## no critic (Modules::ProhibitExcessMainComplexity) package DateTime; use 5.008004; use strict; use warnings; use warnings::register; use namespace::autoclean 0.19; our $VERSION = '1.48'; use Carp; use DateTime::Duration; use DateTime::Helpers; use DateTime::Locale 1.06; use DateTime::TimeZone 2.02; use DateTime::Types; use POSIX qw( floor fmod ); use Params::ValidationCompiler 0.26 qw( validation_for ); use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); use Try::Tiny; ## no critic (Variables::ProhibitPackageVars) our $IsPurePerl; { my $loaded = 0; unless ( $ENV{PERL_DATETIME_PP} ) { try { require XSLoader; XSLoader::load( __PACKAGE__, exists $DateTime::{VERSION} && ${ $DateTime::{VERSION} } ? ${ $DateTime::{VERSION} } : 42 ); $loaded = 1; $IsPurePerl = 0; } catch { die $_ if $_ && $_ !~ /object version|loadable object/; }; } if ($loaded) { ## no critic (Variables::ProtectPrivateVars) require DateTime::PPExtra unless defined &DateTime::_normalize_tai_seconds; } else { require DateTime::PP; } } # for some reason, overloading doesn't work unless fallback is listed # early. # # 3rd parameter ( $_[2] ) means the parameters are 'reversed'. # see: "Calling conventions for binary operations" in overload docs. # use overload ( fallback => 1, '<=>' => '_compare_overload', 'cmp' => '_string_compare_overload', q{""} => 'stringify', bool => sub {1}, '-' => '_subtract_overload', '+' => '_add_overload', 'eq' => '_string_equals_overload', 'ne' => '_string_not_equals_overload', ); # Have to load this after overloading is defined, after BEGIN blocks # or else weird crashes ensue require DateTime::Infinite; sub MAX_NANOSECONDS () {1_000_000_000} # 1E9 = almost 32 bits sub INFINITY () { 100**100**100**100 } sub NEG_INFINITY () { -1 * ( 100**100**100**100 ) } sub NAN () { INFINITY - INFINITY } sub SECONDS_PER_DAY () {86400} sub duration_class () {'DateTime::Duration'} my ( @MonthLengths, @LeapYearMonthLengths, @QuarterLengths, @LeapYearQuarterLengths, ); BEGIN { @MonthLengths = ( 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ); @LeapYearMonthLengths = @MonthLengths; $LeapYearMonthLengths[1]++; @QuarterLengths = ( 90, 91, 92, 92 ); @LeapYearQuarterLengths = @QuarterLengths; $LeapYearQuarterLengths[0]++; } { # I'd rather use Class::Data::Inheritable for this, but there's no # way to add the module-loading behavior to an accessor it # creates, despite what its docs say! my $DefaultLocale; sub DefaultLocale { shift; if (@_) { my $lang = shift; $DefaultLocale = DateTime::Locale->load($lang); } return $DefaultLocale; } } __PACKAGE__->DefaultLocale('en-US'); { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_new_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { year => { type => t('Year') }, month => { type => t('Month'), default => 1, }, day => { type => t('DayOfMonth'), default => 1, }, hour => { type => t('Hour'), default => 0, }, minute => { type => t('Minute'), default => 0, }, second => { type => t('Second'), default => 0, }, nanosecond => { type => t('Nanosecond'), default => 0, }, locale => { type => t('Locale'), optional => 1, }, formatter => { type => t('Formatter'), optional => 1, }, time_zone => { type => t('TimeZone'), optional => 1, }, }, ); sub new { my $class = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); Carp::croak( "Invalid day of month (day = $p{day} - month = $p{month} - year = $p{year})\n" ) if $p{day} > 28 && $p{day} > $class->_month_length( $p{year}, $p{month} ); return $class->_new(%p); } } sub _new { my $class = shift; my %p = @_; Carp::croak('Constructor called with reference, we expected a package') if ref $class; # If this method is called from somewhere other than new(), then some of # these defaults may not get applied. $p{month} = 1 unless exists $p{month}; $p{day} = 1 unless exists $p{day}; $p{hour} = 0 unless exists $p{hour}; $p{minute} = 0 unless exists $p{minute}; $p{second} = 0 unless exists $p{second}; $p{nanosecond} = 0 unless exists $p{nanosecond}; $p{time_zone} = $class->_default_time_zone unless exists $p{time_zone}; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_set_locale( $p{locale} ); $self->{tz} = ( ref $p{time_zone} ? $p{time_zone} : DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => $p{time_zone} ) ); $self->{local_rd_days} = $class->_ymd2rd( @p{qw( year month day )} ); $self->{local_rd_secs} = $class->_time_as_seconds( @p{qw( hour minute second )} ); $self->{offset_modifier} = 0; $self->{rd_nanosecs} = $p{nanosecond}; $self->{formatter} = $p{formatter}; $self->_normalize_nanoseconds( $self->{local_rd_secs}, $self->{rd_nanosecs} ); # Set this explicitly since it can't be calculated accurately # without knowing our time zone offset, and it's possible that the # offset can't be calculated without having at least a rough guess # of the datetime's year. This year need not be correct, as long # as its equal or greater to the correct number, so we fudge by # adding one to the local year given to the constructor. $self->{utc_year} = $p{year} + 1; $self->_maybe_future_dst_warning( $p{year}, $p{time_zone} ); $self->_calc_utc_rd; $self->_handle_offset_modifier( $p{second} ); $self->_calc_local_rd; if ( $p{second} > 59 ) { if ( $self->{tz}->is_floating || # If true, this means that the actual calculated leap # second does not occur in the second given to new() ( $self->{utc_rd_secs} - 86399 < $p{second} - 59 ) ) { Carp::croak("Invalid second value ($p{second})\n"); } } return $self; } # Warning: do not use this environment variable unless you have no choice in # the matter. sub _default_time_zone { return $ENV{PERL_DATETIME_DEFAULT_TZ} || 'floating'; } sub _set_locale { my $self = shift; my $locale = shift; if ( defined $locale && ref $locale ) { $self->{locale} = $locale; } else { $self->{locale} = $locale ? DateTime::Locale->load($locale) : $self->DefaultLocale(); } return; } # This method exists for the benefit of internal methods which create # a new object based on the current object, like set() and truncate(). sub _new_from_self { my $self = shift; my %p = @_; my %old = map { $_ => $self->$_() } qw( year month day hour minute second nanosecond locale time_zone ); $old{formatter} = $self->formatter() if defined $self->formatter(); my $method = delete $p{_skip_validation} ? '_new' : 'new'; return ( ref $self )->$method( %old, %p ); } sub _handle_offset_modifier { my $self = shift; $self->{offset_modifier} = 0; return if $self->{tz}->is_floating; my $second = shift; my $utc_is_valid = shift; my $utc_rd_days = $self->{utc_rd_days}; my $offset = $utc_is_valid ? $self->offset : $self->_offset_for_local_datetime; if ( $offset >= 0 && $self->{local_rd_secs} >= $offset ) { if ( $second < 60 && $offset > 0 ) { $self->{offset_modifier} = $self->_day_length( $utc_rd_days - 1 ) - SECONDS_PER_DAY; $self->{local_rd_secs} += $self->{offset_modifier}; } elsif ( $second == 60 && ( ( $self->{local_rd_secs} == $offset && $offset > 0 ) || ( $offset == 0 && $self->{local_rd_secs} > 86399 ) ) ) { my $mod = $self->_day_length( $utc_rd_days - 1 ) - SECONDS_PER_DAY; unless ( $mod == 0 ) { $self->{utc_rd_secs} -= $mod; $self->_normalize_seconds; } } } elsif ($offset < 0 && $self->{local_rd_secs} >= SECONDS_PER_DAY + $offset ) { if ( $second < 60 ) { $self->{offset_modifier} = $self->_day_length( $utc_rd_days - 1 ) - SECONDS_PER_DAY; $self->{local_rd_secs} += $self->{offset_modifier}; } elsif ($second == 60 && $self->{local_rd_secs} == SECONDS_PER_DAY + $offset ) { my $mod = $self->_day_length( $utc_rd_days - 1 ) - SECONDS_PER_DAY; unless ( $mod == 0 ) { $self->{utc_rd_secs} -= $mod; $self->_normalize_seconds; } } } } sub _calc_utc_rd { my $self = shift; delete $self->{utc_c}; if ( $self->{tz}->is_utc || $self->{tz}->is_floating ) { $self->{utc_rd_days} = $self->{local_rd_days}; $self->{utc_rd_secs} = $self->{local_rd_secs}; } else { my $offset = $self->_offset_for_local_datetime; $offset += $self->{offset_modifier}; $self->{utc_rd_days} = $self->{local_rd_days}; $self->{utc_rd_secs} = $self->{local_rd_secs} - $offset; } # We account for leap seconds in the new() method and nowhere else # except date math. $self->_normalize_tai_seconds( $self->{utc_rd_days}, $self->{utc_rd_secs} ); } sub _normalize_seconds { my $self = shift; return if $self->{utc_rd_secs} >= 0 && $self->{utc_rd_secs} <= 86399; if ( $self->{tz}->is_floating ) { $self->_normalize_tai_seconds( $self->{utc_rd_days}, $self->{utc_rd_secs} ); } else { $self->_normalize_leap_seconds( $self->{utc_rd_days}, $self->{utc_rd_secs} ); } } sub _calc_local_rd { my $self = shift; delete $self->{local_c}; # We must short circuit for UTC times or else we could end up with # loops between DateTime.pm and DateTime::TimeZone if ( $self->{tz}->is_utc || $self->{tz}->is_floating ) { $self->{local_rd_days} = $self->{utc_rd_days}; $self->{local_rd_secs} = $self->{utc_rd_secs}; } else { my $offset = $self->offset; $self->{local_rd_days} = $self->{utc_rd_days}; $self->{local_rd_secs} = $self->{utc_rd_secs} + $offset; # intentionally ignore leap seconds here $self->_normalize_tai_seconds( $self->{local_rd_days}, $self->{local_rd_secs} ); $self->{local_rd_secs} += $self->{offset_modifier}; } $self->_calc_local_components; } sub _calc_local_components { my $self = shift; @{ $self->{local_c} }{ qw( year month day day_of_week day_of_year quarter day_of_quarter) } = $self->_rd2ymd( $self->{local_rd_days}, 1 ); @{ $self->{local_c} }{qw( hour minute second )} = $self->_seconds_as_components( $self->{local_rd_secs}, $self->{utc_rd_secs}, $self->{offset_modifier} ); } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_from_epoch_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { epoch => { type => t('Num') }, formatter => { type => t('Formatter'), optional => 1 }, locale => { type => t('Locale'), optional => 1 }, time_zone => { type => t('TimeZone'), optional => 1 }, }, ); sub from_epoch { my $class = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); my %args; # This does two things. First, if given a negative non-integer epoch, # it will round the epoch _down_ to the next second and then adjust # the nanoseconds to be positive. In other words, -0.5 corresponds to # a second of -1 and a nanosecond value of 500,000. Before this code # was implemented our handling of negative non-integer epochs was # quite broken, and would end up rounding some values up, so that -0.5 # become 0.5 (which is obviously wrong!). # # Second, it rounds any decimal values to the nearest microsecond # (1E6). Here's what Christian Hansen, who wrote this patch, says: # # Perl is typically compiled with NV as a double. A double with a # significand precision of 53 bits can only represent a nanosecond # epoch without loss of precision if the duration from zero epoch # is less than ≈ ±104 days. With microseconds the duration is # ±104,000 days, which is ≈ ±285 years. if ( int $p{epoch} != $p{epoch} ) { my ( $floor, $nano, $second ); $floor = $nano = fmod( $p{epoch}, 1.0 ); $second = floor( $p{epoch} - $floor ); if ( $nano < 0 ) { $nano += 1; } $p{epoch} = $second + floor( $floor - $nano ); $args{nanosecond} = floor( $nano * 1E6 + 0.5 ) * 1E3; } # Note, for very large negative values this may give a # blatantly wrong answer. @args{qw( second minute hour day month year )} = ( gmtime( $p{epoch} ) )[ 0 .. 5 ]; $args{year} += 1900; $args{month}++; my $self = $class->_new( %p, %args, time_zone => 'UTC' ); $self->_maybe_future_dst_warning( $self->year(), $p{time_zone} ); $self->set_time_zone( $p{time_zone} ) if exists $p{time_zone}; return $self; } } sub now { my $class = shift; return $class->from_epoch( epoch => $class->_core_time(), @_ ); } sub _maybe_future_dst_warning { shift; my $year = shift; my $tz = shift; return unless $year >= 5000 && $tz; my $tz_name = ref $tz ? $tz->name() : $tz; return if $tz_name eq 'floating' || $tz_name eq 'UTC'; warnings::warnif( "You are creating a DateTime object with a far future year ($year) and a time zone ($tz_name)." . ' If the time zone you specified has future DST changes this will be very slow.' ); } # use scalar time in case someone's loaded Time::Piece sub _core_time { return scalar time; } sub today { shift->now(@_)->truncate( to => 'day' ) } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_from_object_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { object => { type => t('ConvertibleObject') }, locale => { type => t('Locale'), optional => 1, }, formatter => { type => t('Formatter'), optional => 1, }, }, ); sub from_object { my $class = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); my $object = delete $p{object}; if ( $object->isa('DateTime::Infinite') ) { return $object->clone; } my ( $rd_days, $rd_secs, $rd_nanosecs ) = $object->utc_rd_values; # A kludge because until all calendars are updated to return all # three values, $rd_nanosecs could be undef $rd_nanosecs ||= 0; # This is a big hack to let _seconds_as_components operate naively # on the given value. If the object _is_ on a leap second, we'll # add that to the generated seconds value later. my $leap_seconds = 0; if ( $object->can('time_zone') && !$object->time_zone->is_floating && $rd_secs > 86399 && $rd_secs <= $class->_day_length($rd_days) ) { $leap_seconds = $rd_secs - 86399; $rd_secs -= $leap_seconds; } my %args; @args{qw( year month day )} = $class->_rd2ymd($rd_days); @args{qw( hour minute second )} = $class->_seconds_as_components($rd_secs); $args{nanosecond} = $rd_nanosecs; $args{second} += $leap_seconds; my $new = $class->new( %p, %args, time_zone => 'UTC' ); if ( $object->can('time_zone') ) { $new->set_time_zone( $object->time_zone ); } else { $new->set_time_zone( $class->_default_time_zone ); } return $new; } } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_last_day_of_month_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { year => { type => t('Year') }, month => { type => t('Month') }, day => { type => t('DayOfMonth'), default => 1, }, hour => { type => t('Hour'), default => 0, }, minute => { type => t('Minute'), default => 0, }, second => { type => t('Second'), default => 0, }, nanosecond => { type => t('Nanosecond'), default => 0, }, locale => { type => t('Locale'), optional => 1, }, formatter => { type => t('Formatter'), optional => 1, }, time_zone => { type => t('TimeZone'), optional => 1, }, }, ); sub last_day_of_month { my $class = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); my $day = $class->_month_length( $p{year}, $p{month} ); return $class->_new( %p, day => $day ); } } sub _month_length { return ( $_[0]->_is_leap_year( $_[1] ) ? $LeapYearMonthLengths[ $_[2] - 1 ] : $MonthLengths[ $_[2] - 1 ] ); } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_from_day_of_year_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { year => { type => t('Year') }, day_of_year => { type => t('DayOfYear') }, hour => { type => t('Hour'), default => 0, }, minute => { type => t('Minute'), default => 0, }, second => { type => t('Second'), default => 0, }, nanosecond => { type => t('Nanosecond'), default => 0, }, locale => { type => t('Locale'), optional => 1, }, formatter => { type => t('Formatter'), optional => 1, }, time_zone => { type => t('TimeZone'), optional => 1, }, }, ); sub from_day_of_year { my $class = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); Carp::croak("$p{year} is not a leap year.\n") if $p{day_of_year} == 366 && !$class->_is_leap_year( $p{year} ); my $month = 1; my $day = delete $p{day_of_year}; if ( $day > 31 ) { my $length = $class->_month_length( $p{year}, $month ); while ( $day > $length ) { $day -= $length; $month++; $length = $class->_month_length( $p{year}, $month ); } } return $class->_new( %p, month => $month, day => $day, ); } } sub formatter { $_[0]->{formatter} } sub clone { bless { %{ $_[0] } }, ref $_[0] } sub year { Carp::carp('year() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{local_c}{year}; } sub ce_year { $_[0]->{local_c}{year} <= 0 ? $_[0]->{local_c}{year} - 1 : $_[0]->{local_c}{year}; } sub era_name { $_[0]->{locale}->era_wide->[ $_[0]->_era_index() ] } sub era_abbr { $_[0]->{locale}->era_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->_era_index() ] } # deprecated *era = \&era_abbr; sub _era_index { $_[0]->{local_c}{year} <= 0 ? 0 : 1 } sub christian_era { $_[0]->ce_year > 0 ? 'AD' : 'BC' } sub secular_era { $_[0]->ce_year > 0 ? 'CE' : 'BCE' } sub year_with_era { ( abs $_[0]->ce_year ) . $_[0]->era_abbr } sub year_with_christian_era { ( abs $_[0]->ce_year ) . $_[0]->christian_era } sub year_with_secular_era { ( abs $_[0]->ce_year ) . $_[0]->secular_era } sub month { Carp::carp('month() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{local_c}{month}; } *mon = \&month; sub month_0 { $_[0]->{local_c}{month} - 1 } *mon_0 = \&month_0; sub month_name { $_[0]->{locale}->month_format_wide->[ $_[0]->month_0() ] } sub month_abbr { $_[0]->{locale}->month_format_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->month_0() ]; } sub day_of_month { Carp::carp('day_of_month() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; $_[0]->{local_c}{day}; } *day = \&day_of_month; *mday = \&day_of_month; sub weekday_of_month { use integer; ( ( $_[0]->day - 1 ) / 7 ) + 1 } sub quarter { $_[0]->{local_c}{quarter} } sub quarter_name { $_[0]->{locale}->quarter_format_wide->[ $_[0]->quarter_0() ]; } sub quarter_abbr { $_[0]->{locale}->quarter_format_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->quarter_0() ]; } sub quarter_0 { $_[0]->{local_c}{quarter} - 1 } sub day_of_month_0 { $_[0]->{local_c}{day} - 1 } *day_0 = \&day_of_month_0; *mday_0 = \&day_of_month_0; sub day_of_week { $_[0]->{local_c}{day_of_week} } *wday = \&day_of_week; *dow = \&day_of_week; sub day_of_week_0 { $_[0]->{local_c}{day_of_week} - 1 } *wday_0 = \&day_of_week_0; *dow_0 = \&day_of_week_0; sub local_day_of_week { my $self = shift; return 1 + ( $self->day_of_week - $self->{locale}->first_day_of_week ) % 7; } sub day_name { $_[0]->{locale}->day_format_wide->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ] } sub day_abbr { $_[0]->{locale}->day_format_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ]; } sub day_of_quarter { $_[0]->{local_c}{day_of_quarter} } *doq = \&day_of_quarter; sub day_of_quarter_0 { $_[0]->day_of_quarter - 1 } *doq_0 = \&day_of_quarter_0; sub day_of_year { $_[0]->{local_c}{day_of_year} } *doy = \&day_of_year; sub day_of_year_0 { $_[0]->{local_c}{day_of_year} - 1 } *doy_0 = \&day_of_year_0; sub am_or_pm { $_[0]->{locale}->am_pm_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->hour() < 12 ? 0 : 1 ]; } sub ymd { my ( $self, $sep ) = @_; $sep = '-' unless defined $sep; return sprintf( '%0.4d%s%0.2d%s%0.2d', $self->year, $sep, $self->{local_c}{month}, $sep, $self->{local_c}{day} ); } *date = sub { shift->ymd(@_) }; sub mdy { my ( $self, $sep ) = @_; $sep = '-' unless defined $sep; return sprintf( '%0.2d%s%0.2d%s%0.4d', $self->{local_c}{month}, $sep, $self->{local_c}{day}, $sep, $self->year ); } sub dmy { my ( $self, $sep ) = @_; $sep = '-' unless defined $sep; return sprintf( '%0.2d%s%0.2d%s%0.4d', $self->{local_c}{day}, $sep, $self->{local_c}{month}, $sep, $self->year ); } sub hour { Carp::carp('hour() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{local_c}{hour}; } sub hour_1 { $_[0]->{local_c}{hour} == 0 ? 24 : $_[0]->{local_c}{hour} } sub hour_12 { my $h = $_[0]->hour % 12; return $h ? $h : 12 } sub hour_12_0 { $_[0]->hour % 12 } sub minute { Carp::carp('minute() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{local_c}{minute}; } *min = \&minute; sub second { Carp::carp('second() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{local_c}{second}; } *sec = \&second; sub fractional_second { $_[0]->second + $_[0]->nanosecond / MAX_NANOSECONDS } sub nanosecond { Carp::carp('nanosecond() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{rd_nanosecs}; } sub millisecond { floor( $_[0]->{rd_nanosecs} / 1000000 ) } sub microsecond { floor( $_[0]->{rd_nanosecs} / 1000 ) } sub leap_seconds { my $self = shift; return 0 if $self->{tz}->is_floating; return $self->_accumulated_leap_seconds( $self->{utc_rd_days} ); } sub stringify { my $self = shift; return $self->iso8601 unless $self->{formatter}; return $self->{formatter}->format_datetime($self); } sub hms { my ( $self, $sep ) = @_; $sep = ':' unless defined $sep; return sprintf( '%0.2d%s%0.2d%s%0.2d', $self->{local_c}{hour}, $sep, $self->{local_c}{minute}, $sep, $self->{local_c}{second} ); } # don't want to override CORE::time() *DateTime::time = sub { shift->hms(@_) }; sub iso8601 { $_[0]->datetime('T') } sub datetime { my ( $self, $sep ) = @_; $sep = 'T' unless defined $sep; return join $sep, $self->ymd('-'), $self->hms(':'); } sub is_leap_year { $_[0]->_is_leap_year( $_[0]->year ) } sub month_length { $_[0]->_month_length( $_[0]->year, $_[0]->month ); } sub quarter_length { return ( $_[0]->_is_leap_year( $_[0]->year ) ? $LeapYearQuarterLengths[ $_[0]->quarter - 1 ] : $QuarterLengths[ $_[0]->quarter - 1 ] ); } sub year_length { $_[0]->_is_leap_year( $_[0]->year ) ? 366 : 365; } sub is_last_day_of_month { $_[0]->day == $_[0]->_month_length( $_[0]->year, $_[0]->month ); } sub is_last_day_of_quarter { $_[0]->day_of_quarter == $_[0]->quarter_length; } sub is_last_day_of_year { $_[0]->day_of_year == $_[0]->year_length; } sub week { my $self = shift; $self->{utc_c}{week_year} ||= $self->_week_values; return @{ $self->{utc_c}{week_year} }[ 0, 1 ]; } # This algorithm comes from # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date#Calculating_the_week_number_of_a_given_date sub _week_values { my $self = shift; my $week = int( ( ( $self->day_of_year - $self->day_of_week ) + 10 ) / 7 ); my $year = $self->year; if ( $week == 0 ) { $year--; return [ $year, $self->_weeks_in_year($year) ]; } elsif ( $week == 53 && $self->_weeks_in_year($year) == 52 ) { return [ $year + 1, 1 ]; } return [ $year, $week ]; } sub _weeks_in_year { my $self = shift; my $year = shift; my $dow = $self->_ymd2rd( $year, 1, 1 ) % 7; # Years starting with a Thursday and leap years starting with a Wednesday # have 53 weeks. return ( $dow == 4 || ( $dow == 3 && $self->_is_leap_year($year) ) ) ? 53 : 52; } sub week_year { ( $_[0]->week )[0] } sub week_number { ( $_[0]->week )[1] } # ISO says that the first week of a year is the first week containing # a Thursday. Extending that says that the first week of the month is # the first week containing a Thursday. ICU agrees. sub week_of_month { my $self = shift; my $thu = $self->day + 4 - $self->day_of_week; return int( ( $thu + 6 ) / 7 ); } sub time_zone { Carp::carp('time_zone() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{tz}; } sub offset { $_[0]->{tz}->offset_for_datetime( $_[0] ) } sub _offset_for_local_datetime { $_[0]->{tz}->offset_for_local_datetime( $_[0] ); } sub is_dst { $_[0]->{tz}->is_dst_for_datetime( $_[0] ) } sub time_zone_long_name { $_[0]->{tz}->name } sub time_zone_short_name { $_[0]->{tz}->short_name_for_datetime( $_[0] ) } sub locale { Carp::carp('locale() is a read-only accessor') if @_ > 1; return $_[0]->{locale}; } sub utc_rd_values { @{ $_[0] }{ 'utc_rd_days', 'utc_rd_secs', 'rd_nanosecs' }; } sub local_rd_values { @{ $_[0] }{ 'local_rd_days', 'local_rd_secs', 'rd_nanosecs' }; } # NOTE: no nanoseconds, no leap seconds sub utc_rd_as_seconds { ( $_[0]->{utc_rd_days} * SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + $_[0]->{utc_rd_secs}; } # NOTE: no nanoseconds, no leap seconds sub local_rd_as_seconds { ( $_[0]->{local_rd_days} * SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + $_[0]->{local_rd_secs}; } # RD 1 is MJD 678,576 - a simple offset sub mjd { my $self = shift; my $mjd = $self->{utc_rd_days} - 678_576; my $day_length = $self->_day_length( $self->{utc_rd_days} ); return ( $mjd + ( $self->{utc_rd_secs} / $day_length ) + ( $self->{rd_nanosecs} / $day_length / MAX_NANOSECONDS ) ); } sub jd { $_[0]->mjd + 2_400_000.5 } { my %strftime_patterns = ( 'a' => sub { $_[0]->day_abbr }, 'A' => sub { $_[0]->day_name }, 'b' => sub { $_[0]->month_abbr }, 'B' => sub { $_[0]->month_name }, 'c' => sub { $_[0]->format_cldr( $_[0]->{locale}->datetime_format_default() ); }, 'C' => sub { int( $_[0]->year / 100 ) }, 'd' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->day_of_month ) }, 'D' => sub { $_[0]->strftime('%m/%d/%y') }, 'e' => sub { sprintf( '%2d', $_[0]->day_of_month ) }, 'F' => sub { $_[0]->ymd('-') }, 'g' => sub { substr( $_[0]->week_year, -2 ) }, 'G' => sub { $_[0]->week_year }, 'H' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->hour ) }, 'I' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->hour_12 ) }, 'j' => sub { sprintf( '%03d', $_[0]->day_of_year ) }, 'k' => sub { sprintf( '%2d', $_[0]->hour ) }, 'l' => sub { sprintf( '%2d', $_[0]->hour_12 ) }, 'm' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->month ) }, 'M' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->minute ) }, 'n' => sub {"\n"}, # should this be OS-sensitive? 'N' => \&_format_nanosecs, 'p' => sub { $_[0]->am_or_pm() }, 'P' => sub { lc $_[0]->am_or_pm() }, 'r' => sub { $_[0]->strftime('%I:%M:%S %p') }, 'R' => sub { $_[0]->strftime('%H:%M') }, 's' => sub { $_[0]->epoch }, 'S' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->second ) }, 't' => sub {"\t"}, 'T' => sub { $_[0]->strftime('%H:%M:%S') }, 'u' => sub { $_[0]->day_of_week }, 'U' => sub { my $sun = $_[0]->day_of_year - ( $_[0]->day_of_week + 7 ) % 7; return sprintf( '%02d', int( ( $sun + 6 ) / 7 ) ); }, 'V' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', $_[0]->week_number ) }, 'w' => sub { my $dow = $_[0]->day_of_week; return $dow % 7; }, 'W' => sub { my $mon = $_[0]->day_of_year - ( $_[0]->day_of_week + 6 ) % 7; return sprintf( '%02d', int( ( $mon + 6 ) / 7 ) ); }, 'x' => sub { $_[0]->format_cldr( $_[0]->{locale}->date_format_default() ); }, 'X' => sub { $_[0]->format_cldr( $_[0]->{locale}->time_format_default() ); }, 'y' => sub { sprintf( '%02d', substr( $_[0]->year, -2 ) ) }, 'Y' => sub { return $_[0]->year }, 'z' => sub { DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string( $_[0]->offset ) }, 'Z' => sub { $_[0]->{tz}->short_name_for_datetime( $_[0] ) }, '%' => sub {'%'}, ); $strftime_patterns{h} = $strftime_patterns{b}; sub strftime { my $self = shift; # make a copy or caller's scalars get munged my @patterns = @_; my @r; foreach my $p (@patterns) { $p =~ s/ (?: %\{(\w+)\} # method name like %{day_name} | %([%a-zA-Z]) # single character specifier like %d | %(\d+)N # special case for %N ) / ( $1 ? ( $self->can($1) ? $self->$1() : "\%{$1}" ) : $2 ? ( $strftime_patterns{$2} ? $strftime_patterns{$2}->($self) : "\%$2" ) : $3 ? $strftime_patterns{N}->($self, $3) : '' # this won't happen ) /sgex; return $p unless wantarray; push @r, $p; } return @r; } } { # It's an array because the order in which the regexes are checked # is important. These patterns are similar to the ones Java uses, # but not quite the same. See # http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-9.html#Date_Format_Patterns. my @patterns = ( qr/GGGGG/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->era_narrow->[ $_[0]->_era_index() ] }, qr/GGGG/ => 'era_name', qr/G{1,3}/ => 'era_abbr', qr/(y{3,5})/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->year() ) }, # yy is a weird special case, where it must be exactly 2 digits qr/yy/ => sub { my $year = $_[0]->year(); my $y2 = length $year > 2 ? substr( $year, -2, 2 ) : $year; $y2 *= -1 if $year < 0; $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( 'yy', $y2 ); }, qr/y/ => sub { $_[0]->year() }, qr/(u+)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->year() ) }, qr/(Y+)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->week_year() ) }, qr/QQQQ/ => 'quarter_name', qr/QQQ/ => 'quarter_abbr', qr/(QQ?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->quarter() ) }, qr/qqqq/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->quarter_stand_alone_wide() ->[ $_[0]->quarter_0() ]; }, qr/qqq/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated() ->[ $_[0]->quarter_0() ]; }, qr/(qq?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->quarter() ) }, qr/MMMMM/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->month_format_narrow->[ $_[0]->month_0() ] } , qr/MMMM/ => 'month_name', qr/MMM/ => 'month_abbr', qr/(MM?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->month() ) }, qr/LLLLL/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->month_stand_alone_narrow->[ $_[0]->month_0() ]; }, qr/LLLL/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->month_stand_alone_wide->[ $_[0]->month_0() ]; }, qr/LLL/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale} ->month_stand_alone_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->month_0() ]; }, qr/(LL?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->month() ) }, qr/(ww?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->week_number() ) }, qr/W/ => 'week_of_month', qr/(dd?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->day_of_month() ) }, qr/(D{1,3})/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->day_of_year() ) }, qr/F/ => 'weekday_of_month', qr/(g+)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->mjd() ) }, qr/EEEEE/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->day_format_narrow->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ]; }, qr/EEEE/ => 'day_name', qr/E{1,3}/ => 'day_abbr', qr/eeeee/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->day_format_narrow->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ]; }, qr/eeee/ => 'day_name', qr/eee/ => 'day_abbr', qr/(ee?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->local_day_of_week() ); }, qr/ccccc/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale} ->day_stand_alone_narrow->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ]; }, qr/cccc/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale}->day_stand_alone_wide->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ]; }, qr/ccc/ => sub { $_[0]->{locale} ->day_stand_alone_abbreviated->[ $_[0]->day_of_week_0() ]; }, qr/(cc?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->day_of_week() ) }, qr/a/ => 'am_or_pm', qr/(hh?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->hour_12() ) }, qr/(HH?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->hour() ) }, qr/(KK?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->hour_12_0() ) }, qr/(kk?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->hour_1() ) }, qr/(jj?)/ => sub { my $h = $_[0]->{locale}->prefers_24_hour_time() ? $_[0]->hour() : $_[0]->hour_12(); $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $h ); }, qr/(mm?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->minute() ) }, qr/(ss?)/ => sub { $_[0]->_zero_padded_number( $1, $_[0]->second() ) }, # The LDML spec is not 100% clear on how to truncate this field, but # this way seems as good as anything. qr/(S+)/ => sub { $_[0]->_format_nanosecs( length($1) ) }, qr/A+/ => sub { ( $_[0]->{local_rd_secs} * 1000 ) + $_[0]->millisecond() }, qr/zzzz/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_long_name() }, qr/z{1,3}/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_short_name() }, qr/ZZZZZ/ => sub { substr( my $z = DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string( $_[0]->offset() ), -2, 0, ':' ); $z; }, qr/ZZZZ/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_short_name() . DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string( $_[0]->offset() ); }, qr/Z{1,3}/ => sub { DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string( $_[0]->offset() ) }, qr/vvvv/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_long_name() }, qr/v{1,3}/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_short_name() }, qr/VVVV/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_long_name() }, qr/V{1,3}/ => sub { $_[0]->time_zone_short_name() }, ); sub _zero_padded_number { my $self = shift; my $size = length shift; my $val = shift; return sprintf( "%0${size}d", $val ); } sub format_cldr { my $self = shift; # make a copy or caller's scalars get munged my @p = @_; my @r; foreach my $p (@p) { $p =~ s/\G (?: '((?:[^']|'')*)' # quote escaped bit of text # it needs to end with one # quote not followed by # another | (([a-zA-Z])\3*) # could be a pattern | (.) # anything else ) / defined $1 ? $1 : defined $2 ? $self->_cldr_pattern($2) : defined $4 ? $4 : undef # should never get here /sgex; $p =~ s/\'\'/\'/g; return $p unless wantarray; push @r, $p; } return @r; } sub _cldr_pattern { my $self = shift; my $pattern = shift; ## no critic (ControlStructures::ProhibitCStyleForLoops) for ( my $i = 0; $i < @patterns; $i += 2 ) { if ( $pattern =~ /$patterns[$i]/ ) { my $sub = $patterns[ $i + 1 ]; return $self->$sub(); } } return $pattern; } } sub _format_nanosecs { my $self = shift; my $precision = @_ ? shift : 9; my $divide_by = 10**( 9 - $precision ); return sprintf( '%0' . $precision . 'u', floor( $self->{rd_nanosecs} / $divide_by ) ); } sub epoch { my $self = shift; return $self->{utc_c}{epoch} if exists $self->{utc_c}{epoch}; return $self->{utc_c}{epoch} = ( $self->{utc_rd_days} - 719163 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY + $self->{utc_rd_secs}; } sub hires_epoch { my $self = shift; my $epoch = $self->epoch; return undef unless defined $epoch; my $nano = $self->{rd_nanosecs} / MAX_NANOSECONDS; return $epoch + $nano; } sub is_finite {1} sub is_infinite {0} # added for benefit of DateTime::TimeZone sub utc_year { $_[0]->{utc_year} } # returns a result that is relative to the first datetime sub subtract_datetime { my $dt1 = shift; my $dt2 = shift; $dt2 = $dt2->clone->set_time_zone( $dt1->time_zone ) unless $dt1->time_zone eq $dt2->time_zone; # We only want a negative duration if $dt2 > $dt1 ($self) my ( $bigger, $smaller, $negative ) = ( $dt1 >= $dt2 ? ( $dt1, $dt2, 0 ) : ( $dt2, $dt1, 1 ) ); my $is_floating = $dt1->time_zone->is_floating && $dt2->time_zone->is_floating; my $minute_length = 60; unless ($is_floating) { my ( $utc_rd_days, $utc_rd_secs ) = $smaller->utc_rd_values; if ( $utc_rd_secs >= 86340 && !$is_floating ) { # If the smaller of the two datetimes occurs in the last # UTC minute of the UTC day, then that minute may not be # 60 seconds long. If we need to subtract a minute from # the larger datetime's minutes count in order to adjust # the seconds difference to be positive, we need to know # how long that minute was. If one of the datetimes is # floating, we just assume a minute is 60 seconds. $minute_length = $dt1->_day_length($utc_rd_days) - 86340; } } # This is a gross hack that basically figures out if the bigger of # the two datetimes is the day of a DST change. If it's a 23 hour # day (switching _to_ DST) then we subtract 60 minutes from the # local time. If it's a 25 hour day then we add 60 minutes to the # local time. # # This produces the most "intuitive" results, though there are # still reversibility problems with the resultant duration. # # However, if the two objects are on the same (local) date, and we # are not crossing a DST change, we don't want to invoke the hack # - see 38local-subtract.t my $bigger_min = $bigger->hour * 60 + $bigger->minute; if ( $bigger->time_zone->has_dst_changes && $bigger->is_dst != $smaller->is_dst ) { $bigger_min -= 60 # it's a 23 hour (local) day if ( $bigger->is_dst && do { my $prev_day = try { $bigger->clone->subtract( days => 1 ) }; $prev_day && !$prev_day->is_dst ? 1 : 0; } ); $bigger_min += 60 # it's a 25 hour (local) day if ( !$bigger->is_dst && do { my $prev_day = try { $bigger->clone->subtract( days => 1 ) }; $prev_day && $prev_day->is_dst ? 1 : 0; } ); } my ( $months, $days, $minutes, $seconds, $nanoseconds ) = $dt1->_adjust_for_positive_difference( $bigger->year * 12 + $bigger->month, $smaller->year * 12 + $smaller->month, $bigger->day, $smaller->day, $bigger_min, $smaller->hour * 60 + $smaller->minute, $bigger->second, $smaller->second, $bigger->nanosecond, $smaller->nanosecond, $minute_length, # XXX - using the smaller as the month length is # somewhat arbitrary, we could also use the bigger - # either way we have reversibility problems $dt1->_month_length( $smaller->year, $smaller->month ), ); if ($negative) { for ( $months, $days, $minutes, $seconds, $nanoseconds ) { # Some versions of Perl can end up with -0 if we do "0 * -1"!! $_ *= -1 if $_; } } return $dt1->duration_class->new( months => $months, days => $days, minutes => $minutes, seconds => $seconds, nanoseconds => $nanoseconds, ); } sub _adjust_for_positive_difference { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs) my ( $self, $month1, $month2, $day1, $day2, $min1, $min2, $sec1, $sec2, $nano1, $nano2, $minute_length, $month_length, ) = @_; if ( $nano1 < $nano2 ) { $sec1--; $nano1 += MAX_NANOSECONDS; } if ( $sec1 < $sec2 ) { $min1--; $sec1 += $minute_length; } # A day always has 24 * 60 minutes, though the minutes may vary in # length. if ( $min1 < $min2 ) { $day1--; $min1 += 24 * 60; } if ( $day1 < $day2 ) { $month1--; $day1 += $month_length; } return ( $month1 - $month2, $day1 - $day2, $min1 - $min2, $sec1 - $sec2, $nano1 - $nano2, ); } sub subtract_datetime_absolute { my $self = shift; my $dt = shift; my $utc_rd_secs1 = $self->utc_rd_as_seconds; $utc_rd_secs1 += $self->_accumulated_leap_seconds( $self->{utc_rd_days} ) if !$self->time_zone->is_floating; my $utc_rd_secs2 = $dt->utc_rd_as_seconds; $utc_rd_secs2 += $self->_accumulated_leap_seconds( $dt->{utc_rd_days} ) if !$dt->time_zone->is_floating; my $seconds = $utc_rd_secs1 - $utc_rd_secs2; my $nanoseconds = $self->nanosecond - $dt->nanosecond; if ( $nanoseconds < 0 ) { $seconds--; $nanoseconds += MAX_NANOSECONDS; } return $self->duration_class->new( seconds => $seconds, nanoseconds => $nanoseconds, ); } sub delta_md { my $self = shift; my $dt = shift; my ( $smaller, $bigger ) = sort $self, $dt; my ( $months, $days, undef, undef, undef ) = $dt->_adjust_for_positive_difference( $bigger->year * 12 + $bigger->month, $smaller->year * 12 + $smaller->month, $bigger->day, $smaller->day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, $smaller->_month_length( $smaller->year, $smaller->month ), ); return $self->duration_class->new( months => $months, days => $days ); } sub delta_days { my $self = shift; my $dt = shift; my $days = abs( ( $self->local_rd_values )[0] - ( $dt->local_rd_values )[0] ); $self->duration_class->new( days => $days ); } sub delta_ms { my $self = shift; my $dt = shift; my ( $smaller, $greater ) = sort $self, $dt; my $days = int( $greater->jd - $smaller->jd ); my $dur = $greater->subtract_datetime($smaller); my %p; $p{hours} = $dur->hours + ( $days * 24 ); $p{minutes} = $dur->minutes; $p{seconds} = $dur->seconds; return $self->duration_class->new(%p); } sub _add_overload { my ( $dt, $dur, $reversed ) = @_; if ($reversed) { ( $dur, $dt ) = ( $dt, $dur ); } unless ( DateTime::Helpers::isa( $dur, 'DateTime::Duration' ) ) { my $class = ref $dt; my $dt_string = overload::StrVal($dt); Carp::croak( "Cannot add $dur to a $class object ($dt_string).\n" . ' Only a DateTime::Duration object can ' . " be added to a $class object." ); } return $dt->clone->add_duration($dur); } sub _subtract_overload { my ( $date1, $date2, $reversed ) = @_; if ($reversed) { ( $date2, $date1 ) = ( $date1, $date2 ); } if ( DateTime::Helpers::isa( $date2, 'DateTime::Duration' ) ) { my $new = $date1->clone; $new->add_duration( $date2->inverse ); return $new; } elsif ( DateTime::Helpers::isa( $date2, 'DateTime' ) ) { return $date1->subtract_datetime($date2); } else { my $class = ref $date1; my $dt_string = overload::StrVal($date1); Carp::croak( "Cannot subtract $date2 from a $class object ($dt_string).\n" . ' Only a DateTime::Duration or DateTime object can ' . " be subtracted from a $class object." ); } } sub add { my $self = shift; return $self->add_duration( $self->_duration_object_from_args(@_) ); } sub subtract { my $self = shift; my %eom; if ( @_ % 2 == 0 ) { my %p = @_; $eom{end_of_month} = delete $p{end_of_month} if exists $p{end_of_month}; } my $dur = $self->_duration_object_from_args(@_)->inverse(%eom); return $self->add_duration($dur); } # Syntactic sugar for add and subtract: use a duration object if it's # supplied, otherwise build a new one from the arguments. sub _duration_object_from_args { my $self = shift; return $_[0] if @_ == 1 && blessed( $_[0] ) && $_[0]->isa( $self->duration_class ); return $self->duration_class->new(@_); } sub subtract_duration { return $_[0]->add_duration( $_[1]->inverse ) } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_add_duration_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => [ { type => t('Duration') }, ], ); ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity) sub add_duration { my $self = shift; my ($dur) = $validator->(@_); # simple optimization return $self if $dur->is_zero; my %deltas = $dur->deltas; # This bit isn't quite right since DateTime::Infinite::Future - # infinite duration should NaN foreach my $val ( values %deltas ) { my $inf; if ( $val == INFINITY ) { $inf = DateTime::Infinite::Future->new; } elsif ( $val == NEG_INFINITY ) { $inf = DateTime::Infinite::Past->new; } if ($inf) { %$self = %$inf; bless $self, ref $inf; return $self; } } return $self if $self->is_infinite; my %orig = %{$self}; try { $self->_add_duration($dur); } catch { %{$self} = %orig; die $_; }; } } sub _add_duration { my $self = shift; my $dur = shift; my %deltas = $dur->deltas; if ( $deltas{days} ) { $self->{local_rd_days} += $deltas{days}; $self->{utc_year} += int( $deltas{days} / 365 ) + 1; } if ( $deltas{months} ) { # For preserve mode, if it is the last day of the month, make # it the 0th day of the following month (which then will # normalize back to the last day of the new month). my ( $y, $m, $d ) = ( $dur->is_preserve_mode ? $self->_rd2ymd( $self->{local_rd_days} + 1 ) : $self->_rd2ymd( $self->{local_rd_days} ) ); $d -= 1 if $dur->is_preserve_mode; if ( !$dur->is_wrap_mode && $d > 28 ) { # find the rd for the last day of our target month $self->{local_rd_days} = $self->_ymd2rd( $y, $m + $deltas{months} + 1, 0 ); # what day of the month is it? (discard year and month) my $last_day = ( $self->_rd2ymd( $self->{local_rd_days} ) )[2]; # if our original day was less than the last day, # use that instead $self->{local_rd_days} -= $last_day - $d if $last_day > $d; } else { $self->{local_rd_days} = $self->_ymd2rd( $y, $m + $deltas{months}, $d ); } $self->{utc_year} += int( $deltas{months} / 12 ) + 1; } if ( $deltas{days} || $deltas{months} ) { $self->_calc_utc_rd; $self->_handle_offset_modifier( $self->second ); } if ( $deltas{minutes} ) { $self->{utc_rd_secs} += $deltas{minutes} * 60; # This intentionally ignores leap seconds $self->_normalize_tai_seconds( $self->{utc_rd_days}, $self->{utc_rd_secs} ); } if ( $deltas{seconds} || $deltas{nanoseconds} ) { $self->{utc_rd_secs} += $deltas{seconds}; if ( $deltas{nanoseconds} ) { $self->{rd_nanosecs} += $deltas{nanoseconds}; $self->_normalize_nanoseconds( $self->{utc_rd_secs}, $self->{rd_nanosecs} ); } $self->_normalize_seconds; # This might be some big number much bigger than 60, but # that's ok (there are tests in 19leap_second.t to confirm # that) $self->_handle_offset_modifier( $self->second + $deltas{seconds} ); } my $new = ( ref $self )->from_object( object => $self, locale => $self->{locale}, ( $self->{formatter} ? ( formatter => $self->{formatter} ) : () ), ); %$self = %$new; return $self; } sub _compare_overload { # note: $_[1]->compare( $_[0] ) is an error when $_[1] is not a # DateTime (such as the INFINITY value) return undef unless defined $_[1]; return $_[2] ? -$_[0]->compare( $_[1] ) : $_[0]->compare( $_[1] ); } sub _string_compare_overload { my ( $dt1, $dt2, $flip ) = @_; # One is a DateTime object, one isn't. Just stringify and compare. if ( !DateTime::Helpers::can( $dt2, 'utc_rd_values' ) ) { my $sign = $flip ? -1 : 1; return $sign * ( "$dt1" cmp "$dt2" ); } else { my $meth = $dt1->can('_compare_overload'); goto $meth; } } sub compare { shift->_compare( @_, 0 ); } sub compare_ignore_floating { shift->_compare( @_, 1 ); } sub _compare { my ( undef, $dt1, $dt2, $consistent ) = ref $_[0] ? ( undef, @_ ) : @_; return undef unless defined $dt2; if ( !ref $dt2 && ( $dt2 == INFINITY || $dt2 == NEG_INFINITY ) ) { return $dt1->{utc_rd_days} <=> $dt2; } unless ( DateTime::Helpers::can( $dt1, 'utc_rd_values' ) && DateTime::Helpers::can( $dt2, 'utc_rd_values' ) ) { my $dt1_string = overload::StrVal($dt1); my $dt2_string = overload::StrVal($dt2); Carp::croak( 'A DateTime object can only be compared to' . " another DateTime object ($dt1_string, $dt2_string)." ); } if ( !$consistent && DateTime::Helpers::can( $dt1, 'time_zone' ) && DateTime::Helpers::can( $dt2, 'time_zone' ) ) { my $is_floating1 = $dt1->time_zone->is_floating; my $is_floating2 = $dt2->time_zone->is_floating; if ( $is_floating1 && !$is_floating2 ) { $dt1 = $dt1->clone->set_time_zone( $dt2->time_zone ); } elsif ( $is_floating2 && !$is_floating1 ) { $dt2 = $dt2->clone->set_time_zone( $dt1->time_zone ); } } my @dt1_components = $dt1->utc_rd_values; my @dt2_components = $dt2->utc_rd_values; foreach my $i ( 0 .. 2 ) { return $dt1_components[$i] <=> $dt2_components[$i] if $dt1_components[$i] != $dt2_components[$i]; } return 0; } sub _string_equals_overload { my ( $class, $dt1, $dt2 ) = ref $_[0] ? ( undef, @_ ) : @_; if ( !DateTime::Helpers::can( $dt2, 'utc_rd_values' ) ) { return "$dt1" eq "$dt2"; } $class ||= ref $dt1; return !$class->compare( $dt1, $dt2 ); } sub _string_not_equals_overload { return !_string_equals_overload(@_); } sub _normalize_nanoseconds { use integer; # seconds, nanoseconds if ( $_[2] < 0 ) { my $overflow = 1 + $_[2] / MAX_NANOSECONDS; $_[2] += $overflow * MAX_NANOSECONDS; $_[1] -= $overflow; } elsif ( $_[2] >= MAX_NANOSECONDS ) { my $overflow = $_[2] / MAX_NANOSECONDS; $_[2] -= $overflow * MAX_NANOSECONDS; $_[1] += $overflow; } } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_set_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { year => { type => t('Year'), optional => 1, }, month => { type => t('Month'), optional => 1, }, day => { type => t('DayOfMonth'), optional => 1, }, hour => { type => t('Hour'), optional => 1, }, minute => { type => t('Minute'), optional => 1, }, second => { type => t('Second'), optional => 1, }, nanosecond => { type => t('Nanosecond'), optional => 1, }, locale => { type => t('Locale'), optional => 1, }, }, ); ## no critic (NamingConventions::ProhibitAmbiguousNames) sub set { my $self = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); if ( $p{locale} ) { carp 'You passed a locale to the set() method.' . ' You should use set_locale() instead, as using set() may alter the local time near a DST boundary.'; } my $new_dt = $self->_new_from_self(%p); %$self = %$new_dt; return $self; } } sub set_year { $_[0]->set( year => $_[1] ) } sub set_month { $_[0]->set( month => $_[1] ) } sub set_day { $_[0]->set( day => $_[1] ) } sub set_hour { $_[0]->set( hour => $_[1] ) } sub set_minute { $_[0]->set( minute => $_[1] ) } sub set_second { $_[0]->set( second => $_[1] ) } sub set_nanosecond { $_[0]->set( nanosecond => $_[1] ) } # These two are special cased because ... if the local time is the hour of a # DST change where the same local time occurs twice then passing it through # _new() can actually change the underlying UTC time, which is bad. { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_set_locale_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => [ { type => t( 'Maybe', of => t('Locale') ) }, ], ); sub set_locale { my $self = shift; my ($locale) = $validator->(@_); $self->_set_locale($locale); return $self; } } { my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_set_formatter_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => [ { type => t( 'Maybe', of => t('Formatter') ) }, ], ); sub set_formatter { my $self = shift; my ($formatter) = $validator->(@_); $self->{formatter} = $formatter; return $self; } } { my %TruncateDefault = ( month => 1, day => 1, hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0, nanosecond => 0, ); my $validator = validation_for( name => '_check_truncate_params', name_is_optional => 1, params => { to => { type => t('TruncationLevel') }, }, ); my $re = join '|', 'year', 'week', 'local_week', 'quarter', grep { $_ ne 'nanosecond' } keys %TruncateDefault; my $spec = { to => { regex => qr/^(?:$re)$/ } }; ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms) sub truncate { my $self = shift; my %p = $validator->(@_); my %new; if ( $p{to} eq 'week' || $p{to} eq 'local_week' ) { my $first_day_of_week = ( $p{to} eq 'local_week' ) ? $self->{locale}->first_day_of_week : 1; my $day_diff = ( $self->day_of_week - $first_day_of_week ) % 7; if ($day_diff) { $self->add( days => -1 * $day_diff ); } # This can fail if the truncate ends up giving us an invalid local # date time. If that happens we need to reverse the addition we # just did. See https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=93347. try { $self->truncate( to => 'day' ); } catch { $self->add( days => $day_diff ); die $_; }; } elsif ( $p{to} eq 'quarter' ) { %new = ( year => $self->year, month => int( ( $self->month - 1 ) / 3 ) * 3 + 1, day => 1, hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0, nanosecond => 0, ); } else { my $truncate; foreach my $f (qw( year month day hour minute second nanosecond )) { $new{$f} = $truncate ? $TruncateDefault{$f} : $self->$f(); $truncate = 1 if $p{to} eq $f; } } my $new_dt = $self->_new_from_self( %new, _skip_validation => 1 ); %$self = %$new_dt; return $self; } } sub set_time_zone { my ( $self, $tz ) = @_; if ( ref $tz ) { # This is a bit of a hack but it works because time zone objects # are singletons, and if it doesn't work all we lose is a little # bit of speed. return $self if $self->{tz} eq $tz; } else { return $self if $self->{tz}->name() eq $tz; } my $was_floating = $self->{tz}->is_floating; my $old_tz = $self->{tz}; $self->{tz} = ref $tz ? $tz : DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => $tz ); $self->_handle_offset_modifier( $self->second, 1 ); my $e; try { # if it either was or now is floating (but not both) if ( $self->{tz}->is_floating xor $was_floating ) { $self->_calc_utc_rd; } elsif ( !$was_floating ) { $self->_calc_local_rd; } } catch { $e = $_; }; # If we can't recalc the RD values then we shouldn't keep the new TZ. RT # #83940 if ($e) { $self->{tz} = $old_tz; die $e; } return $self; } sub STORABLE_freeze { my $self = shift; my $serialized = q{}; foreach my $key ( qw( utc_rd_days utc_rd_secs rd_nanosecs ) ) { $serialized .= "$key:$self->{$key}|"; } # not used yet, but may be handy in the future. $serialized .= 'version:' . ( $DateTime::VERSION || 'git' ); # Formatter needs to be returned as a reference since it may be # undef or a class name, and Storable will complain if extra # return values aren't refs return $serialized, $self->{locale}, $self->{tz}, \$self->{formatter}; } sub STORABLE_thaw { my $self = shift; shift; my $serialized = shift; my %serialized = map { split /:/ } split /\|/, $serialized; my ( $locale, $tz, $formatter ); # more recent code version if (@_) { ( $locale, $tz, $formatter ) = @_; } else { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => delete $serialized{tz} ); $locale = DateTime::Locale->load( delete $serialized{locale} ); } delete $serialized{version}; my $object = bless { utc_vals => [ $serialized{utc_rd_days}, $serialized{utc_rd_secs}, $serialized{rd_nanosecs}, ], tz => $tz, }, 'DateTime::_Thawed'; my %formatter = defined $$formatter ? ( formatter => $$formatter ) : (); my $new = ( ref $self )->from_object( object => $object, locale => $locale, %formatter, ); %$self = %$new; return $self; } ## no critic (Modules::ProhibitMultiplePackages) package # hide from PAUSE DateTime::_Thawed; sub utc_rd_values { @{ $_[0]->{utc_vals} } } sub time_zone { $_[0]->{tz} } 1; # ABSTRACT: A date and time object for Perl __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME DateTime - A date and time object for Perl =head1 VERSION version 1.48 =head1 SYNOPSIS use DateTime; $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1964, month => 10, day => 16, hour => 16, minute => 12, second => 47, nanosecond => 500000000, time_zone => 'Asia/Taipei', ); $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $epoch ); $dt = DateTime->now; # same as ( epoch => time() ) $year = $dt->year; $month = $dt->month; # 1-12 $day = $dt->day; # 1-31 $dow = $dt->day_of_week; # 1-7 (Monday is 1) $hour = $dt->hour; # 0-23 $minute = $dt->minute; # 0-59 $second = $dt->second; # 0-61 (leap seconds!) $doy = $dt->day_of_year; # 1-366 (leap years) $doq = $dt->day_of_quarter; # 1.. $qtr = $dt->quarter; # 1-4 # all of the start-at-1 methods above have corresponding start-at-0 # methods, such as $dt->day_of_month_0, $dt->month_0 and so on $ymd = $dt->ymd; # 2002-12-06 $ymd = $dt->ymd('/'); # 2002/12/06 $mdy = $dt->mdy; # 12-06-2002 $mdy = $dt->mdy('/'); # 12/06/2002 $dmy = $dt->dmy; # 06-12-2002 $dmy = $dt->dmy('/'); # 06/12/2002 $hms = $dt->hms; # 14:02:29 $hms = $dt->hms('!'); # 14!02!29 $is_leap = $dt->is_leap_year; # these are localizable, see Locales section $month_name = $dt->month_name; # January, February, ... $month_abbr = $dt->month_abbr; # Jan, Feb, ... $day_name = $dt->day_name; # Monday, Tuesday, ... $day_abbr = $dt->day_abbr; # Mon, Tue, ... # May not work for all possible datetime, see the docs on this # method for more details. $epoch_time = $dt->epoch; $dt2 = $dt + $duration_object; $dt3 = $dt - $duration_object; $duration_object = $dt - $dt2; $dt->set( year => 1882 ); $dt->set_time_zone( 'America/Chicago' ); $dt->set_formatter( $formatter ); =head1 DESCRIPTION DateTime is a class for the representation of date/time combinations, and is part of the Perl DateTime project. For details on this project please see L. The DateTime site has a FAQ which may help answer many "how do I do X?" questions. The FAQ is at L. It represents the Gregorian calendar, extended backwards in time before its creation (in 1582). This is sometimes known as the "proleptic Gregorian calendar". In this calendar, the first day of the calendar (the epoch), is the first day of year 1, which corresponds to the date which was (incorrectly) believed to be the birth of Jesus Christ. The calendar represented does have a year 0, and in that way differs from how dates are often written using "BCE/CE" or "BC/AD". For infinite datetimes, please see the L module. =head1 USAGE =head2 0-based Versus 1-based Numbers The DateTime.pm module follows a simple logic for determining whether or not a given number is 0-based or 1-based. Month, day of month, day of week, and day of year are 1-based. Any method that is 1-based also has an equivalent 0-based method ending in "_0". So for example, this class provides both C and C methods. The C method still treats Monday as the first day of the week. All I