use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: Activate syntax extensions package syntax; { $syntax::VERSION = '0.004'; } BEGIN { $syntax::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:PHAYLON'; } use Carp qw( carp ); use Data::OptList 0.104 qw( mkopt ); use namespace::clean; $Carp::Internal{ +__PACKAGE__ }++; $Carp::Internal{ 'Devel::Declare' } ||= 1; sub import_into { my ($class, $into, @args) = @_; my $import = mkopt \@args; for my $declaration (@$import) { my ($feature, $options) = @$declaration; $class->_install_feature( $feature, $into, $options, [@args], ); } return 1; } sub unimport_from { my ($class, $from, @args) = @_; for my $feature (@args) { $class->_uninstall_feature( $feature, $from, ); } return 1; } sub import { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $caller = caller; return $class->import_into($caller, @args); } sub unimport { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $caller = caller; return $class->unimport_from($caller, @args); } sub _parse_feature_name { my ($class, $feature) = @_; my $name = join '/', map ucfirst, split m{/}, join '', map ucfirst, split qr{_}, $feature; my $file = "Syntax/Feature/${name}.pm"; my $package = $file; s{ \/ }{::}xg, s{ \.pm \Z }{}xgi for $package; return $package, $file; } sub _uninstall_feature { my ($class, $feature, $target) = @_; my ($package, $file) = $class->_parse_feature_name($feature); require $file; unless ($package->can('uninstall')) { carp "Syntax extension $package does not know how to uninstall"; return; } return $package->uninstall( from => $target, identifier => $feature, ); } sub _install_feature { my ($class, $feature, $target, $options, $all_params) = @_; my ($package, $file) = $class->_parse_feature_name($feature); require $file; return $package->install( into => $target, options => $options, identifier => $feature, outer => $all_params, ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME syntax - Activate syntax extensions =head1 VERSION version 0.004 =head1 SYNOPSIS # either use syntax 'foo'; # or use syntax foo => { ... }; # or use syntax qw( foo bar ), baz => { ... }; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module activates community provided syntax extensions to Perl. You pass it a feature name, and optionally a scalar with arguments, and the dispatching system will load and install the extension in your package. The import arguments are parsed with L. There are no standardised options. Please consult the documentation for the specific syntax feature to find out about possible configuration options. The passed in feature names are simply transformed: C becomes L and C would become C. =head1 METHODS =head2 import syntax->import( @spec ); This method will dispatch the syntax extension setup to the specified feature handlers for the calling package. =head2 import_into syntax->import_into( $into, @spec ); Same as L, but performs the setup in C<$into> instead of the calling package. =head2 unimport syntax->unimport( @features ); This method will trigger uninstallations of the C<@features> from the calling package. =head2 unimport_from syntax->unimport_from( $from, @features ); Same as L, but will uninstall the C<@features> from C<$from>. =head1 RECOMMENDED FEATURES =over =item * L Activates functions with parameter signatures. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to or through the web interface at: =head1 AUTHOR Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut