $err->{message}"; } =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut