package Crypt::OpenPGP::Util; use strict; # For some reason, FastCalc causes problems. Restrict to one of these 3 backends use Math::BigInt only => 'Pari,GMP,Calc'; use vars qw( @EXPORT_OK @ISA ); use Exporter; @EXPORT_OK = qw( bitsize bin2bigint bin2mp bigint2bin mp2bin mod_exp mod_inverse dash_escape dash_unescape canonical_text ); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); sub bitsize { my $bigint = Math::BigInt->new($_[0]); return $bigint->bfloor($bigint->blog(2)) + 1; } sub bin2bigint { $_[0] ? Math::BigInt->new('0x' . unpack 'H*', $_[0]) : 0 } *bin2mp = \&bin2bigint; sub bigint2bin { my($p) = @_; $p = _ensure_bigint($p); my $base = _ensure_bigint(1) << _ensure_bigint(4*8); my $res = ''; while ($p != 0) { my $r = $p % $base; $p = ($p-$r) / $base; my $buf = pack 'N', $r; if ($p == 0) { $buf = $r >= 16777216 ? $buf : $r >= 65536 ? substr($buf, -3, 3) : $r >= 256 ? substr($buf, -2, 2) : substr($buf, -1, 1); } $res = $buf . $res; } $res; } *mp2bin = \&bigint2bin; sub mod_exp { my($a, $exp, $n) = @_; $a = _ensure_bigint($a); $a->copy->bmodpow($exp, $n); } sub mod_inverse { my($a, $n) = @_; $a = _ensure_bigint($a); $a->copy->bmodinv($n); } sub dash_escape { my($data) = @_; $data =~ s/^-/- -/mg; $data; } sub dash_unescape { my($data) = @_; $data =~ s/^-\s//mg; $data; } sub canonical_text { my($text) = @_; my @lines = split /\n/, $text, -1; for my $l (@lines) { ## pgp2 and pgp5 do not trim trailing whitespace from "canonical text" ## signatures, only from cleartext signatures. ## See: ## if ($Crypt::OpenPGP::Globals::Trim_trailing_ws) { $l =~ s/[ \t\r\n]*$//; } else { $l =~ s/[\r\n]*$//; } } join "\r\n", @lines; } sub _ensure_bigint { my $num = shift; if ($num && (! ref $num || ! $num->isa('Math::BigInt'))) { $num = Math::BigInt->new($num); } return $num; } sub get_random_bytes { my $length = shift; if (eval 'require Crypt::Random; 1;') { return Crypt::Random::makerandom_octet( Length => $length); } elsif (eval 'require Bytes::Random::Secure; 1;') { return Bytes::Random::Secure::random_bytes($length); } else { die "No random source available!"; } } sub get_random_bigint { my $bits = shift; if (eval 'require Crypt::Random; 1;') { my $pari = Crypt::Random::makerandom( Size => $bits, Strength => 0 ); return Math::BigInt->new($pari); } elsif (eval 'require Bytes::Random::Secure; 1;') { my $hex = Bytes::Random::Secure::random_bytes_hex(int(($bits + 7) / 8)); my $val = Math::BigInt->new("0x$hex"); # Get exactly the correct number of bits. $val->brsft(8 - ($bits & 7)) if ($bits & 7); # Make sure the top bit is set. $val->bior(Math::BigInt->bone->blsft($bits-1)); return $val; } else { die "No random source available!"; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Crypt::OpenPGP::Util - Miscellaneous utility functions =head1 DESCRIPTION I contains a set of exportable utility functions used through the I set of libraries. =head2 bitsize($n) Returns the number of bits in the I integer object I<$n>. =head2 bin2bigint($string) Given a string I<$string> of any length, treats the string as a base-256 representation of an integer, and returns that integer, a I object. I is an alias for this function, for backwards compatibility reasons. =head2 bigint2bin($int) Given a biginteger I<$int> (a I object), linearizes the integer into an octet string, and returns the octet string. I is an alias for this function, for backwards compatibility reasons. =head2 mod_exp($a, $exp, $n) Computes $a ^ $exp mod $n and returns the value. The calculations are done using I, and the return value is a I object. =head2 mod_inverse($a, $n) Computes the multiplicative inverse of $a mod $n and returns the value. The calculations are done using I, and the return value is a I object. =head2 canonical_text($text) Takes a piece of text content I<$text> and formats it into PGP canonical text, where: 1) all whitespace at the end of lines is stripped, and 2) all line endings are made up of a carriage return followed by a line feed. Returns the canonical form of the text. =head2 dash_escape($text) Escapes I<$text> for use in a cleartext signature; the escaping looks for any line starting with a dash, and on such lines prepends a dash ('-') followed by a space (' '). Returns the escaped text. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the Crypt::OpenPGP manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut