KeePass VariousImport Plugin

This plugin can import the following file formats:

 PINs TXT Import

VariousImport can import text files exported by the PINs password manager.

In order to migrate from PINs to KeePass, follow these steps:

  1. Start PINs and choose 'English' as language.
  2. Restart PINs and open your database.
  3. Start the PINs text export assistant ('File - Export to text file...').
  4. Save the file to a location of your choice.
  5. Export all fields (don't disable any of them!).
  6. Set the field separator to ';' (semicolon).
  7. Enable the 'Quote (" ") texts' option.
  8. Click 'OK' to export your passwords.

All these steps are required. If you leave one out, the import in KeePass will most probably fail.

If the import into KeePass fails, open the exported file and have a look at the first line. It must look like:

"Category";"System";"User";"Password";"URL/Comments";"Custom";"Start date";"Expires";"More info"

If the line doesn't look like this, you've either chosen wrong options (see above) or are using an unsupported version of PINs.