package FFI::Raw::Ptr; $FFI::Raw::Ptr::VERSION = '0.32'; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME FFI::Raw::Ptr - Base FFI::Raw pointer type =head1 VERSION version 0.32 =head1 SYNOPSIS package Foo; use FFI::Raw; use base qw(FFI::Raw::Ptr); *_foo_new = FFI::Raw -> new( $shared, 'foo_new', FFI::Raw::ptr ) -> coderef; sub new { bless shift -> SUPER::new(_foo_new()); } *get_bar = FFI::Raw -> new( $shared, 'foo_get_bar', FFI::Raw::int, FFI::Raw::ptr ) -> coderef; *set_bar = FFI::Raw -> new( $shared, 'foo_set_bar', FFI::Raw::void, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::int ) -> coderef; *DESTROY = FFI::Raw -> new( $shared, 'foo_free', FFI::Raw::void, FFI::Raw::ptr ) -> coderef; 1; package main; my $foo = Foo -> new; $foo -> set_bar(42); =head1 DESCRIPTION A B represents a pointer to memory which can be passed to functions taking a C argument. Note that differently from L, C pointers are not automatically deallocated once not in use anymore. =head1 METHODS =head2 new( $ptr ) Create a new C pointing to C<$ptr>, which can be either a C or a pointer returned by a C function. =cut sub new { my($class, $ptr) = @_; bless \$ptr, $class; } =head1 AUTHOR Graham Ollis Alessandro Ghedini =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014 Alessandro Ghedini. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut 1; # End of FFI::Raw::Ptr