## This file generated by InlineX::C2XS (version 0.24) using Inline::C (version 0.73) # For an explanation of the existence of this module and the one (prec_cast) function # that it provides, see the FORMATTED OUTPUT section of MPFR.pm's pod. package Math::MPFR::Prec; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; *import = \&Exporter::import; require DynaLoader; our $VERSION = '4.03'; #$VERSION = eval $VERSION; DynaLoader::bootstrap Math::MPFR::Prec $VERSION; @Math::MPFR::Prec::EXPORT = (); @Math::MPFR::Prec::EXPORT_OK = (); sub dl_load_flags {0} # Prevent DynaLoader from complaining and croaking 1;