The script execution model - Sequence of events

The sequence of events that occur when you execute (ie load and render to your favorite encoder) an AviSynth script is presented below. The sequence is conseptualy divided in three major phases:

  1. Initialisation phase
  2. Script loading and parsing phase
  3. The video frames serving phase

The initialisation phase

During this phase the following events occur:

During auto-loading:

The script loading and parsing phase

During this phase the following events occur:

The video frames serving phase

During this phase the following events occur:

Note: since runtime scripts may be anywhere in the filter chain and frames may be shuffled (AviSynth is an NLE after all!) the statement "for that frame" should be interpreted as "for that frame of the final clip and any linked frames of intermediate clips".

Back to the script execution model.

$Date: 2008/04/20 19:07:34 $