############################ package SQL::Statement::RAM; ############################ ###################################################################### # # This module is copyright (c), 2001,2005 by Jeff Zucker. # This module is copyright (c), 2007-2017 by Jens Rehsack. # All rights reserved. # # It may be freely distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. # See below for help and copyright information (search for SYNOPSIS). # ###################################################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => "all"; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '1.412'; #################################### package SQL::Statement::RAM::Table; #################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => "all"; use SQL::Eval (); use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(SQL::Eval::Table); use Carp qw(croak); sub new { my ( $class, $tname, $col_names, $data_tbl ) = @_; my %table = ( NAME => $tname, index => 0, records => $data_tbl, col_names => $col_names, capabilities => { inplace_update => 1, inplace_delete => 1, }, ); my $self = $class->SUPER::new( \%table ); } ################################## # fetch_row() ################################## sub fetch_row { my ( $self, $data ) = @_; return $self->{row} = ( $self->{records} and ( $self->{index} < scalar( @{ $self->{records} } ) ) ) ? [ @{ $self->{records}->[ $self->{index}++ ] } ] : undef; } #################################### # insert_new_row() #################################### sub insert_new_row { my ( $self, $data, $fields ) = @_; push @{ $self->{records} }, [ @{$fields} ]; return 1; } ################################## # delete_current_row() ################################## sub delete_current_row { my ( $self, $data, $fields ) = @_; my $currentRow = $self->{index} - 1; croak "No current row" unless ( $currentRow >= 0 ); splice @{ $self->{records} }, $currentRow, 1; --$self->{index}; return 1; } ################################## # update_current_row() ################################## sub update_current_row { my ( $self, $data, $fields ) = @_; my $currentRow = $self->{index} - 1; croak "No current row" unless ( $currentRow >= 0 ); $self->{records}->[$currentRow] = [ @{$fields} ]; return 1; } ################################## # truncate() ################################## sub truncate { return splice @{ $_[0]->{records} }, $_[0]->{index}; } ##################################### # push_names() ##################################### sub push_names { my ( $self, $data, $names ) = @_; $self->{col_names} = $names; $self->{org_col_names} = [ @{$names} ]; $self->{col_nums} = SQL::Eval::Table::_map_colnums($names); } ##################################### # drop() ##################################### sub drop { my ( $self, $data ) = @_; my $tname = $self->{NAME}; delete $data->{Database}->{sql_ram_tables}->{$tname}; return 1; } ##################################### # seek() ##################################### sub seek { my ( $self, $data, $pos, $whence ) = @_; return unless defined $self->{records}; my ($currentRow) = $self->{index}; if ( $whence == 0 ) { $currentRow = $pos; } elsif ( $whence == 1 ) { $currentRow += $pos; } elsif ( $whence == 2 ) { $currentRow = @{ $self->{records} } + $pos; } else { croak $self . "->seek: Illegal whence argument ($whence)"; } if ( $currentRow < 0 ) { croak "Illegal row number: $currentRow"; } $self->{index} = $currentRow; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME SQL::Statement::RAM =head1 SYNOPSIS SQL::Statement::RAM =head1 DESCRIPTION This package contains support for the internally used SQL::Statement::RAM::Table. =head1 INHERITANCE SQL::Statement::RAM SQL::Statement::RAM::Table ISA SQL::Eval::Table =head1 SQL::Statement::RAM::Table =head2 METHODS =over 8 =item new Instantiates a new C object, used for temporary tables. CREATE TEMP TABLE foo .... =item fetch_row Fetches the next row =item push_row As fetch_row except for writing =item delete_current_row Deletes the last fetched/pushed row =item update_current_row Updates the last fetched/pushed row =item truncate Truncates the table at the current position =item push_names Set the column names of the table =item drop Discards the table =item seek Seek the row pointer =back =head2 CAPABILITIES This table has following capabilities: =over 8 =item update_current_row Using provided method C and capability C. =item rowwise_update By providing capability C. =item inplace_update By definition (appropriate flag set in constructor). =item delete_current_row Using provided method C and capability C. =item rowwise_delete By providing capability C. =item inplace_delete By definition (appropriate flag set in constructor). =back =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc SQL::Statement You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001,2005 by Jeff Zucker: jzuckerATcpan.org Copyright (c) 2007-2017 by Jens Rehsack: rehsackATcpan.org All rights reserved. You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. =cut