package DBIx::Class::DB; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/DBIx::Class/; use DBIx::Class::Schema; use DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI; use DBIx::Class::ClassResolver::PassThrough; use DBI; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use namespace::clean; unless ($INC{"DBIx/Class/"}) { warn "IMPORTANT: DBIx::Class::DB is DEPRECATED AND *WILL* BE REMOVED. DO NOT USE.\n"; } __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ResultSetProxy/); sub storage { shift->schema_instance(@_)->storage; } sub dbi_commit { shift->txn_commit(@_) } sub dbi_rollback { shift->txn_rollback(@_) } =head1 NAME DBIx::Class::DB - (DEPRECATED) classdata schema component =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is designed to support the Class::DBI connection-as-classdata style for DBIx::Class. You are *strongly* recommended to use a DBIx::Class::Schema instead; DBIx::Class::DB will not undergo new development and will be moved to being a CDBICompat-only component before 1.0. In order to discourage further use, documentation has been removed as of 0.08000 =head1 METHODS Hidden. =begin hidden =head2 storage Sets or gets the storage backend. Defaults to L. =end hidden =cut =begin hidden =head2 class_resolver ****DEPRECATED**** Sets or gets the class to use for resolving a class. Defaults to L, which returns whatever you give it. See resolve_class below. =end hidden =cut __PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('class_resolver' => 'DBIx::Class::ClassResolver::PassThrough'); =begin hidden =head2 connection __PACKAGE__->connection($dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs); Specifies the arguments that will be passed to DBI->connect(...) to instantiate the class dbh when required. =end hidden =cut sub connection { my ($class, @info) = @_; $class->setup_schema_instance unless $class->can('schema_instance'); $class->schema_instance->connection(@info); } =begin hidden =head2 setup_schema_instance Creates a class method ->schema_instance which contains a DBIx::Class::Schema; all class-method operations are proxies through to this object. If you don't call ->connection in your DBIx::Class::DB subclass at load time you *must* call ->setup_schema_instance in order for subclasses to find the schema and register themselves with it. =end hidden =cut sub setup_schema_instance { my $class = shift; my $schema = {}; bless $schema, 'DBIx::Class::Schema'; $class->mk_classdata('schema_instance' => $schema); } =begin hidden =head2 txn_begin Begins a transaction (does nothing if AutoCommit is off). =end hidden =cut sub txn_begin { shift->schema_instance->txn_begin(@_); } =begin hidden =head2 txn_commit Commits the current transaction. =end hidden =cut sub txn_commit { shift->schema_instance->txn_commit(@_); } =begin hidden =head2 txn_rollback Rolls back the current transaction. =end hidden =cut sub txn_rollback { shift->schema_instance->txn_rollback(@_); } =begin hidden =head2 txn_do Executes a block of code transactionally. If this code reference throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back and the exception is rethrown. See L for more details. =end hidden =cut sub txn_do { shift->schema_instance->txn_do(@_); } { my $warn; sub resolve_class { warn "resolve_class deprecated as of 0.04999_02" unless $warn++; return shift->class_resolver->class(@_); } } =begin hidden =head2 resultset_instance Returns an instance of a resultset for this class - effectively mapping the L connection-as-classdata paradigm into the native L system. =end hidden =cut sub resultset_instance { $_[0]->result_source_instance->resultset } =begin hidden =head2 result_source_instance Returns an instance of the result source for this class =end hidden =cut __PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('_result_source_instance' => []); # Yep. this is horrific. Basically what's happening here is that # (with good reason) DBIx::Class::Schema copies the result source for # registration. Because we have a retarded setup order forced on us we need # to actually make our ->result_source_instance -be- the source used, and we # need to get the source name and schema into ourselves. So this makes it # happen. sub _maybe_attach_source_to_schema { my ($class, $source) = @_; if (my $meth = $class->can('schema_instance')) { if (my $schema = $class->$meth) { $schema->register_class($class, $class); my $new_source = $schema->source($class); %$source = %$new_source; $schema->source_registrations->{$class} = $source; } } } sub result_source_instance { my $class = shift; $class = ref $class || $class; if (@_) { my $source = $_[0]; $class->_result_source_instance([$source, $class]); $class->_maybe_attach_source_to_schema($source); return $source; } my($source, $result_class) = @{$class->_result_source_instance}; return unless blessed $source; if ($result_class ne $class) { # new class # Give this new class its own source and register it. $source = $source->new({ %$source, source_name => $class, result_class => $class } ); $class->_result_source_instance([$source, $class]); $class->_maybe_attach_source_to_schema($source); } return $source; } =begin hidden =head2 resolve_class ****DEPRECATED**** See L =end hidden =begin hidden =head2 dbi_commit ****DEPRECATED**** Alias for L =end hidden =begin hidden =head2 dbi_rollback ****DEPRECATED**** Alias for L =end hidden =head1 FURTHER QUESTIONS? Check the list of L. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This module is free software L by the L. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the L. =cut 1;