package Alien::Build::MM; use strict; use warnings; use Alien::Build; use Path::Tiny (); use Capture::Tiny qw( capture ); use Carp (); # ABSTRACT: Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker our $VERSION = '1.39'; # VERSION sub new { my($class, %prop) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; my %meta = map { $_ => $prop{$_} } grep /^my_/, keys %prop; my $build = $self->{build} = Alien::Build->load('alienfile', root => "_alien", (-d 'patch' ? (patch => 'patch') : ()), meta_prop => \%meta, ) ; if(%meta) { $build->meta->add_requires(configure => 'Alien::Build::MM' => '1.20'); $build->meta->add_requires(configure => 'Alien::Build' => '1.20'); } if(defined $prop{alienfile_meta}) { $self->{alienfile_meta} = $prop{alienfile_meta}; } else { $self->{alienfile_meta} = 1; } $self->build->load_requires('configure'); $self->build->root; $self->build->checkpoint; $self; } sub build { shift->{build}; } sub alienfile_meta { shift->{alienfile_meta}; } sub mm_args { my($self, %args) = @_; if($args{DISTNAME}) { $self->build->set_stage(Path::Tiny->new("blib/lib/auto/share/dist/$args{DISTNAME}")->absolute->stringify); $self->build->install_prop->{mm}->{distname} = $args{DISTNAME}; my $module = $args{DISTNAME}; $module =~ s/-/::/g; # See if there is an existing version installed, without pulling it into this process my($old_prefix, $err, $ret) = capture { system $^X, "-M$module", -e => "print $module->dist_dir"; $? }; if($ret == 0) { chomp $old_prefix; my $file = Path::Tiny->new($old_prefix, qw( _alien alien.json )); if(-r $file) { my $old_runtime = eval { require JSON::PP; JSON::PP::decode_json($file->slurp); }; unless($@) { $self->build->install_prop->{old}->{runtime} = $old_runtime; $self->build->install_prop->{old}->{preifx} = $old_prefix; } } } } else { Carp::croak "DISTNAME is required"; } my $ab_version = '0.25'; $args{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} = Alien::Build::_merge( 'Alien::Build::MM' => $ab_version, %{ $args{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} || {} }, %{ $self->build->requires('configure') || {} }, ); if($self->build->install_type eq 'system') { $args{BUILD_REQUIRES} = Alien::Build::_merge( 'Alien::Build::MM' => $ab_version, %{ $args{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {} }, %{ $self->build->requires('system') || {} }, ); } elsif($self->build->install_type eq 'share') { $args{BUILD_REQUIRES} = Alien::Build::_merge( 'Alien::Build::MM' => $ab_version, %{ $args{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {} }, %{ $self->build->requires('share') || {} }, ); } else { die "unknown install type: @{[ $self->build->install_type ]}" } $args{PREREQ_PM} = Alien::Build::_merge( 'Alien::Build' => $ab_version, %{ $args{PREREQ_PM} || {} }, ); #$args{META_MERGE}->{'meta-spec'}->{version} = 2; $args{META_MERGE}->{dynamic_config} = 1; if($self->alienfile_meta) { $args{META_MERGE}->{x_alienfile} = { generated_by => "@{[ __PACKAGE__ ]} version @{[ __PACKAGE__->VERSION || 'dev' ]}", requires => { map { my %reqs = %{ $self->build->requires($_) }; $reqs{$_} = "$reqs{$_}" for keys %reqs; $_ => \%reqs; } qw( share system ) }, }; } $self->build->checkpoint; %args; } sub mm_postamble { my($self) = @_; my $postamble = ''; # remove the _alien directory on a make realclean: $postamble .= "realclean :: alien_realclean\n" . "\n" . "alien_realclean:\n" . "\t\$(RM_RF) _alien\n\n"; my $dirs = $self->build->meta_prop->{arch} ? '$(INSTALLARCHLIB) $(INSTALLSITEARCH) $(INSTALLVENDORARCH)' : '$(INSTALLPRIVLIB) $(INSTALLSITELIB) $(INSTALLVENDORLIB)' ; # set prefix $postamble .= "alien_prefix : _alien/mm/prefix\n\n" . "_alien/mm/prefix :\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e prefix \$(INSTALLDIRS) $dirs\n\n"; # set verson $postamble .= "alien_version : _alien/mm/version\n\n" . "_alien/mm/version : _alien/mm/prefix\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e version \$(VERSION)\n\n"; # download $postamble .= "alien_download : _alien/mm/download\n\n" . "_alien/mm/download : _alien/mm/prefix _alien/mm/version\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e download\n\n"; # build $postamble .= "alien_build : _alien/mm/build\n\n" . "_alien/mm/build : _alien/mm/download\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e build\n\n"; # append to all $postamble .= "pure_all :: _alien/mm/build\n\n"; $postamble .= "subdirs-test_dynamic subdirs-test_static subdirs-test :: alien_test\n\n"; $postamble .= "alien_test :\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e test\n\n"; # prop $postamble .= "alien_prop :\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e dumpprop\n\n"; $postamble .= "alien_prop_meta :\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e dumpprop meta\n\n"; $postamble .= "alien_prop_install :\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e dumpprop install\n\n"; $postamble .= "alien_prop_runtime :\n" . "\t\$(FULLPERL) -MAlien::Build::MM=cmd -e dumpprop install\n\n"; $postamble; } sub import { my(undef, @args) = @_; foreach my $arg (@args) { if($arg eq 'cmd') { package main; *_args = sub { my $build = Alien::Build->resume('alienfile', '_alien'); $build->load_requires('configure'); $build->load_requires($build->install_type); ($build, @ARGV) }; *_touch = sub { my($name) = @_; my $path = Path::Tiny->new("_alien/mm/$name"); $path->parent->mkpath; $path->touch; }; *prefix = sub { my($build, $type, $perl, $site, $vendor) = _args(); my $distname = $build->install_prop->{mm}->{distname}; my $prefix = $type eq 'perl' ? $perl : $type eq 'site' ? $site : $type eq 'vendor' ? $vendor : die "unknown INSTALLDIRS ($type)"; $prefix = Path::Tiny->new($prefix)->child("auto/share/dist/$distname")->absolute->stringify; $build->log("prefix $prefix"); $build->set_prefix($prefix); $build->checkpoint; _touch('prefix'); }; *version = sub { my($build, $version) = _args(); $build->runtime_prop->{perl_module_version} = $version; $build->checkpoint; _touch('version'); }; *download = sub { my($build) = _args(); $build->download; $build->checkpoint; _touch('download'); }; *build = sub { my($build) = _args(); $build->build; my $distname = $build->install_prop->{mm}->{distname}; if($build->meta_prop->{arch}) { my $archdir = Path::Tiny->new("blib/arch/auto/@{[ join '/', split /-/, $distname ]}"); $archdir->mkpath; my $archfile = $archdir->child($archdir->basename . '.txt'); $archfile->spew('Alien based distribution with architecture specific file in share'); } my $cflags = $build->runtime_prop->{cflags}; my $libs = $build->runtime_prop->{libs}; if(($cflags && $cflags !~ /^\s*$/) || ($libs && $libs !~ /^\s*$/)) { my $mod = join '::', split /-/, $distname; my $install_files_pm = Path::Tiny->new("blib/lib/@{[ join '/', split /-/, $distname ]}/Install/"); $install_files_pm->parent->mkpath; $install_files_pm->spew( "package ${mod}::Install::Files;\n", "require ${mod};\n", "sub Inline { shift; ${mod}->Inline(\@_) }\n", "1;\n", "\n", "=begin Pod::Coverage\n", "\n", " Inline\n", "\n", "=cut\n", ); } $build->checkpoint; _touch('build'); }; *test = sub { my($build) = _args(); $build->test; $build->checkpoint; }; *dumpprop = sub { my($build, $type) = _args(); my %h = ( meta => $build->meta_prop, install => $build->install_prop, runtime => $build->runtime_prop, ); require Alien::Build::Util; print Alien::Build::Util::_dump($type ? $h{$type} : \%h); } } } } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Alien::Build::MM - Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 VERSION version 1.39 =head1 SYNOPSIS In your Makefile.PL: use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Alien::Build::MM; my $abmm = Alien::Build::MM->new; WriteMakefile($abmm->mm_args( ABSTRACT => 'Discover or download and install libfoo', DISTNAME => 'Alien-Libfoo', NAME => 'Alien::Libfoo', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Alien/', ... )); sub MY::postamble { $abmm->mm_postamble; } In your lib/Alien/ package Alien::Libfoo; use base qw( Alien::Base ); 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION This class allows you to use Alien::Build and Alien::Base with L. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 new my $abmm = Alien::Build::MM->new; Create a new instance of L. =head1 PROPERTIES =head2 build my $build = $abmm->build; The L instance. =head2 alienfile_meta my $bool = $abmm->alienfile_meta Set to a false value, in order to turn off the x_alienfile meta =head1 METHODS =head2 mm_args my %args = $abmm->mm_args(%args); Adjust the arguments passed into C as needed by L. =head2 mm_postamble my %args = $abmm->mm_args(%args); Returns the postamble for the C needed for L. This adds the following C targets which are normally called when you run C, but can be run individually if needed for debugging. =over 4 =item alien_prefix Determines the final install prefix (C<%{.install.prefix}>). =item alien_version Determine the perl_module_version (C<%{.runtime.perl_module_version}>) =item alien_download Downloads the source from the internet. Does nothing for a system install. =item alien_build Build from source (if a share install). Gather configuration (for either system or share install). =item alien_prop Prints the meta, install and runtime properties for the Alien. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis Eplicease@cpan.orgE Contributors: Diab Jerius (DJERIUS) Roy Storey Ilya Pavlov David Mertens (run4flat) Mark Nunberg (mordy, mnunberg) Christian Walde (Mithaldu) Brian Wightman (MidLifeXis) Zaki Mughal (zmughal) mohawk (mohawk2, ETJ) Vikas N Kumar (vikasnkumar) Flavio Poletti (polettix) Salvador Fandiño (salva) Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar) Pavel Shaydo (zwon, trinitum) Kang-min Liu (劉康民, gugod) Nicholas Shipp (nshp) Juan Julián Merelo Guervós (JJ) Joel Berger (JBERGER) Petr Pisar (ppisar) Lance Wicks (LANCEW) Ahmad Fatoum (a3f, ATHREEF) José Joaquín Atria (JJATRIA) Duke Leto (LETO) Shoichi Kaji (SKAJI) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut