#NoEnv #NoTrayIcon ; #Warn #SingleInstance Off try Menu Tray, Icon, appwiz.cpl, -1500 if !A_IsAdmin && !%False% { if A_OSVersion not in WIN_2003,WIN_XP,WIN_2000 { Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%",, UseErrorLevel if !ErrorLevel ExitApp } MsgBox 0x31, AutoHotkey Setup, (LTrim Join`s Setup is running as a limited user. If you continue, some problems are likely to occur. It is strongly recommended that you run Setup as an administrator.`n `n To continue anyway, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel. ) IfMsgBox Cancel ExitApp } SourceDir := A_ScriptDir SilentMode := false SilentErrors := 0 AutoRestart := false ProductName := "AutoHotkey" ProductVersion := A_AhkVersion ProductPublisher := "Lexikos" ProductWebsite := "https://autohotkey.com/" EnvGet ProgramW6432, ProgramW6432 DefaultPath := (ProgramW6432 ? ProgramW6432 : A_ProgramFiles) "\AutoHotkey" DefaultType := A_Is64bitOS ? "x64" : "Unicode" DefaultStartMenu := "AutoHotkey" DefaultCompiler := true DefaultDragDrop := true DefaultToUTF8 := false DefaultIsHostApp := false DefaultUIAccess := false AutoHotkeyKey := "SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey" UninstallKey := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AutoHotkey" FileTypeKey := "AutoHotkeyScript" RegRead UACIsEnabled, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, EnableLUA Menu Tray, MainWindow ; Enable debugging setup.exe. if 1 = /exec ; For internal use { HandleExec(1) ExitApp } DetermineVersion() ConfigureMode := DefaultPath = A_ScriptDir Loop %0% if %A_Index% = /S SilentMode := true else if %A_Index% = /R AutoRestart := true else if %A_Index% = /U32 DefaultType = Unicode else if %A_Index% in /U64,/x64 DefaultType = x64 else if %A_Index% in /A32,/ANSI DefaultType = ANSI else if %A_Index% in /uiAccess,/uiAccess=0,/uiAccess=1 DefaultUIAccess := SubStr(%A_Index%, 10) != "=0" else if %A_Index% in /IsHostApp,/IsHostApp=0,/IsHostApp=1 DefaultIsHostApp := SubStr(%A_Index%, 11) != "=0" else if InStr(%A_Index%, "/D=") = 1 { if !RegExMatch(DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str"), "(?") while wb.ReadyState != 4 { Sleep 10 if (A_TickCount-initTime > 2000) throw 1 } wb.Document.open() wb.Document.write(html) wb.Document.close() w := wb.Document.parentWindow if !w || !w.initOptions throw 1 w.AHK := Func("JS_AHK") if (!CurrentType && A_ScriptDir != DefaultPath) CurrentName := "" ; Avoid showing the Reinstall option since we don't know which version it was. w.initOptions(CurrentName, CurrentVersion, CurrentType , ProductVersion, DefaultPath, DefaultStartMenu , DefaultType, A_Is64bitOS = 1) w.configureMode := ConfigureMode w.document.body.className := ConfigureMode ? "config-mode" : "" if ConfigureMode { w.installdir.disabled := true w.installdir_browse.disabled := true w.nav_install.innerText := "apply" w.install_button.innerText := "Apply" w.opt1.onclick := "" w.opt1.removeAttribute("href") w.opt1.firstChild.innerText := "Checking for updates..." } w.installcompiler.checked := DefaultCompiler w.enabledragdrop.checked := DefaultDragDrop w.separatebuttons.checked := DefaultIsHostApp w.enableuiaccess.checked := DefaultUIAccess && IsTrustedLocation(DefaultPath) ; w.defaulttoutf8.checked := DefaultToUTF8 if !A_Is64bitOS w.it_x64.style.display := "None" if A_OSVersion in WIN_2000,WIN_2003,WIN_XP,WIN_VISTA ; i.e. not WIN_7, WIN_8 or a future OS. w.separatebuttons.parentNode.style.display := "none" if !UACIsEnabled w.enableuiaccess.parentNode.style.display := "none" else { w.enableuiaccess.onchange := Func("enableuiaccess_onchange") w.installdir.onchange := Func("installdir_onchange") } w.switchPage("start") w.document.body.focus() ; Scale UI by screen DPI. My testing showed that Vista with IE7 or IE9 ; did not scale by default, but Win8.1 with IE10 did. The scaling being ; done by the control itself = deviceDPI / logicalDPI. logicalDPI := w.screen.logicalXDPI, deviceDPI := w.screen.deviceXDPI if (A_ScreenDPI != 96) w.document.body.style.zoom := A_ScreenDPI/96 * (logicalDPI/deviceDPI) if ConfigureMode CheckForUpdates() } CheckForUpdates() { local w := getWindow(), latestVersion := "" try { whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") whr.Open("GET", "https://autohotkey.com/download/1.1/version.txt", true) whr.Send() whr.WaitForResponse() latestVersion := whr.responseText } if RegExMatch(latestVersion, "^(\d+\.){3}\d+") { if (latestVersion = ProductVersion) w.opt1.firstChild.innerText := "Reinstall (download required)" else w.opt1.firstChild.innerText := "Download v" latestVersion w.opt1.href := "#" w.opt1.onclick := Func("DownloadAHK") } else w.opt1.innerText := "An error occurred while checking for updates." } /* Fix keyboard shortcuts in WebBrowser control. */ gui_KeyDown(wParam, lParam, nMsg, hWnd) { global wb if (Chr(wParam) ~= "[A-Z]" || wParam = 0x74) ; Disable Ctrl+O/L/F/N and F5. return Gui +OwnDialogs ; For threadless callbacks which interrupt this. pipa := ComObjQuery(wb, "{00000117-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") VarSetCapacity(kMsg, 48), NumPut(A_GuiY, NumPut(A_GuiX , NumPut(A_EventInfo, NumPut(lParam, NumPut(wParam , NumPut(nMsg, NumPut(hWnd, kMsg)))), "uint"), "int"), "int") Loop 2 r := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(1*pipa)+5*A_PtrSize), "ptr", pipa, "ptr", &kMsg) ; Loop to work around an odd tabbing issue (it's as if there ; is a non-existent element at the end of the tab order). until wParam != 9 || wb.Document.activeElement != "" ObjRelease(pipa) if r = 0 ; S_OK: the message was translated to an accelerator. return 0 } /* javascript:AHK('Func') --> Func() */ JS_AHK(func, prms*) { global wb ; Stop navigation prior to calling the function, in case it uses Exit. wb.Stop(), %func%(prms*) } /* Complex workaround to override "Active scripting" setting * and ensure scripts can run within the WebBrowser control. */ global WBClientSite SetWBClientSite() { interfaces := { (Join, IOleClientSite: [0,3,1,0,1,0] IServiceProvider: [3] IInternetSecurityManager: [1,1,3,4,8,7,3,3] )} unkQI := RegisterCallback("WBClientSite_QI", "Fast") unkAddRef := RegisterCallback("WBClientSite_AddRef", "Fast") unkRelease := RegisterCallback("WBClientSite_Release", "Fast") WBClientSite := {_buffers: bufs := {}}, bufn := 0, for name, prms in interfaces { bufn += 1 bufs.SetCapacity(bufn, (4 + prms.MaxIndex()) * A_PtrSize) buf := bufs.GetAddress(bufn) NumPut(unkQI, buf + 1*A_PtrSize) NumPut(unkAddRef, buf + 2*A_PtrSize) NumPut(unkRelease, buf + 3*A_PtrSize) for i, prmc in prms NumPut(RegisterCallback("WBClientSite_" name, "Fast", prmc+1, i), buf + (3+i)*A_PtrSize) NumPut(buf + A_PtrSize, buf + 0) WBClientSite[name] := buf } global wb if pOleObject := ComObjQuery(wb, "{00000112-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") { ; IOleObject::SetClientSite DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pOleObject+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "ptr" , pOleObject, "ptr", WBClientSite.IOleClientSite, "uint") ObjRelease(pOleObject) } } WBClientSite_QI(p, piid, ppvObject) { static IID_IUnknown := "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" static IID_IOleClientSite := "{00000118-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" static IID_IServiceProvider := "{6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}" iid := _String4GUID(piid) if (iid = IID_IOleClientSite || iid = IID_IUnknown) { NumPut(WBClientSite.IOleClientSite, ppvObject+0) return 0 ; S_OK } if (iid = IID_IServiceProvider) { NumPut(WBClientSite.IServiceProvider, ppvObject+0) return 0 ; S_OK } NumPut(0, ppvObject+0) return 0x80004002 ; E_NOINTERFACE } WBClientSite_AddRef(p) { return 1 } WBClientSite_Release(p) { return 1 } WBClientSite_IOleClientSite(p, p1="", p2="", p3="") { if (A_EventInfo = 3) ; GetContainer { NumPut(0, p1+0) ; *ppContainer := NULL return 0x80004002 ; E_NOINTERFACE } return 0x80004001 ; E_NOTIMPL } WBClientSite_IServiceProvider(p, pguidService, piid, ppvObject) { static IID_IUnknown := "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" static IID_IInternetSecurityManager := "{79eac9ee-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b}" if (_String4GUID(pguidService) = IID_IInternetSecurityManager) { iid := _String4GUID(piid) if (iid = IID_IInternetSecurityManager || iid = IID_IUnknown) { NumPut(WBClientSite.IInternetSecurityManager, ppvObject+0) return 0 ; S_OK } NumPut(0, ppvObject+0) return 0x80004002 ; E_NOINTERFACE } NumPut(0, ppvObject+0) return 0x80004001 ; E_NOTIMPL } WBClientSite_IInternetSecurityManager(p, p1="", p2="", p3="", p4="", p5="", p6="", p7="", p8="") { if (A_EventInfo = 5) ; ProcessUrlAction { if (p2 = 0x1400) ; dwAction = URLACTION_SCRIPT_RUN { NumPut(0, p3+0) ; *pPolicy := URLPOLICY_ALLOW return 0 ; S_OK } } return 0x800C0011 ; INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION } _String4GUID(pGUID) { VarSetCapacity(String,38*2) DllCall("ole32\StringFromGUID2", "ptr", pGUID, "str", String, "int", 39) Return String } /* Utility Functions */ getWindow() { global wb return wb.document.parentWindow } ErrorExit(errMsg) { global if !SilentMode MsgBox 0x2010, AutoHotkey Setup, %errMsg% ExitApp 1 } CloseScriptsEtc(installdir, actionToContinue) { titles := "" DetectHiddenWindows On close := [], reopen := [] WinGet w, List, ahk_class AutoHotkey Loop % w { ; Exclude the install script. if (w%A_Index% = A_ScriptHwnd) continue ; Determine if the script actually needs to be terminated. WinGet exe_path, ProcessPath, % "ahk_id " w%A_Index% if (exe_path != "") { ; Exclude external executables. if InStr(exe_path, installdir "\") != 1 continue ; The main purpose of this next check is to avoid closing ; SciTE4AutoHotkey's toolbar, but also may be helpful for ; other situations. exe := SubStr(exe_path, StrLen(installdir) + 2) if !RegExMatch(exe, "i)^(AutoHotkey((A32|U32|U64)(_UIA)?)?\.exe|Compiler\\Ahk2Exe.exe)$") continue } ; Append script path to the list. WinGetTitle title, % "ahk_id " w%A_Index% title := RegExReplace(title, " - AutoHotkey v.*") titles .= " - " title "`n" close.Push(w%A_Index%) if FileExist(title) reopen.Push({path: title, exe: exe_path}) } if (titles != "") { global SilentMode, installInPlace if !SilentMode { static button_retry, button_mode button_retry := 3 if (actionToContinue = "installation") { help_text = (LTrim Click Reload to automatically reload the scripts later. Click Close All to just close the scripts and continue. ) button_mode := 3 } else { help_text = (LTrim Click Close All to close all scripts and continue the %actionToContinue%. ) button_mode := 1 } SetTimer CloseScriptsEtc_Buttons, -5 MsgBox % 0x2030|button_mode, AutoHotkey Setup, (LTrim Setup needs to close the following script(s): `n%titles% %help_text% ) IfMsgBox Cancel Exit IfMsgBox Yes global AutoRestart := true } ; Close script windows (typically causing them to exit). Loop % close.MaxIndex() { WinClose % "ahk_id " close[A_Index] WinWaitClose % "ahk_id " close[A_Index],, 1 } } ; Close all help file and Window Spy windows automatically: GroupAdd autoclosegroup, AutoHotkey_L Help ahk_class HH Parent GroupAdd autoclosegroup, AutoHotkey Help ahk_class HH Parent GroupAdd autoclosegroup, Active Window Info ahk_exe %installdir%\AU3_Spy.exe ; Also close the old Ahk2Exe (but the new one is a script, so it ; was already handled by the section above): GroupAdd autoclosegroup, Ahk2Exe v ahk_exe %installdir%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe WinClose ahk_group autoclosegroup return reopen CloseScriptsEtc_Buttons: Critical if !WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")) { if (button_retry--) SetTimer,, -5 return } if (button_mode = 1) ControlSetText Button1, Close &All else { ControlSetText Button1, &Reload ControlSetText Button2, Close &All } return } ReopenScripts(scripts) { global AutoRestart if !AutoRestart || !scripts || !scripts.MaxIndex() return failed := "" for i, script in scripts { workdir := script.path SplitPath workdir,, workdir try script.exe ? Run_(script.exe, """" script.path """", workdir) : Run_("""" script.path """",, workdir) catch failed .= "`n" script } if (failed != "" && !SilentMode) MsgBox 0x2010, AutoHotkey Setup, Failed to restart the following scripts:`n%failed% } GetErrorMessage(error_code="") { VarSetCapacity(buf, 1024) ; Probably won't exceed 1024 chars. if DllCall("FormatMessage", "uint", 0x1200, "ptr", 0, "int", error_code!="" ? error_code : A_LastError, "uint", 1024, "str", buf, "uint", 1024, "ptr", 0) return buf } switchPage(page) { global if !SilentMode getWindow().switchPage(page) } UpdateStatus(status) { ; ToolTip % status ; if !SilentMode ; getWindow().install_status.innerText := status } ShellRun(prms*) { shellWindows := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows VarSetCapacity(_hwnd, 4, 0) desktop := shellWindows.FindWindowSW(0, "", 8, ComObj(0x4003, &_hwnd), 1) if ptlb := ComObjQuery(desktop , "{4C96BE40-915C-11CF-99D3-00AA004AE837}" ; SID_STopLevelBrowser , "{000214E2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") ; IID_IShellBrowser { if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(ptlb+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "ptr", ptlb, "ptr*", psv:=0) = 0 { VarSetCapacity(IID_IDispatch, 16) NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(0x20400, IID_IDispatch, "int64"), "int64") DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(psv+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "ptr", psv , "uint", 0, "ptr", &IID_IDispatch, "ptr*", pdisp:=0) shell := ComObj(9,pdisp,1).Application shell.ShellExecute(prms*) ObjRelease(psv) } ObjRelease(ptlb) } } Run_(target, args:="", workdir:="") { try ShellRun(target, args, workdir) catch e Run % args="" ? target : target " " args, % workdir } /* Utility Functions invoked by the UI */ Customize() { local w := getWindow() if !ConfigureMode w.document.body.className := "custom-mode" w.switchPage("version") } SelectFolder(id, prompt="", root="::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}") { global wb if !(field := wb.document.getElementById(id)) return Gui +OwnDialogs FileSelectFolder path , % root " *" field.value ,, % prompt if !ErrorLevel && (id != "installdir" || installdir_allowed(path)) field.value := path } ReadLicense() { Run_(A_ScriptDir "\license.txt") } ViewHelp(topic) { local path if FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\AutoHotkey.chm") path := A_ScriptDir "\AutoHotkey.chm" else path := CurrentPath "\AutoHotkey.chm" if FileExist(path) Run_("hh.exe", "mk:@MSITStore:" path "::" topic) else Run_("https://autohotkey.com" topic) } RunAutoHotkey() { ; Setup may be running as a user other than the one that's logged ; in (i.e. an admin user), so in addition to running AutoHotkey.exe ; in user mode, have it call the function below to ensure the script ; file is correctly located. Run_("AutoHotkey.exe", """" A_WorkingDir "\Installer.ahk"" /exec runahk") } Exec_RunAHK() { ; This could detect %ExeDir%\AutoHotkey.ahk (which takes precedence ; over %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey.ahk), but that file is unlikely to ; exist in this situation. script_path := A_MyDocuments "\AutoHotkey.ahk" ; Start the script. Run AutoHotkey.exe,,, pid ; Check for common failures. SetTitleMatchMode 2 DetectHiddenWindows On message := "" message_flags := 0x2034 Loop { Sleep 50 Process Exist, %pid% if !ErrorLevel { if !FileExist(script_path) { WinWait AutoHotkey Help,, 1 if !ErrorLevel { WinActivate ; Welcome screen (v1.1.20). return } } message = (LTrim Join`s AutoHotkey has exited. You may need to edit your startup script. For instance, if it exited because it had nothing to do, you can add a hotkey. ) message_flags := 0x2044 ; Less severe, since it might be intentional. break } if WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " pid) { WinGetText message if !InStr(message, "Error") return WinWaitClose Process Exist, %pid% message := "Your script encountered an error" (ErrorLevel ? "." : " and exited.") . " You will need to edit it to resolve this error." break } if WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " pid) { WinWaitClose,,, .2 ; Wait a moment in case the script is empty/about to exit. if !ErrorLevel continue ; Back to the top of the loop. DetectHiddenWindows Off if !WinExist("ahk_pid " pid) MsgBox 0x2040, AutoHotkey Setup, Your script is running in the background. return } } MsgBox % message_flags, AutoHotkey Setup, %message%`n`nYour script is located here:`n %script_path%`n`nDo you want to edit this file? IfMsgBox Yes { if !FileExist(script_path) FileAppend,, %script_path% Run edit "%script_path%" } } Quit() { ExitApp } ViewWebsite() { global Run_(ProductWebsite) } Extract(dstDir="") { if (dstDir = "") { FileSelectFolder dstDir,,, Select a folder to copy program files to. if ErrorLevel return } try { global TestMode, SourceDir if (TestMode = "FailExtract") throw shell := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application") try FileCreateDir %dstDir% dst := shell.NameSpace(dstDir) src := shell.NameSpace(SourceDir) if !(dst && src) throw try dst.CopyHere(src.Items, 256) } catch { FileCopyDir %SourceDir%, %dstDir%, 1 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox 0x2030, AutoHotkey Setup, An unspecified error occurred. return } } Run %dstDir% } DownloadAHK() { global wb wb.Stop() file := A_Temp "\ahk-install.exe" switchPage("downloading") Sleep 10 if !Download("https://autohotkey.com/download/ahk-install.exe", file, "DownloadAHK_Progress") { MsgBox 0x2010,, Download failed. switchPage("start") return } Run "%file%" /exec waitclose %A_ScriptHwnd% /exec downloaded "%file%" ExitApp } Exec_WaitClose(hwnd) { DetectHiddenWindows On WinWaitClose ahk_id %hwnd% } Exec_Downloaded(file) { ; global SilentMode := true DetermineVersion() QuickInstall() ; NOTE: .\ is required here. Otherwise it launches the copy found ; in the directory containing the current module -- the temp dir. Run .\AutoHotkeyU32.exe Installer.ahk /exec cleanup "%file%" } Exec_Cleanup(file) { SplitPath file, name Process WaitClose, %name% MsgBox 64, AutoHotkey Setup, Installation complete. FileDelete %file% } DownloadAHK_Progress(n, nMax) { if !nMax return w := getWindow() w.document.getElementById("dl_progress") .style.width := (n*100/nMax) "%" w.document.getElementById("dl_text") .innerText := DownloadSize(n) " / " DownloadSize(nMax) Sleep 10 } DownloadSize(n) { n /= 1024 if (n > 1024) return Round(n/1024, 2) " MB" return Round(n, 2) " KB" } ; Based on code by Sean and SKAN @ http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=184468#184468 Download(url, file, callback) { static vt if !VarSetCapacity(vt) { VarSetCapacity(vt, A_PtrSize*11), nPar := "31132253353" Loop Parse, nPar NumPut(RegisterCallback("DL_Progress", "F", A_LoopField, A_Index-1), vt, A_PtrSize*(A_Index-1)) } if !(IsObject(callback) || (callback := Func(callback))) return !(ErrorLevel := 1) VarSetCapacity(bobj, A_PtrSize*2), NumPut(&callback, NumPut(&vt, bobj)), VarSetCapacity(tn, 520) if (0 = DllCall("urlmon\URLDownloadToCacheFile", "ptr", 0, "str", url, "str", tn, "uint", 260, "uint", 0x10, "ptr", &bobj)) FileCopy %tn%, %file%, 1 else ErrorLevel := 1 return !ErrorLevel } DL_Progress( pthis, nP=0, nPMax=0, nSC=0, pST=0 ) { if A_EventInfo = 6 fn := Object(NumGet(pthis+A_PtrSize)), %fn%(np, npMax) return 0 } /* Setup Actions */ ; Upgrade to newer version or from AutoHotkey to AutoHotkey_L. ; Type: "ANSI" or "Unicode" Upgrade(Type="") { global _Install({ (Join C type: Type, path: DefaultPath, menu: DefaultStartMenu, ahk2exe: DefaultCompiler, dragdrop: DefaultDragDrop, uiAccess: DefaultUIAccess, utf8: DefaultToUTF8, isHostApp: DefaultIsHostApp )}) } ; Quick install with default options. QuickInstall() { global _Install({ (Join type: DefaultType, path: DefaultPath, menu: DefaultStartMenu, ahk2exe: DefaultCompiler, dragdrop: DefaultDragDrop, uiAccess: DefaultUIAccess, utf8: DefaultToUTF8, isHostApp: DefaultIsHostApp )}) } ; Begin installation after reviewing options. CustomInstall() { local w := getWindow() _Install({ (C Join type: w.installtype.value, path: w.installdir.value, menu: w.startmenu.value, ahk2exe: w.installcompiler.checked, dragdrop: w.enabledragdrop.checked, uiAccess: w.enableuiaccess.checked, utf8: DefaultToUTF8, ;w.defaulttoutf8.checked isHostApp: w.separatebuttons.checked )}) } ; Uninstall. Uninstall() { global try SetWorkingDir % CurrentPath catch ErrorExit("Error uninstalling; installation directory '" CurrentPath "' may be invalid.") CloseScriptsEtc(CurrentPath, "uninstallation") switchPage("wait") /* Registry */ SetRegView % CurrentRegView RegDelete HKLM, %UninstallKey% RegDelete HKLM, %AutoHotkeyKey% RegDelete HKCU, %AutoHotkeyKey% ; Created by Ahk2Exe. RegDelete HKCR, .ahk RegDelete HKCR, %FileTypeKey% RegDelete HKCR, Applications\AutoHotkey.exe RegDelete HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AutoHotkey.exe /* Files */ FileDelete AutoHotkeyU32.exe FileDelete AutoHotkeyA32.exe FileDelete AutoHotkeyU64.exe FileDelete AutoHotkeyU32_UIA.exe FileDelete AutoHotkeyA32_UIA.exe FileDelete AutoHotkeyU64_UIA.exe FileDelete AU3_Spy.exe FileDelete AutoHotkey.chm FileDelete license.txt ; This file would only exist if an older version of AutoHotkey_L ; installed it: FileDelete Update.ahk ; Although the old installer was designed not to overwrite this in ; case the user made customizations, the old uninstaller deletes it: FileDelete %A_WinDir%\ShellNew\Template.ahk RemoveCompiler() FileDelete %ProductName% Website.url if (CurrentStartMenu != "") ; Must not remove A_ProgramsCommon itself! FileRemoveDir %A_ProgramsCommon%\%CurrentStartMenu%, 1 if !SilentMode MsgBox 0x2040, AutoHotkey Setup , Setup will now close to complete the uninstallation. ; Try deleting it normally first, in case this script is running ; on an external exe (such as via a downloaded installer). FileDelete AutoHotkey.exe if !ErrorLevel { FileDelete Installer.ahk SetWorkingDir %A_Temp% ; Otherwise FileRemoveDir will fail. FileRemoveDir %CurrentPath% ; Only if empty. ExitApp } Gui Cancel ; Use cmd.exe to work around the fact that AutoHotkey.exe is locked ; while it is still running. Having a second instance of the script ; terminate this instance should be more reliable than performing ; an arbitrary wait (e.g. by calling "ping"). Run %ComSpec% /c " (Join`s&`s AutoHotkey.exe "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /exec kill %A_ScriptHwnd% del Installer.ahk del AutoHotkey.exe cd %A_Temp% rmdir "%CurrentPath%" )",, Hide } /* Installation */ _Install(opt) { global /* Validation */ local exefile, binfile if opt.type = "Unicode" { exefile := "AutoHotkeyU32.exe" binfile := "Unicode 32-bit.bin" } else if opt.type = "x64" && A_Is64bitOS { exefile := "AutoHotkeyU64.exe" binfile := "Unicode 64-bit.bin" } else if opt.type = "ANSI" { exefile := "AutoHotkeyA32.exe" binfile := "ANSI 32-bit.bin" } else ErrorExit("Invalid installation type '" opt.type "'") if !InStr(FileExist(opt.path), "D") try FileCreateDir % opt.path catch ErrorExit("Unable to create installation directory ('" opt.path "')") /* Preparation */ SetWorkingDir % opt.path ; If the following is "true", we have no source files to install, ; but we may have settings to change. This includes replacing the ; binary files with %exefile% and %binfile%. installInPlace := (A_WorkingDir = A_ScriptDir) reopen := CloseScriptsEtc(CurrentPath, "installation") switchPage("wait") ; Remove old files which are no longer relevant. if (CurrentVersion <= "") { FileDelete Compiler\README.txt FileDelete Compiler\upx.exe } FileDelete uninst.exe if A_Is64bitOS { ; For xx-bit installs, write to the xx-bit view of the registry. local regView := (opt.type = "x64") ? 64 : 32 if (CurrentRegView && CurrentRegView != regView) { ; Clean up old keys in the other registry view. SetRegView % CurrentRegView RegDelete HKLM, %UninstallKey% RegDelete HKLM, %AutoHotkeyKey% RegDelete HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AutoHotkey.exe RegDelete HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Ahk2Exe.exe } SetRegView % regView } /* Install Files */ UpdateStatus("Copying files") ; Install all unique files. if !installInPlace { InstallMainFiles() if opt.ahk2exe InstallCompilerFiles() } ; Create UIA files from main files. InstallUIAccessFiles(opt.uiAccess) ; If the user deselected Ahk2Exe and it was previously installed, ; ensure it is removed. if !opt.ahk2exe RemoveCompiler() ; Create the "default" binaries, corresponding to whichever version ; the user selected. if !installInPlace InstallFile(exefile, "AutoHotkey.exe") ;else: a workaround is needed later. if opt.ahk2exe InstallFile("Compiler\" binfile, "Compiler\AutoHotkeySC.bin") /* Start Menu Shortcuts */ if CurrentStartMenu FileRemoveDir %A_ProgramsCommon%\%CurrentStartMenu%, 1 if opt.menu { UpdateStatus("Creating shortcuts") local smpath := A_ProgramsCommon "\" opt.menu FileCreateDir %smpath% FileCreateShortcut %A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe, %smpath%\AutoHotkey.lnk FileDelete %smpath%\AutoIt3 Window Spy.lnk FileCreateShortcut %A_WorkingDir%\AU3_Spy.exe, %smpath%\Active Window Info (Window Spy).lnk FileCreateShortcut %A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.chm, %smpath%\AutoHotkey Help File.lnk IniWrite %ProductWebsite%, %ProductName% Website.url, InternetShortcut, URL FileCreateShortcut %A_WorkingDir%\%ProductName% Website.url, %smpath%\Website.lnk FileCreateShortcut %A_WorkingDir%\Installer.ahk, %smpath%\AutoHotkey Setup.lnk ,,,, %A_WinDir%\System32\appwiz.cpl,, -1499 if opt.ahk2exe FileCreateShortcut %A_WorkingDir%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe , %smpath%\Convert .ahk to .exe.lnk } /* Registry */ UpdateStatus("Configuring registry") RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %AutoHotkeyKey%, InstallDir, %A_WorkingDir% RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %AutoHotkeyKey%, Version, %ProductVersion% if opt.menu RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %AutoHotkeyKey%, StartMenuFolder, % opt.menu else RegDelete HKLM, %AutoHotkeyKey%, StartMenuFolder ; Might need to get rid of this to allow the ShellNew template to work: RegDelete HKCR, ahk_auto_file RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, .ahk,, %FileTypeKey% RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, .ahk\ShellNew, FileName, Template.ahk RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%,, AutoHotkey Script RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\DefaultIcon,, %A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe`,1 ; Set up system verbs: RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Open,, Run Script RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Edit,, Edit Script if opt.ahk2exe RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Compile,, Compile Script local value ; Set default action, but don't overwrite. try RegRead value, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell, catch ; Key likely doesn't exist. RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell,, Open ; Set editor, but don't overwrite. try RegRead value, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Edit\Command, catch RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Edit\Command,, notepad.exe `%1 if opt.ahk2exe RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Compile\Command,, "%A_WorkingDir%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "`%l" local cmd cmd = "%A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe" if opt.utf8 cmd = %cmd% /CP65001 cmd = %cmd% "`%1" `%* RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\Open\Command,, %cmd% if UACIsEnabled { ; Run as administrator RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\RunAs\Command,, "%A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe" "`%1" `%* ; Run with UI Access if opt.uiAccess && FileExist(uiafile := StrReplace(exefile, ".exe", "_UIA.exe")) { RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\uiAccess,, Run with UI Access RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\uiAccess\Command,, "%A_WorkingDir%\%uiafile%" "`%1" `%* } else RegDelete HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\Shell\uiAccess } if opt.dragdrop RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\ShellEx\DropHandler,, {86C86720-42A0-1069-A2E8-08002B30309D} else RegDelete HKCR, %FileTypeKey%\ShellEx ; App Paths registration isn't strictly necessary, so it's not done for the other exe versions. RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AutoHotkey.exe,, %A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe if opt.ahk2exe RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Ahk2Exe.exe,, %A_WorkingDir%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe local suffixList := "|A32|U32|U64|A32_UIA|U32_UIA|U64_UIA" Loop Parse, suffixList, | { RegDelete HKCR, Applications\AutoHotkey%A_LoopField%.exe if opt.isHostApp && FileExist("AutoHotkey" A_LoopField ".exe") RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, Applications\AutoHotkey%A_LoopField%.exe, IsHostApp } ; Write uninstaller info. RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, DisplayName, %ProductName% %ProductVersion% RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, UninstallString, "%A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe" "%A_WorkingDir%\Installer.ahk" RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, DisplayIcon, %A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.exe RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, DisplayVersion, %ProductVersion% RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, URLInfoAbout, %ProductWebsite% RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, Publisher, %ProductPublisher% RegWrite REG_SZ, HKLM, %UninstallKey%, NoModify, 1 ; Notify other programs (e.g. explorer.exe) that file type associations have changed. ; This may be necessary to update the icon when upgrading from an older version of AHK. DllCall("shell32\SHChangeNotify", "uint", 0x08000000, "uint", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) ; SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED UpdateStatus("") if installInPlace { ; As AutoHotkey.exe is probably in use by this script, the final ; step will be completed by another instance of this script: reopen_args := "" for _, script in reopen reopen_args .= " """ script.path """ """ script.exe """" Run .\AutoHotkeyU32.exe "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /exec kill %A_ScriptHwnd% /exec setExe %exefile% %SilentMode% /exec reopen%reopen_args% ExitApp } ReopenScripts(reopen) SwitchDone() } SwitchDone() { getWindow().document.body.className := "" switchPage("done") } Exec_Reopen(args*) { reopen := [] while args.Length() reopen.Push({path: args.RemoveAt(1), exe: args.RemoveAt(1)}) global AutoRestart := true ReopenScripts(reopen) } InstallFile(file, target="") { global if (target = "") target := file Loop { ; Retry loop. try { FileCopy %SourceDir%\%file%, %target%, 1 ; If successful (no exception thrown): return } if SilentMode { SilentErrors += 1 return ; Continue anyway. } local error_message := RTrim(GetErrorMessage(), "`r`n") MsgBox 0x2012, AutoHotkey Setup, (LTrim Error installing file "%target%" Specifically: %error_message% Click Abort to stop the installation, Retry to try again, or Ignore to skip this file. ) IfMsgBox Abort ExitApp IfMsgBox Ignore return } } InstallMainFiles() { InstallFile("AutoHotkeyU32.exe") InstallFile("AutoHotkeyA32.exe") if A_Is64bitOS InstallFile("AutoHotkeyU64.exe") InstallFile("AU3_Spy.exe") InstallFile("AutoHotkey.chm") InstallFile("license.txt") InstallFile("Installer.ahk") if !FileExist(A_WinDir "\ShellNew\Template.ahk") { FileCreateDir %A_WinDir%\ShellNew InstallFile("Template.ahk", A_WinDir "\ShellNew\Template.ahk") } } InstallUIAccessFiles(create) { local suffixList := "A32|U32" (A_Is64bitOS ? "|U64" : "") Loop Parse, suffixList, | { file = AutoHotkey%A_LoopField%_UIA.exe if !(create || FileExist(file)) continue FileCopy AutoHotkey%A_LoopField%.exe, %file%, 1 try EnableUIAccess(file) catch MsgBox 48, AutoHotkey Setup, Error creating %file%. ; Non-critical. } } installdir_allowed(path) { local w := getWindow() if w.enableuiaccess.checked && !IsTrustedLocation(path) { MsgBox 0x2034, AutoHotkey Setup, Installing to "%path%" will disable the "Run with UI Access" option`, which requires that you install to a subdirectory of Program Files.`n`nInstall here anyway? IfMsgBox No return false w.enableuiaccess.checked := false } return true } installdir_onchange() { local w := getWindow() if !installdir_allowed(w.installdir.value) w.installdir.value := DefaultPath } enableuiaccess_onchange() { local w := getWindow() if w.enableuiaccess.checked && !IsTrustedLocation(w.installdir.value) { w.enableuiaccess.checked := false MsgBox 0x2030, AutoHotkey Setup, This option requires installing AutoHotkey to a subdirectory of Program Files. } } IsTrustedLocation(path) { ; http://msdn.com/library/bb756929 EnvGet other, % A_PtrSize=8 ? "ProgramFiles(x86)" : "ProgramW6432" return InStr(path, A_ProgramFiles "\") = 1 || other && InStr(path, other "\") = 1 } EnableUIAccess(filename) { hStore := DllCall("Crypt32\CertOpenStore", "ptr", 10 ; STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W , "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0x20000 ; SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE , "wstr", "Root", "ptr") if !hStore throw p := DllCall("Crypt32\CertFindCertificateInStore", "ptr", hStore , "uint", 0x10001 ; X509_ASN_ENCODING|PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING , "uint", 0, "uint", 0x80007 ; FIND_SUBJECT_STR , "wstr", "AutoHotkey", "ptr", 0, "ptr") if p cert := new CertContext(p) else cert := EnableUIAccess_CreateCert("AutoHotkey", hStore) EnableUIAccess_SetManifest(filename) EnableUIAccess_SignFile(filename, cert, "AutoHotkey") } EnableUIAccess_SetManifest(file) { xml := ComObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument") xml.async := false xml.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") xml.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces" , "xmlns:v1='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' " . "xmlns:v3='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3'") if !xml.load("res://" file "/#24/#1") ; Load current manifest throw node := xml.selectSingleNode("/v1:assembly/v3:trustInfo/v3:security" . "/v3:requestedPrivileges/v3:requestedExecutionLevel") if !node ; Not AutoHotkey v1.1? throw node.setAttribute("uiAccess", "true") xml := RTrim(xml.xml, "`r`n") VarSetCapacity(data, data_size := StrPut(xml, "utf-8") - 1) StrPut(xml, &data, "utf-8") if !(hupd := DllCall("BeginUpdateResource", "str", file, "int", false)) throw r := DllCall("UpdateResource", "ptr", hupd, "ptr", 24, "ptr", 1 , "ushort", 1033, "ptr", &data, "uint", data_size) if !DllCall("EndUpdateResource", "ptr", hupd, "int", !r) && r throw } EnableUIAccess_CreateCert(CertName, hStore) { if !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptAcquireContext", "ptr*", hProv , "str", CertName, "ptr", 0, "uint", 1, "uint", 8) ; PROV_RSA_FULL=1, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET=8 throw prov := new CryptContext(hProv) if !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptGenKey", "ptr", hProv , "uint", 2, "uint", 0x4000001, "ptr*", hKey) ; AT_SIGNATURE=2, EXPORTABLE=..01 throw key := new CryptKey(hKey) Loop 2 { if A_Index = 1 pbName := cbName := 0 else VarSetCapacity(bName, cbName), pbName := &bName if !DllCall("Crypt32\CertStrToName", "uint", 1, "str", "CN=" CertName , "uint", 3, "ptr", 0, "ptr", pbName, "uint*", cbName, "ptr", 0) ; X509_ASN_ENCODING=1, CERT_X500_NAME_STR=3 throw } VarSetCapacity(cnb, 2*A_PtrSize), NumPut(pbName, NumPut(cbName, cnb)) VarSetCapacity(endTime, 16) DllCall("GetSystemTime", "ptr", &endTime) NumPut(NumGet(endTime, "ushort") + 10, endTime, "ushort") ; += 10 years if !hCert := DllCall("Crypt32\CertCreateSelfSignCertificate" , "ptr", hProv, "ptr", &cnb, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0 , "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", &endTime, "ptr", 0, "ptr") throw cert := new CertContext(hCert) if !DllCall("Crypt32\CertAddCertificateContextToStore", "ptr", hStore , "ptr", hCert, "uint", 1, "ptr", 0) ; STORE_ADD_NEW=1 throw return cert } class CryptContext { __New(p) { this.p := p } __Delete() { DllCall("Advapi32\CryptReleaseContext", "ptr", this.p, "uint", 0) } } class CertContext extends CryptContext { __Delete() { DllCall("Crypt32\CertFreeCertificateContext", "ptr", this.p) } } class CryptKey extends CryptContext { __Delete() { DllCall("Advapi32\CryptDestroyKey", "ptr", this.p) } } EnableUIAccess_SignFile(File, CertCtx, Name) { VarSetCapacity(wfile, 2 * StrPut(File, "utf-16")), StrPut(File, &wfile, "utf-16") VarSetCapacity(wname, 2 * StrPut(Name, "utf-16")), StrPut(Name, &wname, "utf-16") cert_ptr := IsObject(CertCtx) ? CertCtx.p : CertCtx EnableUIAccess_Struct(file_info, "ptr", A_PtrSize*3 ; SIGNER_FILE_INFO , "ptr", &wfile) VarSetCapacity(dwIndex, 4, 0) ; DWORD EnableUIAccess_Struct(subject_info, "ptr", A_PtrSize*4 ; SIGNER_SUBJECT_INFO , "ptr", &dwIndex, "ptr", SIGNER_SUBJECT_FILE:=1, "ptr", &file_info) EnableUIAccess_Struct(cert_store_info, "ptr", A_PtrSize*4 ; SIGNER_CERT_STORE_INFO , "ptr", cert_ptr, "ptr", SIGNER_CERT_POLICY_CHAIN:=2) EnableUIAccess_Struct(cert_info, "uint", 8+A_PtrSize*2 ; SIGNER_CERT , "uint", SIGNER_CERT_STORE:=2, "ptr", &cert_store_info) EnableUIAccess_Struct(authcode_attr, "uint", 8+A_PtrSize*3 ; SIGNER_ATTR_AUTHCODE , "int", false, "ptr", true, "ptr", &wname) EnableUIAccess_Struct(sig_info, "uint", 8+A_PtrSize*4 ; SIGNER_SIGNATURE_INFO , "uint", CALG_SHA1:=0x8004, "ptr", SIGNER_AUTHCODE_ATTR:=1 , "ptr", &authcode_attr) hr := DllCall("MSSign32\SignerSign" , "ptr", &subject_info, "ptr", &cert_info, "ptr", &sig_info , "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint") if (hr != 0) throw hr } EnableUIAccess_Struct(ByRef struct, arg*) { VarSetCapacity(struct, arg[2], 0), p := &struct Loop % arg.Length()//2 p := NumPut(arg[2], p+0, arg[1]), arg.RemoveAt(1, 2) return &struct } InstallCompilerFiles() { FileCreateDir Compiler InstallFile("Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe") InstallFile("Compiler\ANSI 32-bit.bin") InstallFile("Compiler\Unicode 32-bit.bin") ; Install the following file even if !isOS64bit() to support ; compiling scripts for 64-bit systems on 32-bit systems: InstallFile("Compiler\Unicode 64-bit.bin") } RemoveCompiler() { global FileDelete Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe FileDelete Compiler\ANSI 32-bit.bin FileDelete Compiler\Unicode 32-bit.bin FileDelete Compiler\Unicode 64-bit.bin FileDelete Compiler\AutoHotkeySC.bin FileRemoveDir Compiler ; Only if empty. RegDelete HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Ahk2Exe.exe } HandleExec(n) { ++n argn := %false% while (n <= argn) { fn := Func("Exec_" %n%), ++n, args := [] while (n <= argn) { v := %n%, ++n if v = /exec break args.Push(v) } c := args.Length() if !fn || c < fn.MinParams || (c > fn.MaxParams && !fn.IsVariadic) ErrorExit("Internal: bad /exec") %fn%(args*) } } Exec_Kill(id) { DetectHiddenWindows On WinKill ahk_id %id% WinWaitClose ahk_id %id%,, 10 } Exec_SetExe(exefile, SilentMode := false) { InstallFile(exefile, "AutoHotkey.exe") if !SilentMode MsgBox 64, AutoHotkey Setup, The settings have been updated. } DefineUI: html= (%`
Which version of AutoHotkey.exe should run by default?
this shouldn't take long...
Installation complete.