package Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart;
# Chart - A writer class for Excel Charts.
# Used in conjunction with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
# Copyright 2000-2010, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__
use Exporter;
use strict;
use Carp;
use FileHandle;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet);
$VERSION = '2.40';
# Formatting information.
# perltidy with options: -mbl=2 -pt=0 -nola
# Any camel case Hungarian notation style variable names in the BIFF record
# writing sub-routines below are for similarity with names used in the Excel
# documentation. Otherwise lowercase underscore style names are used.
# The chart class hierarchy is as follows. acts as a factory for the
# sub-classes.
# Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::BIFFwriter
# ^
# |
# Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet
# ^
# |
# Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart
# ^
# |
# Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::* (sub-types)
# factory()
# Factory method for returning chart objects based on their class type.
sub factory {
my $current_class = shift;
my $chart_subclass = shift;
$chart_subclass = ucfirst lc $chart_subclass;
my $module = "Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::" . $chart_subclass;
eval "require $module";
# TODO. Need to re-raise this error from Workbook::add_chart().
die "Chart type '$chart_subclass' not supported in add_chart()\n" if $@;
return $module->new( @_ );
# new()
# Default constructor for sub-classes.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet->new( @_ );
$self->{_sheet_type} = 0x0200;
$self->{_orientation} = 0x0;
$self->{_series} = [];
$self->{_embedded} = 0;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# Public methods.
# add_series()
# Add a series and it's properties to a chart.
sub add_series {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
croak "Must specify 'values' in add_series()" if !exists $arg{values};
# Parse the ranges to validate them and extract salient information.
my @value_data = $self->_parse_series_formula( $arg{values} );
my @category_data = $self->_parse_series_formula( $arg{categories} );
my $name_formula = $self->_parse_series_formula( $arg{name_formula} );
# Default category count to the same as the value count if not defined.
if ( !defined $category_data[1] ) {
$category_data[1] = $value_data[1];
# Add the parsed data to the user supplied data.
%arg = (
_values => \@value_data,
_categories => \@category_data,
_name_formula => $name_formula
# Encode the Series name.
my ( $name, $encoding ) =
$self->_encode_utf16( $arg{name}, $arg{name_encoding} );
$arg{name} = $name;
$arg{name_encoding} = $encoding;
push @{ $self->{_series} }, \%arg;
# set_x_axis()
# Set the properties of the X-axis.
sub set_x_axis {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my ( $name, $encoding ) =
$self->_encode_utf16( $arg{name}, $arg{name_encoding} );
my $formula = $self->_parse_series_formula( $arg{name_formula} );
$self->{_x_axis_name} = $name;
$self->{_x_axis_encoding} = $encoding;
$self->{_x_axis_formula} = $formula;
# set_y_axis()
# Set the properties of the Y-axis.
sub set_y_axis {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my ( $name, $encoding ) =
$self->_encode_utf16( $arg{name}, $arg{name_encoding} );
my $formula = $self->_parse_series_formula( $arg{name_formula} );
$self->{_y_axis_name} = $name;
$self->{_y_axis_encoding} = $encoding;
$self->{_y_axis_formula} = $formula;
# set_title()
# Set the properties of the chart title.
sub set_title {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my ( $name, $encoding ) =
$self->_encode_utf16( $arg{name}, $arg{name_encoding} );
my $formula = $self->_parse_series_formula( $arg{name_formula} );
$self->{_title_name} = $name;
$self->{_title_encoding} = $encoding;
$self->{_title_formula} = $formula;
# set_legend()
# Set the properties of the chart legend.
sub set_legend {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
if ( defined $arg{position} ) {
if ( lc $arg{position} eq 'none' ) {
$self->{_legend}->{_visible} = 0;
# set_plotarea()
# Set the properties of the chart plotarea.
sub set_plotarea {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
return unless keys %arg;
my $area = $self->{_plotarea};
# Set the plotarea visibility.
if ( defined $arg{visible} ) {
$area->{_visible} = $arg{visible};
return if !$area->{_visible};
# TODO. could move this out of if statement.
$area->{_bg_color_index} = 0x08;
# Set the chart background colour.
if ( defined $arg{color} ) {
my ( $index, $rgb ) = $self->_get_color_indices( $arg{color} );
if ( defined $index ) {
$area->{_fg_color_index} = $index;
$area->{_fg_color_rgb} = $rgb;
$area->{_bg_color_index} = 0x08;
$area->{_bg_color_rgb} = 0x000000;
# Set the border line colour.
if ( defined $arg{line_color} ) {
my ( $index, $rgb ) = $self->_get_color_indices( $arg{line_color} );
if ( defined $index ) {
$area->{_line_color_index} = $index;
$area->{_line_color_rgb} = $rgb;
# Set the border line pattern.
if ( defined $arg{line_pattern} ) {
my $pattern = $self->_get_line_pattern( $arg{line_pattern} );
$area->{_line_pattern} = $pattern;
# Set the border line weight.
if ( defined $arg{line_weight} ) {
my $weight = $self->_get_line_weight( $arg{line_weight} );
$area->{_line_weight} = $weight;
# set_chartarea()
# Set the properties of the chart chartarea.
sub set_chartarea {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
return unless keys %arg;
my $area = $self->{_chartarea};
# Embedded automatic line weight has a different default value.
$area->{_line_weight} = 0xFFFF if $self->{_embedded};
# Set the chart background colour.
if ( defined $arg{color} ) {
my ( $index, $rgb ) = $self->_get_color_indices( $arg{color} );
if ( defined $index ) {
$area->{_fg_color_index} = $index;
$area->{_fg_color_rgb} = $rgb;
$area->{_bg_color_index} = 0x08;
$area->{_bg_color_rgb} = 0x000000;
$area->{_area_pattern} = 1;
$area->{_area_options} = 0x0000 if $self->{_embedded};
$area->{_visible} = 1;
# Set the border line colour.
if ( defined $arg{line_color} ) {
my ( $index, $rgb ) = $self->_get_color_indices( $arg{line_color} );
if ( defined $index ) {
$area->{_line_color_index} = $index;
$area->{_line_color_rgb} = $rgb;
$area->{_line_pattern} = 0x00;
$area->{_line_options} = 0x0000;
$area->{_visible} = 1;
# Set the border line pattern.
if ( defined $arg{line_pattern} ) {
my $pattern = $self->_get_line_pattern( $arg{line_pattern} );
$area->{_line_pattern} = $pattern;
$area->{_line_options} = 0x0000;
$area->{_line_color_index} = 0x4F if !defined $arg{line_color};
$area->{_visible} = 1;
# Set the border line weight.
if ( defined $arg{line_weight} ) {
my $weight = $self->_get_line_weight( $arg{line_weight} );
$area->{_line_weight} = $weight;
$area->{_line_options} = 0x0000;
$area->{_line_pattern} = 0x00 if !defined $arg{line_pattern};
$area->{_line_color_index} = 0x4F if !defined $arg{line_color};
$area->{_visible} = 1;
# Internal methods. The following section of methods are used for the internal
# structuring of the Chart object and file format.
# _prepend(), overridden.
# The parent Worksheet class needs to store some data in memory and some in
# temporary files for efficiency. The Chart* classes don't need to do this
# since they are dealing with smaller amounts of data so we override
# _prepend() to turn it into an _append() method. This allows for a more
# natural method calling order.
sub _prepend {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_using_tmpfile} = 0;
return $self->_append( @_ );
# _close(), overridden.
# Create and store the Chart data structures.
sub _close {
my $self = shift;
# Ignore any data that has been written so far since it is probably
# from unwanted Worksheet method calls.
$self->{_data} = '';
# TODO. Check for charts without a series?
# Store the chart BOF.
$self->_store_bof( 0x0020 );
# Store the tab color.
# Store the page header
# Store the page footer
# Store the page horizontal centering
# Store the page vertical centering
# Store the left margin
# Store the right margin
# Store the top margin
# Store the bottom margin
# Store the page setup
# Store the sheet password
# Start of Chart specific records.
# Store the FBI font records.
$self->_store_fbi( @{ $self->{_config}->{_font_numbers} } );
$self->_store_fbi( @{ $self->{_config}->{_font_series} } );
$self->_store_fbi( @{ $self->{_config}->{_font_title} } );
$self->_store_fbi( @{ $self->{_config}->{_font_axes} } );
# Ignore UNITS record.
# Store the Chart sub-stream.
# Append the sheet dimensions
# TODO add SINDEX and NUMBER records.
if ( !$self->{_embedded} ) {
# Store the sheet SCL record.
if ( !$self->{_embedded} ) {
# _store_window2(), overridden.
# Write BIFF record Window2. Note, this overrides the parent Worksheet
# record because the Chart version of the record is smaller and is used
# mainly to indicate if the chart tab is selected or not.
sub _store_window2 {
use integer; # Avoid << shift bug in Perl 5.6.0 on HP-UX
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x023E; # Record identifier
my $length = 0x000A; # Number of bytes to follow
my $grbit = 0x0000; # Option flags
my $rwTop = 0x0000; # Top visible row
my $colLeft = 0x0000; # Leftmost visible column
my $rgbHdr = 0x0000; # Row/col heading, grid color
# The options flags that comprise $grbit
my $fDspFmla = 0; # 0 - bit
my $fDspGrid = 0; # 1
my $fDspRwCol = 0; # 2
my $fFrozen = 0; # 3
my $fDspZeros = 0; # 4
my $fDefaultHdr = 0; # 5
my $fArabic = 0; # 6
my $fDspGuts = 0; # 7
my $fFrozenNoSplit = 0; # 0 - bit
my $fSelected = $self->{_selected}; # 1
my $fPaged = 0; # 2
my $fBreakPreview = 0; # 3
#<<< Perltidy ignore this.
$grbit = $fDspFmla;
$grbit |= $fDspGrid << 1;
$grbit |= $fDspRwCol << 2;
$grbit |= $fFrozen << 3;
$grbit |= $fDspZeros << 4;
$grbit |= $fDefaultHdr << 5;
$grbit |= $fArabic << 6;
$grbit |= $fDspGuts << 7;
$grbit |= $fFrozenNoSplit << 8;
$grbit |= $fSelected << 9;
$grbit |= $fPaged << 10;
$grbit |= $fBreakPreview << 11;
my $header = pack( "vv", $record, $length );
my $data = pack( "vvvV", $grbit, $rwTop, $colLeft, $rgbHdr );
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _parse_series_formula()
# Parse the formula used to define a series. We also extract some range
# information required for _store_series() and the SERIES record.
sub _parse_series_formula {
my $self = shift;
my $formula = $_[0];
my $encoding = 0;
my $length = 0;
my $count = 0;
my @tokens;
return '' if !defined $formula;
# Strip the = sign at the beginning of the formula string
$formula =~ s(^=)();
# Parse the formula using the parser in
my $parser = $self->{_parser};
# In order to raise formula errors from the point of view of the calling
# program we use an eval block and re-raise the error from here.
eval { @tokens = $parser->parse_formula( $formula ) };
if ( $@ ) {
$@ =~ s/\n$//; # Strip the \n used in the die().
croak $@; # Re-raise the error.
# Force ranges to be a reference class.
s/_ref3d/_ref3dR/ for @tokens;
s/_range3d/_range3dR/ for @tokens;
s/_name/_nameR/ for @tokens;
# Parse the tokens into a formula string.
$formula = $parser->parse_tokens( @tokens );
# Return formula for a single cell as used by title and series name.
if ( ord $formula == 0x3A ) {
return $formula;
# Extract the range from the parse formula.
if ( ord $formula == 0x3B ) {
my ( $ptg, $ext_ref, $row_1, $row_2, $col_1, $col_2 ) = unpack 'Cv5',
# TODO. Remove high bit on relative references.
$count = $row_2 - $row_1 + 1;
return ( $formula, $count );
# _encode_utf16()
# Convert UTF8 strings used in the chart to UTF16.
sub _encode_utf16 {
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
my $encoding = shift || 0;
# Exit if the $string isn't defined, i.e., hasn't been set by user.
return ( undef, undef ) if !defined $string;
# Return if encoding is set, i.e., string has been manually encoded.
#return ( undef, undef ) if $string == 1;
# Handle utf8 strings in perl 5.8.
if ( $] >= 5.008 ) {
require Encode;
if ( Encode::is_utf8( $string ) ) {
$string = Encode::encode( "UTF-16BE", $string );
$encoding = 1;
# Chart strings are limited to 255 characters.
my $limit = $encoding ? 255 * 2 : 255;
if ( length $string >= $limit ) {
# truncate the string and raise a warning.
$string = substr $string, 0, $limit;
carp 'Chart strings must be less than 256 characters. '
. 'String truncated';
return ( $string, $encoding );
# _get_color_indices()
# Convert the user specified colour index or string to an colour index and
# RGB colour number.
sub _get_color_indices {
my $self = shift;
my $color = shift;
my $index;
my $rgb;
return ( undef, undef ) if !defined $color;
my %colors = (
aqua => 0x0F,
cyan => 0x0F,
black => 0x08,
blue => 0x0C,
brown => 0x10,
magenta => 0x0E,
fuchsia => 0x0E,
gray => 0x17,
grey => 0x17,
green => 0x11,
lime => 0x0B,
navy => 0x12,
orange => 0x35,
pink => 0x21,
purple => 0x14,
red => 0x0A,
silver => 0x16,
white => 0x09,
yellow => 0x0D,
# Check for the various supported colour index/name possibilities.
if ( exists $colors{$color} ) {
# Colour matches one of the supported colour names.
$index = $colors{$color};
elsif ( $color =~ m/\D/ ) {
# Return undef if $color is a string but not one of the supported ones.
return ( undef, undef );
elsif ( $color < 8 || $color > 63 ) {
# Return undef if index is out of range.
return ( undef, undef );
else {
# We should have a valid color index in a valid range.
$index = $color;
$rgb = $self->_get_color_rbg( $index );
return ( $index, $rgb );
# _get_color_rbg()
# Get the RedGreenBlue number for the colour index from the Workbook palette.
sub _get_color_rbg {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
# Adjust colour index from 8-63 (user range) to 0-55 (Excel range).
$index -= 8;
my @red_green_blue = @{ $self->{_palette}->[$index] };
return unpack 'V', pack 'C*', @red_green_blue;
# _get_line_pattern()
# Get the Excel chart index for line pattern that corresponds to the user
# defined value.
sub _get_line_pattern {
my $self = shift;
my $value = lc shift;
my $default = 0;
my $pattern;
my %patterns = (
0 => 5,
1 => 0,
2 => 1,
3 => 2,
4 => 3,
5 => 4,
6 => 7,
7 => 6,
8 => 8,
'solid' => 0,
'dash' => 1,
'dot' => 2,
'dash-dot' => 3,
'dash-dot-dot' => 4,
'none' => 5,
'dark-gray' => 6,
'medium-gray' => 7,
'light-gray' => 8,
if ( exists $patterns{$value} ) {
$pattern = $patterns{$value};
else {
$pattern = $default;
return $pattern;
# _get_line_weight()
# Get the Excel chart index for line weight that corresponds to the user
# defined value.
sub _get_line_weight {
my $self = shift;
my $value = lc shift;
my $default = 0;
my $weight;
my %weights = (
1 => -1,
2 => 0,
3 => 1,
4 => 2,
'hairline' => -1,
'narrow' => 0,
'medium' => 1,
'wide' => 2,
if ( exists $weights{$value} ) {
$weight = $weights{$value};
else {
$weight = $default;
return $weight;
# _store_chart_stream()
# Store the CHART record and it's substreams.
sub _store_chart_stream {
my $self = shift;
$self->_store_chart( @{ $self->{_config}->{_chart} } );
# Store the chart SCL record.
if ( !$self->{_embedded} ) {
if ( $self->{_chartarea}->{_visible} ) {
# Store SERIES stream for each series.
my $index = 0;
for my $series ( @{ $self->{_series} } ) {
_index => $index,
_value_formula => $series->{_values}->[0],
_value_count => $series->{_values}->[1],
_category_count => $series->{_categories}->[1],
_category_formula => $series->{_categories}->[0],
_name => $series->{name},
_name_encoding => $series->{name_encoding},
_name_formula => $series->{_name_formula},
# Write the TEXT streams.
for my $font_index ( 5 .. 6 ) {
$self->_store_series_text_stream( $font_index );
$self->_store_axesused( 1 );
if ( defined $self->{_title_name} || defined $self->{_title_formula} ) {
# _store_series_stream()
# Write the SERIES chart substream.
sub _store_series_stream {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my $name_type = $arg{_name_formula} ? 2 : 1;
my $value_type = $arg{_value_formula} ? 2 : 0;
my $category_type = $arg{_category_formula} ? 2 : 0;
$self->_store_series( $arg{_value_count}, $arg{_category_count} );
# Store the Series name AI record.
$self->_store_ai( 0, $name_type, $arg{_name_formula} );
if ( defined $arg{_name} ) {
$self->_store_seriestext( $arg{_name}, $arg{_name_encoding} );
$self->_store_ai( 1, $value_type, $arg{_value_formula} );
$self->_store_ai( 2, $category_type, $arg{_category_formula} );
$self->_store_ai( 3, 1, '' );
$self->_store_dataformat_stream( $arg{_index}, $arg{_index}, 0xFFFF );
$self->_store_sertocrt( 0 );
# _store_dataformat_stream()
# Write the DATAFORMAT chart substream.
sub _store_dataformat_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $series_index = shift;
$self->_store_dataformat( $series_index, $series_index, 0xFFFF );
# _store_series_text_stream()
# Write the series TEXT substream.
sub _store_series_text_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $font_index = shift;
$self->_store_text( @{ $self->{_config}->{_series_text} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_series_text_pos} } );
$self->_store_fontx( $font_index );
$self->_store_ai( 0, 1, '' );
# _store_x_axis_text_stream()
# Write the X-axis TEXT substream.
sub _store_x_axis_text_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $formula = $self->{_x_axis_formula};
my $ai_type = $formula ? 2 : 1;
$self->_store_text( @{ $self->{_config}->{_x_axis_text} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_x_axis_text_pos} } );
$self->_store_fontx( 8 );
$self->_store_ai( 0, $ai_type, $formula );
if ( defined $self->{_x_axis_name} ) {
$self->_store_seriestext( $self->{_x_axis_name},
$self->_store_objectlink( 3 );
# _store_y_axis_text_stream()
# Write the Y-axis TEXT substream.
sub _store_y_axis_text_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $formula = $self->{_y_axis_formula};
my $ai_type = $formula ? 2 : 1;
$self->_store_text( @{ $self->{_config}->{_y_axis_text} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_y_axis_text_pos} } );
$self->_store_fontx( 8 );
$self->_store_ai( 0, $ai_type, $formula );
if ( defined $self->{_y_axis_name} ) {
$self->_store_seriestext( $self->{_y_axis_name},
$self->_store_objectlink( 2 );
# _store_legend_text_stream()
# Write the legend TEXT substream.
sub _store_legend_text_stream {
my $self = shift;
$self->_store_text( @{ $self->{_config}->{_legend_text} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_legend_text_pos} } );
$self->_store_ai( 0, 1, '' );
# _store_title_text_stream()
# Write the title TEXT substream.
sub _store_title_text_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $formula = $self->{_title_formula};
my $ai_type = $formula ? 2 : 1;
$self->_store_text( @{ $self->{_config}->{_title_text} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_title_text_pos} } );
$self->_store_fontx( 7 );
$self->_store_ai( 0, $ai_type, $formula );
if ( defined $self->{_title_name} ) {
$self->_store_seriestext( $self->{_title_name},
$self->_store_objectlink( 1 );
# _store_axisparent_stream()
# Write the AXISPARENT chart substream.
sub _store_axisparent_stream {
my $self = shift;
$self->_store_axisparent( @{ $self->{_config}->{_axisparent} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_axisparent_pos} } );
if ( defined $self->{_x_axis_name} || defined $self->{_x_axis_formula} ) {
if ( defined $self->{_y_axis_name} || defined $self->{_y_axis_formula} ) {
if ( $self->{_plotarea}->{_visible} ) {
# _store_axis_category_stream()
# Write the AXIS chart substream for the chart category.
sub _store_axis_category_stream {
my $self = shift;
$self->_store_axis( 0 );
# _store_axis_values_stream()
# Write the AXIS chart substream for the chart values.
sub _store_axis_values_stream {
my $self = shift;
$self->_store_axis( 1 );
$self->_store_lineformat( 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0009, 0x004D );
# _store_plotarea_frame_stream()
# Write the FRAME chart substream for the plotarea.
sub _store_plotarea_frame_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $area = $self->{_plotarea};
$self->_store_frame( 0x00, 0x03 );
$area->{_line_color_rgb}, $area->{_line_pattern},
$area->{_line_weight}, $area->{_line_options},
$area->{_fg_color_rgb}, $area->{_bg_color_rgb},
$area->{_area_pattern}, $area->{_area_options},
$area->{_fg_color_index}, $area->{_bg_color_index}
# _store_chartarea_frame_stream()
# Write the FRAME chart substream for the chartarea.
sub _store_chartarea_frame_stream {
my $self = shift;
my $area = $self->{_chartarea};
$self->_store_frame( 0x00, 0x02 );
$area->{_line_color_rgb}, $area->{_line_pattern},
$area->{_line_weight}, $area->{_line_options},
$area->{_fg_color_rgb}, $area->{_bg_color_rgb},
$area->{_area_pattern}, $area->{_area_options},
$area->{_fg_color_index}, $area->{_bg_color_index}
# _store_chartformat_stream()
# Write the CHARTFORMAT chart substream.
sub _store_chartformat_stream {
my $self = shift;
# The _vary_data_color is set by classes that need it, like Pie.
$self->_store_chartformat( $self->{_vary_data_color} );
# Store the BIFF record that will define the chart type.
# Note, the CHARTFORMATLINK record is only written by Excel.
if ( $self->{_legend}->{_visible} ) {
# _store_chart_type()
# This is an abstract method that is overridden by the sub-classes to define
# the chart types such as Column, Line, Pie, etc.
sub _store_chart_type {
# _store_marker_dataformat_stream()
# This is an abstract method that is overridden by the sub-classes to define
# properties of markers, linetypes, pie formats and other.
sub _store_marker_dataformat_stream {
# _store_legend_stream()
# Write the LEGEND chart substream.
sub _store_legend_stream {
my $self = shift;
$self->_store_legend( @{ $self->{_config}->{_legend} } );
$self->_store_pos( @{ $self->{_config}->{_legend_pos} } );
# BIFF Records.
# _store_3dbarshape()
# Write the 3DBARSHAPE chart BIFF record.
sub _store_3dbarshape {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x105F; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $riser = 0x00; # Shape of base.
my $taper = 0x00; # Column taper type.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'C', $riser;
$data .= pack 'C', $taper;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_ai()
# Write the AI chart BIFF record.
sub _store_ai {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1051; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0008; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $id = $_[0]; # Link index.
my $type = $_[1]; # Reference type.
my $formula = $_[2]; # Pre-parsed formula.
my $format_index = $_[3] || 0; # Num format index.
my $grbit = 0x0000; # Option flags.
my $formula_length = length $formula;
$length += $formula_length;
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'C', $id;
$data .= pack 'C', $type;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $format_index;
$data .= pack 'v', $formula_length;
$data .= $formula;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_areaformat()
# Write the AREAFORMAT chart BIFF record. Contains the patterns and colours
# of a chart area.
sub _store_areaformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x100A; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0010; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $rgbFore = $_[0]; # Foreground RGB colour.
my $rgbBack = $_[1]; # Background RGB colour.
my $pattern = $_[2]; # Pattern.
my $grbit = $_[3]; # Option flags.
my $indexFore = $_[4]; # Index to Foreground colour.
my $indexBack = $_[5]; # Index to Background colour.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $rgbFore;
$data .= pack 'V', $rgbBack;
$data .= pack 'v', $pattern;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $indexFore;
$data .= pack 'v', $indexBack;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_axcext()
# Write the AXCEXT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_axcext {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1062; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0012; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $catMin = 0x0000; # Minimum category on axis.
my $catMax = 0x0000; # Maximum category on axis.
my $catMajor = 0x0001; # Value of major unit.
my $unitMajor = 0x0000; # Units of major unit.
my $catMinor = 0x0001; # Value of minor unit.
my $unitMinor = 0x0000; # Units of minor unit.
my $unitBase = 0x0000; # Base unit of axis.
my $catCrossDate = 0x0000; # Crossing point.
my $grbit = 0x00EF; # Option flags.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $catMin;
$data .= pack 'v', $catMax;
$data .= pack 'v', $catMajor;
$data .= pack 'v', $unitMajor;
$data .= pack 'v', $catMinor;
$data .= pack 'v', $unitMinor;
$data .= pack 'v', $unitBase;
$data .= pack 'v', $catCrossDate;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_axesused()
# Write the AXESUSED chart BIFF record.
sub _store_axesused {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1046; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $num_axes = $_[0]; # Number of axes used.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $num_axes;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_axis()
# Write the AXIS chart BIFF record to define the axis type.
sub _store_axis {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x101D; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0012; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $type = $_[0]; # Axis type.
my $reserved1 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved2 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved3 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved4 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $type;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved1;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved2;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved3;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved4;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_axislineformat()
# Write the AXISLINEFORMAT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_axislineformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1021; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $line_format = 0x0001; # Axis line format.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $line_format;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_axisparent()
# Write the AXISPARENT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_axisparent {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1041; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0012; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $iax = $_[0]; # Axis index.
my $x = $_[1]; # X-coord.
my $y = $_[2]; # Y-coord.
my $dx = $_[3]; # Length of x axis.
my $dy = $_[4]; # Length of y axis.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $iax;
$data .= pack 'V', $x;
$data .= pack 'V', $y;
$data .= pack 'V', $dx;
$data .= pack 'V', $dy;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_begin()
# Write the BEGIN chart BIFF record to indicate the start of a sub stream.
sub _store_begin {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1033; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0000; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
$self->_append( $header );
# _store_catserrange()
# Write the CATSERRANGE chart BIFF record.
sub _store_catserrange {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1020; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0008; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $catCross = 0x0001; # Value/category crossing.
my $catLabel = 0x0001; # Frequency of labels.
my $catMark = 0x0001; # Frequency of ticks.
my $grbit = 0x0001; # Option flags.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $catCross;
$data .= pack 'v', $catLabel;
$data .= pack 'v', $catMark;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_chart()
# Write the CHART BIFF record. This indicates the start of the chart sub-stream
# and contains dimensions of the chart on the display. Units are in 1/72 inch
# and are 2 byte integer with 2 byte fraction.
sub _store_chart {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1002; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0010; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $x_pos = $_[0]; # X pos of top left corner.
my $y_pos = $_[1]; # Y pos of top left corner.
my $dx = $_[2]; # X size.
my $dy = $_[3]; # Y size.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $x_pos;
$data .= pack 'V', $y_pos;
$data .= pack 'V', $dx;
$data .= pack 'V', $dy;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_chartformat()
# Write the CHARTFORMAT chart BIFF record. The parent record for formatting
# of a chart group.
sub _store_chartformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1014; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0014; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $reserved1 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved2 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved3 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved4 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $grbit = $_[0] || 0; # Option flags.
my $icrt = 0x0000; # Drawing order.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved1;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved2;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved3;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved4;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $icrt;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_chartline()
# Write the CHARTLINE chart BIFF record.
sub _store_chartline {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x101C; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $type = 0x0001; # Drop/hi-lo line type.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $type;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_charttext()
# Write the TEXT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_charttext {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1025; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0020; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $horz_align = 0x02; # Horizontal alignment.
my $vert_align = 0x02; # Vertical alignment.
my $bg_mode = 0x0001; # Background display.
my $text_color_rgb = 0x00000000; # Text RGB colour.
my $text_x = 0xFFFFFF46; # Text x-pos.
my $text_y = 0xFFFFFF06; # Text y-pos.
my $text_dx = 0x00000000; # Width.
my $text_dy = 0x00000000; # Height.
my $grbit1 = 0x00B1; # Options
my $text_color_index = 0x004D; # Auto Colour.
my $grbit2 = 0x0000; # Data label placement.
my $rotation = 0x0000; # Text rotation.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'C', $horz_align;
$data .= pack 'C', $vert_align;
$data .= pack 'v', $bg_mode;
$data .= pack 'V', $text_color_rgb;
$data .= pack 'V', $text_x;
$data .= pack 'V', $text_y;
$data .= pack 'V', $text_dx;
$data .= pack 'V', $text_dy;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit1;
$data .= pack 'v', $text_color_index;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit2;
$data .= pack 'v', $rotation;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_dataformat()
# Write the DATAFORMAT chart BIFF record. This record specifies the series
# that the subsequent sub stream refers to.
sub _store_dataformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1006; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0008; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $series_index = $_[0]; # Series index.
my $series_number = $_[1]; # Series number. (Same as index).
my $point_number = $_[2]; # Point number.
my $grbit = 0x0000; # Format flags.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $point_number;
$data .= pack 'v', $series_index;
$data .= pack 'v', $series_number;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_defaulttext()
# Write the DEFAULTTEXT chart BIFF record. Identifier for subsequent TEXT
# record.
sub _store_defaulttext {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1024; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $type = 0x0002; # Type.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $type;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_dropbar()
# Write the DROPBAR chart BIFF record.
sub _store_dropbar {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x103D; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $percent_gap = 0x0096; # Drop bar width gap (%).
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $percent_gap;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_end()
# Write the END chart BIFF record to indicate the end of a sub stream.
sub _store_end {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1034; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0000; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
$self->_append( $header );
# _store_fbi()
# Write the FBI chart BIFF record. Specifies the font information at the time
# it was applied to the chart.
sub _store_fbi {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1060; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x000A; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $index = $_[0]; # Font index.
my $height = $_[1] * 20; # Default font height in twips.
my $width_basis = $_[2]; # Width basis, in twips.
my $height_basis = $_[3]; # Height basis, in twips.
my $scale_basis = $_[4]; # Scale by chart area or plot area.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $width_basis;
$data .= pack 'v', $height_basis;
$data .= pack 'v', $height;
$data .= pack 'v', $scale_basis;
$data .= pack 'v', $index;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_fontx()
# Write the FONTX chart BIFF record which contains the index of the FONT
# record in the Workbook.
sub _store_fontx {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1026; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $index = $_[0]; # Font index.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $index;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_frame()
# Write the FRAME chart BIFF record.
sub _store_frame {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1032; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0004; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $frame_type = $_[0]; # Frame type.
my $grbit = $_[1]; # Option flags.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $frame_type;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_legend()
# Write the LEGEND chart BIFF record. The Marcus Horan method.
sub _store_legend {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1015; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0014; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $x = $_[0]; # X-position.
my $y = $_[1]; # Y-position.
my $width = $_[2]; # Width.
my $height = $_[3]; # Height.
my $wType = $_[4]; # Type.
my $wSpacing = $_[5]; # Spacing.
my $grbit = $_[6]; # Option flags.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $x;
$data .= pack 'V', $y;
$data .= pack 'V', $width;
$data .= pack 'V', $height;
$data .= pack 'C', $wType;
$data .= pack 'C', $wSpacing;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_lineformat()
# Write the LINEFORMAT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_lineformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1007; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x000C; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $rgb = $_[0]; # Line RGB colour.
my $lns = $_[1]; # Line pattern.
my $we = $_[2]; # Line weight.
my $grbit = $_[3]; # Option flags.
my $index = $_[4]; # Index to colour of line.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $rgb;
$data .= pack 'v', $lns;
$data .= pack 'v', $we;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $index;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_markerformat()
# Write the MARKERFORMAT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_markerformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1009; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0014; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $rgbFore = $_[0]; # Foreground RGB color.
my $rgbBack = $_[1]; # Background RGB color.
my $marker = $_[2]; # Type of marker.
my $grbit = $_[3]; # Format flags.
my $icvFore = $_[4]; # Color index marker border.
my $icvBack = $_[5]; # Color index marker fill.
my $miSize = $_[6]; # Size of line markers.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $rgbFore;
$data .= pack 'V', $rgbBack;
$data .= pack 'v', $marker;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $icvFore;
$data .= pack 'v', $icvBack;
$data .= pack 'V', $miSize;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_objectlink()
# Write the OBJECTLINK chart BIFF record.
sub _store_objectlink {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1027; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0006; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $link_type = $_[0]; # Object text link type.
my $link_index1 = 0x0000; # Link index 1.
my $link_index2 = 0x0000; # Link index 2.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $link_type;
$data .= pack 'v', $link_index1;
$data .= pack 'v', $link_index2;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_pieformat()
# Write the PIEFORMAT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_pieformat {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x100B; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $percent = 0x0000; # Distance % from center.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $percent;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_plotarea()
# Write the PLOTAREA chart BIFF record. This indicates that the subsequent
# FRAME record belongs to a plot area.
sub _store_plotarea {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1035; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0000; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
$self->_append( $header );
# _store_plotgrowth()
# Write the PLOTGROWTH chart BIFF record.
sub _store_plotgrowth {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1064; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0008; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $dx_plot = 0x00010000; # Horz growth for font scale.
my $dy_plot = 0x00010000; # Vert growth for font scale.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'V', $dx_plot;
$data .= pack 'V', $dy_plot;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_pos()
# Write the POS chart BIFF record. Generally not required when using
# automatic positioning.
sub _store_pos {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x104F; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0014; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $mdTopLt = $_[0]; # Top left.
my $mdBotRt = $_[1]; # Bottom right.
my $x1 = $_[2]; # X coordinate.
my $y1 = $_[3]; # Y coordinate.
my $x2 = $_[4]; # Width.
my $y2 = $_[5]; # Height.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $mdTopLt;
$data .= pack 'v', $mdBotRt;
$data .= pack 'V', $x1;
$data .= pack 'V', $y1;
$data .= pack 'V', $x2;
$data .= pack 'V', $y2;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_serauxtrend()
# Write the SERAUXTREND chart BIFF record.
sub _store_serauxtrend {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x104B; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x001C; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $reg_type = $_[0]; # Regression type.
my $poly_order = $_[1]; # Polynomial order.
my $equation = $_[2]; # Display equation.
my $r_squared = $_[3]; # Display R-squared.
my $intercept; # Forced intercept.
my $forecast; # Forecast forward.
my $backcast; # Forecast backward.
# TODO. When supported, intercept needs to be NAN if not used.
# Also need to reverse doubles.
$intercept = pack 'H*', 'FFFFFFFF0001FFFF';
$forecast = pack 'H*', '0000000000000000';
$backcast = pack 'H*', '0000000000000000';
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'C', $reg_type;
$data .= pack 'C', $poly_order;
$data .= $intercept;
$data .= pack 'C', $equation;
$data .= pack 'C', $r_squared;
$data .= $forecast;
$data .= $backcast;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_series()
# Write the SERIES chart BIFF record.
sub _store_series {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1003; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x000C; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $category_type = 0x0001; # Type: category.
my $value_type = 0x0001; # Type: value.
my $category_count = $_[0]; # Num of categories.
my $value_count = $_[1]; # Num of values.
my $bubble_type = 0x0001; # Type: bubble.
my $bubble_count = 0x0000; # Num of bubble values.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $category_type;
$data .= pack 'v', $value_type;
$data .= pack 'v', $category_count;
$data .= pack 'v', $value_count;
$data .= pack 'v', $bubble_type;
$data .= pack 'v', $bubble_count;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_seriestext()
# Write the SERIESTEXT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_seriestext {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x100D; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0000; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $id = 0x0000; # Text id.
my $str = $_[0]; # Text.
my $encoding = $_[1]; # String encoding.
my $cch = length $str; # String length.
# Character length is num of chars not num of bytes
$cch /= 2 if $encoding;
# Change the UTF-16 name from BE to LE
$str = pack 'n*', unpack 'v*', $str if $encoding;
$length = 4 + length( $str );
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $id;
$data .= pack 'C', $cch;
$data .= pack 'C', $encoding;
$self->_append( $header, $data, $str );
# _store_serparent()
# Write the SERPARENT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_serparent {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x104A; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $series = $_[0]; # Series parent.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $series;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_sertocrt()
# Write the SERTOCRT chart BIFF record to indicate the chart group index.
sub _store_sertocrt {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1045; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0002; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $chartgroup = 0x0000; # Chart group index.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = pack 'v', $chartgroup;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_shtprops()
# Write the SHTPROPS chart BIFF record.
sub _store_shtprops {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1044; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0004; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $grbit = 0x000E; # Option flags.
my $empty_cells = 0x0000; # Empty cell handling.
$grbit = 0x000A if $self->{_embedded};
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $empty_cells;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_text()
# Write the TEXT chart BIFF record.
sub _store_text {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x1025; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x0020; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $at = 0x02; # Horizontal alignment.
my $vat = 0x02; # Vertical alignment.
my $wBkgMode = 0x0001; # Background display.
my $rgbText = 0x0000; # Text RGB colour.
my $x = $_[0]; # Text x-pos.
my $y = $_[1]; # Text y-pos.
my $dx = $_[2]; # Width.
my $dy = $_[3]; # Height.
my $grbit1 = $_[4]; # Option flags.
my $icvText = 0x004D; # Auto Colour.
my $grbit2 = $_[5]; # Show legend.
my $rotation = $_[6] || 0x00; # Show value.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'C', $at;
$data .= pack 'C', $vat;
$data .= pack 'v', $wBkgMode;
$data .= pack 'V', $rgbText;
$data .= pack 'V', $x;
$data .= pack 'V', $y;
$data .= pack 'V', $dx;
$data .= pack 'V', $dy;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit1;
$data .= pack 'v', $icvText;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit2;
$data .= pack 'v', $rotation;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_tick()
# Write the TICK chart BIFF record.
sub _store_tick {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x101E; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x001E; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $tktMajor = 0x02; # Type of major tick mark.
my $tktMinor = 0x00; # Type of minor tick mark.
my $tlt = 0x03; # Tick label position.
my $wBkgMode = 0x01; # Background mode.
my $rgb = 0x00000000; # Tick-label RGB colour.
my $reserved1 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved2 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved3 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $reserved4 = 0x00000000; # Reserved.
my $grbit = 0x0023; # Option flags.
my $index = 0x004D; # Colour index.
my $reserved5 = 0x0000; # Reserved.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'C', $tktMajor;
$data .= pack 'C', $tktMinor;
$data .= pack 'C', $tlt;
$data .= pack 'C', $wBkgMode;
$data .= pack 'V', $rgb;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved1;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved2;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved3;
$data .= pack 'V', $reserved4;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$data .= pack 'v', $index;
$data .= pack 'v', $reserved5;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# _store_valuerange()
# Write the VALUERANGE chart BIFF record.
sub _store_valuerange {
my $self = shift;
my $record = 0x101F; # Record identifier.
my $length = 0x002A; # Number of bytes to follow.
my $numMin = 0x00000000; # Minimum value on axis.
my $numMax = 0x00000000; # Maximum value on axis.
my $numMajor = 0x00000000; # Value of major increment.
my $numMinor = 0x00000000; # Value of minor increment.
my $numCross = 0x00000000; # Value where category axis crosses.
my $grbit = 0x011F; # Format flags.
# TODO. Reverse doubles when they are handled.
my $header = pack 'vv', $record, $length;
my $data = '';
$data .= pack 'd', $numMin;
$data .= pack 'd', $numMax;
$data .= pack 'd', $numMajor;
$data .= pack 'd', $numMinor;
$data .= pack 'd', $numCross;
$data .= pack 'v', $grbit;
$self->_append( $header, $data );
# Config data.
# _set_default_properties()
# Setup the default properties for a chart.
sub _set_default_properties {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_legend} = {
_visible => 1,
_position => 0,
_vertical => 0,
$self->{_chartarea} = {
_visible => 0,
_fg_color_index => 0x4E,
_fg_color_rgb => 0xFFFFFF,
_bg_color_index => 0x4D,
_bg_color_rgb => 0x000000,
_area_pattern => 0x0000,
_area_options => 0x0000,
_line_pattern => 0x0005,
_line_weight => 0xFFFF,
_line_color_index => 0x4D,
_line_color_rgb => 0x000000,
_line_options => 0x0008,
$self->{_plotarea} = {
_visible => 1,
_fg_color_index => 0x16,
_fg_color_rgb => 0xC0C0C0,
_bg_color_index => 0x4F,
_bg_color_rgb => 0x000000,
_area_pattern => 0x0001,
_area_options => 0x0000,
_line_pattern => 0x0000,
_line_weight => 0x0000,
_line_color_index => 0x17,
_line_color_rgb => 0x808080,
_line_options => 0x0000,
# _set_default_config_data()
# Setup the default configuration data for a chart.
sub _set_default_config_data {
my $self = shift;
#<<< Perltidy ignore this.
$self->{_config} = {
_axisparent => [ 0, 0x00F8, 0x01F5, 0x0E7F, 0x0B36 ],
_axisparent_pos => [ 2, 2, 0x008C, 0x01AA, 0x0EEA, 0x0C52 ],
_chart => [ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02DD51E0, 0x01C2B838 ],
_font_numbers => [ 5, 10, 0x38B8, 0x22A1, 0x0000 ],
_font_series => [ 6, 10, 0x38B8, 0x22A1, 0x0001 ],
_font_title => [ 7, 12, 0x38B8, 0x22A1, 0x0000 ],
_font_axes => [ 8, 10, 0x38B8, 0x22A1, 0x0001 ],
_legend => [ 0x05F9, 0x0EE9, 0x047D, 0x9C, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0F ],
_legend_pos => [ 5, 2, 0x05F9, 0x0EE9, 0, 0 ],
_legend_text => [ 0xFFFFFF46, 0xFFFFFF06, 0, 0, 0x00B1, 0x0000 ],
_legend_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
_series_text => [ 0xFFFFFF46, 0xFFFFFF06, 0, 0, 0x00B1, 0x1020 ],
_series_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
_title_text => [ 0x06E4, 0x0051, 0x01DB, 0x00C4, 0x0081, 0x1030 ],
_title_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0x73, 0x1D ],
_x_axis_text => [ 0x07E1, 0x0DFC, 0xB2, 0x9C, 0x0081, 0x0000 ],
_x_axis_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0x2B, 0x17 ],
_y_axis_text => [ 0x002D, 0x06AA, 0x5F, 0x1CC, 0x0281, 0x00, 90 ],
_y_axis_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0x17, 0x44 ],
}; #>>>
# _set_embedded_config_data()
# Setup the default configuration data for an embedded chart.
sub _set_embedded_config_data {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_embedded} = 1;
$self->{_chartarea} = {
_visible => 1,
_fg_color_index => 0x4E,
_fg_color_rgb => 0xFFFFFF,
_bg_color_index => 0x4D,
_bg_color_rgb => 0x000000,
_area_pattern => 0x0001,
_area_options => 0x0001,
_line_pattern => 0x0000,
_line_weight => 0x0000,
_line_color_index => 0x4D,
_line_color_rgb => 0x000000,
_line_options => 0x0009,
#<<< Perltidy ignore this.
$self->{_config} = {
_axisparent => [ 0, 0x01D8, 0x031D, 0x0D79, 0x07E9 ],
_axisparent_pos => [ 2, 2, 0x010C, 0x0292, 0x0E46, 0x09FD ],
_chart => [ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x01847FE8, 0x00F47FE8 ],
_font_numbers => [ 5, 10, 0x1DC4, 0x1284, 0x0000 ],
_font_series => [ 6, 10, 0x1DC4, 0x1284, 0x0001 ],
_font_title => [ 7, 12, 0x1DC4, 0x1284, 0x0000 ],
_font_axes => [ 8, 10, 0x1DC4, 0x1284, 0x0001 ],
_legend => [ 0x044E, 0x0E4A, 0x088D, 0x0123, 0x0, 0x1, 0xF ],
_legend_pos => [ 5, 2, 0x044E, 0x0E4A, 0, 0 ],
_legend_text => [ 0xFFFFFFD9, 0xFFFFFFC1, 0, 0, 0x00B1, 0x0000 ],
_legend_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
_series_text => [ 0xFFFFFFD9, 0xFFFFFFC1, 0, 0, 0x00B1, 0x1020 ],
_series_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
_title_text => [ 0x060F, 0x004C, 0x038A, 0x016F, 0x0081, 0x1030 ],
_title_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0x73, 0x1D ],
_x_axis_text => [ 0x07EF, 0x0C8F, 0x153, 0x123, 0x81, 0x00 ],
_x_axis_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0x2B, 0x17 ],
_y_axis_text => [ 0x0057, 0x0564, 0xB5, 0x035D, 0x0281, 0x00, 90 ],
_y_axis_text_pos => [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0x17, 0x44 ],
}; #>>>
=head1 NAME
Chart - A writer class for Excel Charts.
To create a simple Excel file with a chart using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new( 'chart.xls' );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
my $chart = $workbook->add_chart( type => 'column' );
# Configure the chart.
categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7',
values => '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7',
# Add the worksheet data the chart refers to.
my $data = [
[ 'Category', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ],
[ 'Value', 1, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5 ],
$worksheet->write( 'A1', $data );
The C This will produce a chart that looks like this: