drawing-wand.h File Reference

#include "wand/pixel-wand.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef struct _DrawingWand DrawingWand


WandExport AlignType DrawGetTextAlignment (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport char * DrawGetClipPath (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport char ** DrawGetException (const DrawingWand *, ExceptionType *)
WandExport char *** DrawGetFont (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport char **** DrawGetFontFamily (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport char ***** DrawGetTextEncoding (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport char ****** DrawGetVectorGraphics (DrawingWand *)
WandExport ClipPathUnits DrawGetClipUnits (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport DecorationType DrawGetTextDecoration (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport double DrawGetFillOpacity (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport double DrawGetFontSize (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeDashArray (const DrawingWand *, unsigned long *)
WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeDashOffset (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeOpacity (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeWidth (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport DrawInfo * PeekDrawingWand (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport DrawingWandCloneDrawingWand (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport DrawingWand ** DestroyDrawingWand (DrawingWand *)
WandExport DrawingWand *** DrawAllocateWand (const DrawInfo *, Image *)
WandExport DrawingWand **** NewDrawingWand (void)
WandExport ExceptionType DrawGetExceptionType (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport FillRule DrawGetClipRule (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport FillRule DrawGetFillRule (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport GravityType DrawGetGravity (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport LineCap DrawGetStrokeLineCap (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport LineJoin DrawGetStrokeLineJoin (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawClearException (DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawComposite (DrawingWand *, const CompositeOperator, const double, const double, const double, const double, MagickWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawGetStrokeAntialias (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawGetTextAntialias (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawPopPattern (DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawPushPattern (DrawingWand *, const char *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawRender (DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetClipPath (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetFillPatternURL (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetFont (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetFontFamily (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetStrokeDashArray (DrawingWand *, const unsigned long, const double *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetStrokePatternURL (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetVectorGraphics (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType IsDrawingWand (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType PopDrawingWand (DrawingWand *)
WandExport MagickBooleanType PushDrawingWand (DrawingWand *)
WandExport StretchType DrawGetFontStretch (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport StyleType DrawGetFontStyle (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport unsigned long DrawGetFontWeight (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport unsigned long DrawGetStrokeMiterLimit (const DrawingWand *)
WandExport void ClearDrawingWand (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawAffine (DrawingWand *, const AffineMatrix *)
WandExport void DrawAnnotation (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const unsigned char *)
WandExport void DrawArc (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawBezier (DrawingWand *, const unsigned long, const PointInfo *)
WandExport void DrawCircle (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawColor (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const PaintMethod)
WandExport void DrawComment (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport void DrawEllipse (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawGetFillColor (const DrawingWand *, PixelWand *)
WandExport void DrawGetStrokeColor (const DrawingWand *, PixelWand *)
WandExport void DrawGetTextUnderColor (const DrawingWand *, PixelWand *)
WandExport void DrawLine (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawMatte (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const PaintMethod)
WandExport void DrawPathClose (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const MagickBooleanType, const MagickBooleanType, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathEllipticArcRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const MagickBooleanType, const MagickBooleanType, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathFinish (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawPathLineToAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathLineToRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathLineToVerticalRelative (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathMoveToAbsolute (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathMoveToRelative (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPathStart (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawPoint (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawPolygon (DrawingWand *, const unsigned long, const PointInfo *)
WandExport void DrawPolyline (DrawingWand *, const unsigned long, const PointInfo *)
WandExport void DrawPopClipPath (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawPopDefs (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawPushClipPath (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport void DrawPushDefs (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawRectangle (DrawingWand *, const double, const double, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawResetVectorGraphics (DrawingWand *)
WandExport void DrawRotate (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawRoundRectangle (DrawingWand *, double, double, double, double, double, double)
WandExport void DrawScale (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)
WandExport void DrawSetClipRule (DrawingWand *, const FillRule)
WandExport void DrawSetClipUnits (DrawingWand *, const ClipPathUnits)
WandExport void DrawSetFillColor (DrawingWand *, const PixelWand *)
WandExport void DrawSetFillOpacity (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawSetFillRule (DrawingWand *, const FillRule)
WandExport void DrawSetFontSize (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawSetFontStretch (DrawingWand *, const StretchType)
WandExport void DrawSetFontStyle (DrawingWand *, const StyleType)
WandExport void DrawSetFontWeight (DrawingWand *, const unsigned long)
WandExport void DrawSetGravity (DrawingWand *, const GravityType)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeAntialias (DrawingWand *, const MagickBooleanType)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeColor (DrawingWand *, const PixelWand *)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeDashOffset (DrawingWand *, const double dashoffset)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeLineCap (DrawingWand *, const LineCap)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeLineJoin (DrawingWand *, const LineJoin)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeMiterLimit (DrawingWand *, const unsigned long)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeOpacity (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawSetStrokeWidth (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawSetTextAlignment (DrawingWand *, const AlignType)
WandExport void DrawSetTextAntialias (DrawingWand *, const MagickBooleanType)
WandExport void DrawSetTextDecoration (DrawingWand *, const DecorationType)
WandExport void DrawSetTextEncoding (DrawingWand *, const char *)
WandExport void DrawSetTextUnderColor (DrawingWand *, const PixelWand *)
WandExport void DrawSetViewbox (DrawingWand *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
WandExport void DrawSkewX (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawSkewY (DrawingWand *, const double)
WandExport void DrawTranslate (DrawingWand *, const double, const double)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _DrawingWand DrawingWand

Function Documentation

WandExport void ClearDrawingWand ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport DrawingWand* CloneDrawingWand ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport DrawingWand* * DestroyDrawingWand ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawAffine ( DrawingWand ,
const AffineMatrix *   

WandExport DrawingWand* * * DrawAllocateWand ( const DrawInfo *  ,
Image *   

WandExport void DrawAnnotation ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const unsigned char *   

WandExport void DrawArc ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawBezier ( DrawingWand ,
const unsigned long  ,
const PointInfo *   

WandExport void DrawCircle ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawClearException ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawColor ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   PaintMethod 

WandExport void DrawComment ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawComposite ( DrawingWand ,
const   CompositeOperator,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,

WandExport void DrawEllipse ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport char* DrawGetClipPath ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport FillRule DrawGetClipRule ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport ClipPathUnits DrawGetClipUnits ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport char* * DrawGetException ( const DrawingWand ,
ExceptionType *   

WandExport ExceptionType DrawGetExceptionType ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawGetFillColor ( const DrawingWand ,

WandExport double DrawGetFillOpacity ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport FillRule DrawGetFillRule ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport char* * * DrawGetFont ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport char* * * * DrawGetFontFamily ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport double DrawGetFontSize ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport StretchType DrawGetFontStretch ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport StyleType DrawGetFontStyle ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport unsigned long DrawGetFontWeight ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport GravityType DrawGetGravity ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawGetStrokeAntialias ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawGetStrokeColor ( const DrawingWand ,

WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeDashArray ( const DrawingWand ,
unsigned long *   

WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeDashOffset ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport LineCap DrawGetStrokeLineCap ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport LineJoin DrawGetStrokeLineJoin ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport unsigned long DrawGetStrokeMiterLimit ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeOpacity ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport double * DrawGetStrokeWidth ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport AlignType DrawGetTextAlignment ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawGetTextAntialias ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport DecorationType DrawGetTextDecoration ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport char* * * * * DrawGetTextEncoding ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawGetTextUnderColor ( const DrawingWand ,

WandExport char* * * * * * DrawGetVectorGraphics ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawLine ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawMatte ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   PaintMethod 

WandExport void DrawPathClose ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   MagickBooleanType,
const   MagickBooleanType,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathEllipticArcRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   MagickBooleanType,
const   MagickBooleanType,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathFinish ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawPathLineToAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathLineToRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathLineToVerticalRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathMoveToAbsolute ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathMoveToRelative ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPathStart ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawPoint ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawPolygon ( DrawingWand ,
const unsigned long  ,
const PointInfo *   

WandExport void DrawPolyline ( DrawingWand ,
const unsigned long  ,
const PointInfo *   

WandExport void DrawPopClipPath ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawPopDefs ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawPopPattern ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawPushClipPath ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawPushDefs ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawPushPattern ( DrawingWand ,
const char *  ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawRectangle ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawRender ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawResetVectorGraphics ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport void DrawRotate ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawRoundRectangle ( DrawingWand ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,

WandExport void DrawScale ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetClipPath ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawSetClipRule ( DrawingWand ,
const   FillRule 

WandExport void DrawSetClipUnits ( DrawingWand ,
const   ClipPathUnits 

WandExport void DrawSetFillColor ( DrawingWand ,
const PixelWand  

WandExport void DrawSetFillOpacity ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetFillPatternURL ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawSetFillRule ( DrawingWand ,
const   FillRule 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetFont ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetFontFamily ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawSetFontSize ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawSetFontStretch ( DrawingWand ,
const   StretchType 

WandExport void DrawSetFontStyle ( DrawingWand ,
const   StyleType 

WandExport void DrawSetFontWeight ( DrawingWand ,
const unsigned long   

WandExport void DrawSetGravity ( DrawingWand ,
const   GravityType 

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeAntialias ( DrawingWand ,
const   MagickBooleanType 

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeColor ( DrawingWand ,
const PixelWand  

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetStrokeDashArray ( DrawingWand ,
const unsigned long  ,
const double *   

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeDashOffset ( DrawingWand ,
const double  dashoffset 

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeLineCap ( DrawingWand ,
const   LineCap 

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeLineJoin ( DrawingWand ,
const   LineJoin 

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeMiterLimit ( DrawingWand ,
const unsigned long   

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeOpacity ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetStrokePatternURL ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawSetStrokeWidth ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawSetTextAlignment ( DrawingWand ,
const   AlignType 

WandExport void DrawSetTextAntialias ( DrawingWand ,
const   MagickBooleanType 

WandExport void DrawSetTextDecoration ( DrawingWand ,
const   DecorationType 

WandExport void DrawSetTextEncoding ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawSetTextUnderColor ( DrawingWand ,
const PixelWand  

WandExport MagickBooleanType DrawSetVectorGraphics ( DrawingWand ,
const char *   

WandExport void DrawSetViewbox ( DrawingWand ,
unsigned long  ,
unsigned long  ,
unsigned long  ,
unsigned long   

WandExport void DrawSkewX ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawSkewY ( DrawingWand ,
const   double 

WandExport void DrawTranslate ( DrawingWand ,
const   double,
const   double 

WandExport MagickBooleanType IsDrawingWand ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport DrawingWand* * * * NewDrawingWand ( void   ) 

WandExport DrawInfo* PeekDrawingWand ( const DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport MagickBooleanType PopDrawingWand ( DrawingWand  ) 

WandExport MagickBooleanType PushDrawingWand ( DrawingWand  ) 

Generated on Sat Jan 26 14:50:34 2008 for MagickWand by  doxygen 1.5.4