package Crypt::OpenPGP::Key; use strict; use Carp qw( confess ); use Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler; use base qw( Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler ); use vars qw( %ALG %ALG_BY_NAME ); %ALG = ( 1 => 'RSA', 16 => 'ElGamal', 17 => 'DSA', ); %ALG_BY_NAME = map { $ALG{$_} => $_ } keys %ALG; sub new { my $class = shift; my $alg = shift; $alg = $ALG{$alg} || $alg; my $pkg = join '::', $class, $alg; eval "use $pkg;"; return $class->error("Unsupported algorithm '$alg': $@") if $@; my @valid = $pkg->all_props; my %valid = map { $_ => 1 } @valid; my $key = bless { __valid => \%valid, __alg => $alg, __alg_id => $ALG_BY_NAME{$alg} }, $pkg; $key->init(@_); } sub keygen { my $class = shift; my $alg = shift; $alg = $ALG{$alg} || $alg; my $pkg = join '::', __PACKAGE__, 'Public', $alg; eval "use $pkg;"; return $class->error("Unsupported algorithm '$alg': $@") if $@; my($pub_data, $sec_data) = $pkg->keygen(@_); return $class->error("Key generation failed: " . $class->errstr) unless $pub_data && $sec_data; my $pub_pkg = join '::', __PACKAGE__, 'Public'; my $pub = $pub_pkg->new($alg, $pub_data); my $sec_pkg = join '::', __PACKAGE__, 'Secret'; my $sec = $sec_pkg->new($alg, $sec_data); ($pub, $sec); } sub init { $_[0] } sub check { 1 } sub alg { $_[0]->{__alg} } sub alg_id { $_[0]->{__alg_id} } sub size { 0 } sub bytesize { int(($_[0]->size + 7) / 8) } sub public_key { } sub is_secret { 0 } sub can_encrypt { 0 } sub can_sign { 0 } sub DESTROY { } use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); sub AUTOLOAD { my $key = shift; (my $meth = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; confess "Can't call method $meth on Key $key" unless $key->{__valid}{$meth}; $key->{key_data}->$meth(@_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Crypt::OpenPGP::Key - OpenPGP key factory =head1 SYNOPSIS use Crypt::OpenPGP::Key; my($pub, $sec) = Crypt::OpenPGP::Key->keygen('DSA', Size => 1024); use Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Public; my $pubkey = Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Public->new('DSA'); use Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Secret; my $seckey = Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Secret->new('RSA'); =head1 DESCRIPTION I provides base class functionality for all I public and secret keys. It functions as a factory class for key generation and key instantiation. The only time you will ever use I directly is to generate a key-pair; in all other scenarios--for example, when instantiating a new key object--you should use either I or I, depending on whether the key is public or secret, respectively. =head1 KEY GENERATION =head2 Crypt::OpenPGP::Key->keygen( $type, %arg ) Generates a new key-pair of public key algorithm I<$type>. Returns a public and a secret key, each blessed into the appropriate implementation class. Returns an empty list on failure, in which case you should call the class method I to determine the error. Valid values for type are C, C, and C. I<%arg> can contain: =over 4 =item * Size Bitsize of the key to be generated. This should be an even integer; there is no low end currently set, but for the sake of security I should be at least 1024 bits. This is a required argument. =item * Verbosity Set to a true value to enable a status display during key generation; since key generation is a relatively length process, it is helpful to have an indication that some action is occurring. I is 0 by default. =back =head1 METHODS I is not meant to be used directly (unless you are generating keys; see I, above); instead you should use the subclasses of this module. There are, however, useful interface methods that are shared by all subclasses. =head2 Key Data Access Each public-key algorithm has different key data associated with it. For example, a public DSA key has 4 attributes: I

, I, I, and I. A secret DSA key has the same attributes as a public key, and in addition it has an attribute I. All of the key data attributes can be accessed by calling methods of the same name on the I object. For example: my $q = $dsa_key->q; The attributes for each public-key algorithm are: =over 4 =item * RSA Public key: I, I Secret key: I, I, I, I

, I, I =item * DSA Public key: I

, I, I, I Secret key: I

, I, I, I, I =item * ElGamal Public key: I

, I, I Secret key: I

, I, I, I =back =head2 $key->check Check the key data to determine if it is valid. For example, an RSA secret key would multiply the values of I

and I and verify that the product is equal to the value of I. Returns true if the key is valid, false otherwise. Not all public key algorithm implementations implement a I method; for those that don't, I will always return true. =head2 $key->size Returns the "size" of the key. The definition of "size" depends on the public key algorithm; for example, DSA defines the size of a key as the bitsize of the value of I

. =head2 $key->bytesize Whereas I will return a bitsize of the key, I returns the size in bytes. This value is defined as C. =head2 $key->is_secret Returns true if the key I<$key> is a secret key, false otherwise. =head2 $key->public_key Returns the public part of the key I<$key>. If I<$key> is already a public key, I<$key> is returned; otherwise a new public key object (I) is constructed, and the public values from the secret key are copied into the public key. The new public key is returned. =head2 $key->can_encrypt Returns true if the key algorithm has encryption/decryption capabilities, false otherwise. =head2 $key->can_sign Returns true if the key algorithm has signing/verification capabilities, false otherwise. =head2 $key->alg Returns the name of the public key algorithm. =head2 $key->alg_id Returns the number ID of the public key algorithm. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the Crypt::OpenPGP manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut