package Win32::ServiceManager; $Win32::ServiceManager::VERSION = '0.002004'; # ABSTRACT: Manage Windows Services use Moo; use IPC::System::Simple 'capture'; use Win32::Service qw(StartService StopService GetStatus GetServices); use Time::HiRes 'sleep'; use Syntax::Keyword::Junction 'any'; use List::Util 'first'; has use_nssm_default => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 1 }, ); has use_perl_default => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 1 }, ); has non_blocking_default => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 1 }, ); has idempotent_default => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 1 }, ); has check_command_default => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 1 }, ); has nssm_bits => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { 64 }, ); has nssm_path => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_nssm_path', ); has warnings => ( is => 'ro' ); sub _build_nssm_path { 'nssm_' . $_[0]->nssm_bits . q(.exe) } sub _nssm_install { $_[0]->nssm_path, 'install', $_[1], $_[2], ($_[3] ? $_[3] : ()) } sub _sc_install { qw(sc create), $_[1], qq(binpath= "$_[2]") . ($_[3] ? " $_[3]" : ''), } sub _sc_configure { my ($self, $name, $c) = @_; qw(sc config), $name, qq(DisplayName= "$c->{display}"), qq(type= own start= auto) . $self->_depends($c->{depends}) . $self->_auth($c->{user}, $c->{password}) } sub _depends { my ($self, $depends) = @_; return '' unless $depends; my $d = $depends; $d = join '\\', @$depends if ref $depends; return qq( depend= "$d"); } sub _auth { my ($self, $user, $pass) = @_; return '' unless $user; join ' ', '', grep defined $_, $user ? qq(obj= "$user") : undef, $pass ? qq(password= "$pass") : undef, } sub _sc_failure { qw(sc failure), $_[1], 'reset= 60', 'actions= restart/60000' } sub _sc_description { qw(sc description), $_[1], qq("$_[2]") } sub create_service { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $nssm = $self->use_nssm_default; $nssm = $args{use_nssm} if exists $args{use_nssm}; my $use_perl = $self->use_perl_default; $use_perl = $args{use_perl} if exists $args{use_perl}; my $idempotent = $self->idempotent_default; $idempotent = $args{idempotent} if exists $args{idempotent}; my $name = $args{name} or die 'name is required!'; my $display = $args{display} or die 'display is required!'; die "can't provide a password without a 'user'" if $args{password} && !$args{user}; my $description = $args{description}; my $config = { display => $display, depends => $args{depends}, user => $args{user}, password => $args{password}, }; # we don't totally check for idempotence here... if (!$idempotent || $idempotent && !$self->_is_service_created($name)) { my ($command, $args); if (exists $args{check_command}) { if ($args{check_command}) { die "cannot find command: $args{command}" unless $self->_exists($args{command}) } } elsif ($self->check_command_default) { die "cannot find command: $args{command}" unless $self->_exists($args{command}) } if ($use_perl) { $command = $^X; die 'command is required!' unless $args{command}; $args = $args{command} . ($args{args} ? " $args{args}" : '') } else { $command = $args{command} or die 'command is required!'; $args = $args{args}; } if ($nssm) { capture($self->_nssm_install($name, $command, $args)) } else { capture($self->_sc_install($name, $command, $args)) } } capture($self->_sc_configure($name, $config)); capture($self->_sc_failure($name)); capture($self->_sc_description($name, $description)) if $description; } sub start_service { my ($self, $name, $options) = @_; die 'name is required!' unless $name; $options ||= {}; my $idempotent = $self->idempotent_default; $idempotent = $options->{idempotent} if exists $options->{idempotent}; my $non_blocking = $self->non_blocking_default; $non_blocking = $options->{non_blocking} if exists $options->{non_blocking}; return if $idempotent && $self->get_status($name)->{current_state} eq any('running', 'start pending'); StartService('', $name) or die "failed to start service <$name>"; return if $non_blocking; my $starting = $self->get_status($name)->{current_state} eq 'start pending'; while ($starting) { sleep 0.05; $starting = $self->get_status($name)->{current_state} eq 'start pending'; } } sub stop_service { my ($self, $name, $options) = @_; die 'name is required!' unless $name; $options ||= {}; my $idempotent = $self->idempotent_default; $idempotent = $options->{idempotent} if exists $options->{idempotent}; my $non_blocking = $self->non_blocking_default; $non_blocking = $options->{non_blocking} if exists $options->{non_blocking}; return if $idempotent && $self->get_status($name)->{current_state} eq any('stopped', 'stop pending'); StopService('', $name) or die "failed to stop service <$name>"; return if $non_blocking; my $stopping = $self->get_status($name)->{current_state} eq 'stop pending'; while ($stopping) { sleep 0.05; $stopping = $self->get_status($name)->{current_state} eq 'stop pending'; } } sub delete_service { my ($self, $name, $options) = @_; my $idempotent = $self->idempotent_default; $idempotent = $options->{idempotent} if exists $options->{idempotent}; my $auto = $options->{autostop}; $auto = {} if $auto && !ref $auto; return if $idempotent && !$self->_is_service_created($name); die 'name is required!' unless $name; $self->stop_service($name, $auto) if $auto; capture( qw(sc delete), $name ) } sub restart_service { my ($self, $name, $options) = @_; die 'name is required!' unless $name; $options ||= {}; my $non_blocking = $self->non_blocking_default; $non_blocking = $options->{non_blocking} if exists $options->{non_blocking}; $self->stop_service($name, { exists $options->{idempotent} ? (idempotent => $options->{idempotent}) : (), non_blocking => 0, }); $self->start_service($name, { exists $options->{idempotent} ? (idempotent => $options->{idempotent}) : (), exists $options->{non_blocking} ? (non_blocking => $options->{non_blocking}) : (), }); } my @statuses = ( undef, # starts at 1 'stopped', 'start pending', 'stop pending', 'running', 'continue pending', 'pause pending', 'paused', ); sub get_status { my ($self, $name, $options) = @_; my %ret; my $x; for (1..1_000) { GetStatus('', $name, \%ret) and last; $x = $_ + 1; sleep 0.05; } warn "Got status of $name in $x tries\n" if defined $x && $self->warnings; die "couldn't get status from $name" unless %ret; # more statuses will be added when I (or others) need them # return { current_state => $statuses[$ret{CurrentState}], } } sub get_services { my %ret; GetServices('', \%ret); \%ret } sub _is_service_created { my ($self, $name) = @_; !!first { $_ eq $name } values %{$self->get_services}; } sub _exists { -e $_[1] } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Win32::ServiceManager - Manage Windows Services =head1 VERSION version 0.002004 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Win32::ServiceManager; use Path::Class 'file'; my $dir = file(__FILE__)->parent->absolute; my $sc = Win32::ServiceManager->new( nssm_path => $dir->file(qw( cgi exe nssm.exe ))->stringify, ); $sc->create_service( name => 'LynxWebServer01', display => 'Lynx Web Server 1', description => 'Handles Web Requests on port 3001', command => $dir->file(qw( App script ))->stringify . ' -p 3001', ); $sc->start_service('LynxWebServer01', { non_blocking => 0 }); $sc->stop_service('LynxWebServer01'); $sc->delete_service('LynxWebServer01'); =head1 METHODS =head2 create_service $sc->create_service( name => 'GRWeb1', display => 'Giant Robot Web Worker 1', description => 'Handles Giant Robot Web Requests on port 3001', use_perl => 1, use_nssm => 1, command => 'C:\code\GR\script\ -p 3001', depends => [qw(MSSQL Apache2.4)], user => 'DOMAIN\username', password => 'hunter2', ); Takes a hash of the following arguments: =over 2 =item * C (required) The name of the service (which is used when doing a C etc.) =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to start your service with L =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to create perl services. Uses C<$^X>. If for some reason you want to use a different perl you will have to set C to false. =item * C (required) The display name to give the service =item * C (optional) The description to give the service. =item * C (defaults to the value of L) This will check that the command you passed exists on the filesystem and if it does not exists it will die =item * C (required) The command that is effectively your service =item * C (optional) Arguments that get passed to the command above. XXX: do these even make sense? =item * C (optional) List of service names that must be started for your service to function. You may either pass a string or an array ref. A string gets passed on directly, the array reference gets properly joined together. =item * C (optional) The user account under which to run the service. If left blank, the default value is B. =item * C (optional) The password credential for L. Required for any other user than LocalSystem. If a blank password is desired, use an empty string. =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to get errors if the service already exists. Note that unlike the other methods this one is not %100 idempotent. If a service has the exact same name but a different command it this will mask that problem. I am willing to resolve this if you have patches on how to read this information (preferably without diving into the registry.) =back Note: there are many options that C can use to create and modify services. I have taken the few that we use in my project and forced the rest upon you, gentle user. For example, whether you like it or not these services will restart on failure and start automatically on boot. I am completely willing to add more options, but in 4 distinct projects we have never needed more than the above. B =head2 start_service $sc->start_service('GRWeb1', { non_blocking => 1 }); Starts a service with the passed name. The second argument is an optional hashref with the following options: =over 2 =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want to block until the service starts. =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want errors when the service is already started or starting. =back =head2 stop_service $sc->stop_service('GRWeb1', { non_blocking => 1 }); Stops a service with the passed name. The second argument is an optional hashref with the following options: =over 2 =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want to block until the service stops. =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want errors when the service is already stopped or stopping =back =head2 restart_service $sc->restart_service('GRWeb1', { non_blocking => 1 }); Stops and starts a service with the passed name. The second argument is an optional hashref with the following options: =over 2 =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want to block until the service starts. (Note that the blocking until the service has stopped is required.) =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want errors when the service is already stopped or stopping =back =head2 get_status $sc->start_service('GRWeb1') unless $sc->get_status('GRWeb1')->{current_state} eq 'running'; Returns the status info about the specified service. The status info is a hash containing the following keys: Note that for reasons unknown to me the underlying win32 C call fails when restarting services, so I added a retry counter. If you are interested in finding out when and how seriously your services fail the count, turn on L. =over 2 =item * C Can be any of the following =over 2 =item * C =item * C =item * C =item * C =item * C =item * C =item * C =back =back Note that there is much more information that could be included in C, but I've only needed the C so far. If you need something else I will gladly add more information to the returned hash, or better yet, send a patch. =head2 get_services my $services = $sc->get_services; say "$_ is installed!" for keys %$services; Returns a hashref of services. Keys are the display name, values are the real name. =head2 delete_service $sc->delete_service('GRWeb1', { idempotent => 0 }); Deletes a service =over 2 =item * C (defaults to false) Set this to true if you want the service to be stopped in addition to being deleted. If you set it to a hash reference the options will be passed along to L. For example a sensible thing to do is: $sc->delete_service(GRWeb1 => { autostop => { non_blocking => 0 } }); as that should ensure that the service is truly gone after the code runs. =item * C (defaults to the value of L) Set this to false if you want errors when the service doesn't exist =back =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 check_command_default The default value of C for the L method. Default is true. =head2 use_nssm_default The default value of C for the L method. =head2 use_perl_default The default value of C for the L method. =head2 idempotent_default Set this to true (default) to idempotently start, stop, delete, and create services. =head2 non_blocking_default Set this to true (default) to asyncronously to start or stop services. Sometimes blocking is better as it allows for restarts, for example. =head2 nssm_path Set this to the path to nssm (default is just C, or C if you set L to 32). =head2 nssm_bits L comes in both 32 and 64 bit flavors. This specifies when of the bundled C binaries to use. (default is 64) =head2 warnings Set this to true to get warnings for non-serious failures. Currently the only such warning is in L. =head1 nssm L is a handy service wrapper for Windows. Instead of adding hooks directly to your program to handly Windows service signals, this program runs your program for you and intercepts the signals and acts appropriately. It is open source and clocks in at less than two megabytes of RAM. The code is at C. =head1 PRO-TIPS The best way to use this module is to subclass it for your software. So for example we have a subclass that looks something like the following: package Lynx::ServiceManager use Moo; extends 'Win32::ServiceManager'; our $DIR = file(__FILE__)->parent->absolute; sub create_catalyst_service { my ($self, $i) = @_; $self->create_service( name => "LynxWebServer$i", display => "Lynx Web Server $i", description => 'Handles Web Requests on port 3001', command => $dir->file(qw( App script ))->stringify . " -p 300$i", ); } sub start_catalyst_service { $_[0]->start_service("LynxWebServer$_[1]", $_[2]) } ... The above makes it very easy for use to start, stop, add, and remove catalyst services. =head1 CAVEAT LECTOR I have used this at work and am confident in it, but it has only been used on Windows Server 2008. The tests can do no better than ensure the generated strings are as expected, instead of ensuring that a service was correctly created or started or whatever. Additionally, in my own work when I get an error from C I just report it and move forward. Because of this I have done very little to make exceptions useful. I am open to making them objects but again, I do not need that myself, so B =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt =item * Wes Malone =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut