package DBIx::Class::PK; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/DBIx::Class::Row/; =head1 NAME DBIx::Class::PK - Primary Key class =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION This class contains methods for handling primary keys and methods depending on them. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 id Returns the primary key(s) for a row. Can't be called as a class method. =cut sub id { my ($self) = @_; $self->throw_exception( "Can't call id() as a class method" ) unless ref $self; my @id_vals = $self->_ident_values; return (wantarray ? @id_vals : $id_vals[0]); } sub _ident_values { my ($self, $use_storage_state) = @_; my (@ids, @missing); for ($self->result_source->_pri_cols_or_die) { push @ids, ($use_storage_state and exists $self->{_column_data_in_storage}{$_}) ? $self->{_column_data_in_storage}{$_} : $self->get_column($_) ; push @missing, $_ if (! defined $ids[-1] and ! $self->has_column_loaded ($_) ); } if (@missing && $self->in_storage) { $self->throw_exception ( 'Unable to uniquely identify result object with missing PK columns: ' . join (', ', @missing ) ); } return @ids; } =head2 ID Returns a unique id string identifying a result object by primary key. Used by L and L. =over =item WARNING The default C<_create_ID> method used by this function orders the returned values by the alphabetical order of the primary column names, B the L method, which follows the same order in which columns were fed to L. =back =cut sub ID { my ($self) = @_; $self->throw_exception( "Can't call ID() as a class method" ) unless ref $self; return undef unless $self->in_storage; return $self->_create_ID(%{$self->ident_condition}); } sub _create_ID { my ($self, %vals) = @_; return undef if grep { !defined } values %vals; return join '|', ref $self || $self, $self->result_source->name, map { $_ . '=' . $vals{$_} } sort keys %vals; } =head2 ident_condition my $cond = $result_source->ident_condition(); my $cond = $result_source->ident_condition('alias'); Produces a condition hash to locate a row based on the primary key(s). =cut sub ident_condition { shift->_mk_ident_cond(@_); } sub _storage_ident_condition { shift->_mk_ident_cond(shift, 1); } sub _mk_ident_cond { my ($self, $alias, $use_storage_state) = @_; my @pks = $self->result_source->_pri_cols_or_die; my @vals = $self->_ident_values($use_storage_state); my (%cond, @undef); my $prefix = defined $alias ? $alias.'.' : ''; for my $col (@pks) { if (! defined ($cond{$prefix.$col} = shift @vals) ) { push @undef, $col; } } if (@undef && $self->in_storage) { $self->throw_exception ( 'Unable to construct result object identity condition due to NULL PK columns: ' . join (', ', @undef) ); } return \%cond; } =head1 FURTHER QUESTIONS? Check the list of L. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This module is free software L by the L. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the L. =cut 1;